Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 482 - Important News



"Spill dude. Who sent you? You have been watching her since she walked in. Talk or I make you." He did not look threatened enough, so Yin Lifen decided to up her game.

"I may not be overly influential as her peeps are but trust me, I can break your leg and make you have blue balls if you do not spill."

"That's illegal."

"And so is spying on someone else's wife. From the looks of things," she eyed him from head to toe. "You look no more than a university dude. Perhpoas in your mid or finals. I wonder what your school would say if they find out you were involved in illegal deals."

"No, please. It would ruin my career."

"Great. Then think twice about who the fuck you are trying to protect and who you are up against. I may not be as kind as she is, trust me, I wuld help her hubby deal with you and when he finds out you wanted to have a good time with his wife… Oh boy, your career is gone."

Li Jing could not believ her friend could get like this. Just looking at the young man, he looked like he would pee in his pants any second from there and she did not want that in her car.

"Fen Fen… You are scaring him," Li Jing whispered.

"He should be, because I am not joking. Are you ready to talk?"


"Good. Now who sent you?" Yin Lifen asked with a nice smile.

"I do not want trouble. I was only asked to tail her and get any important news from her and I swear I heard nothing. I just started…"

"That is nit important," Yin Lifen interjected. "Spill the beans. Who sent you?"

"It was…" he hung his head low. "It was Miss Bai."

"Bai Qing Mei, that…" Li Jing clenched her fist.

Looking at her friend, Yin Lifen understood. 'At least it wasn't Li Xiu, else I would have killed her myself,' Yin Lifen thought. "Ohh… Okay."

"It isn't okay," Li Jing blurted out.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because, now he works for me and would only feed Bai Qing Mei the information I want him to. Understood?"

"And why should I work for you?" The boy asked, daringly.

"Tsk… because I can ruin your career and also leave you to her," she pointed at Yin Lifen. "I bet you two would have such a really good time. Besides, who would believe you when you clearly wanted a good sex? Your call anyway. I would pay you what she offered."

"No double it."

"Why you," Yin Lifen raised her hand threateningly. "Tsk, be glad he is not giving you to the police to handle. You still have the effrontery to request more money. Ungrateful rat. Do not let your looks deceive you. You are still just a boy in my eyes."

"Fine. I accept."

"We are not done yet. I would send you a written document of which you would sign for me. Okay?"

"Fine. Anything you want but please keep your word and leave my career out of it and not take me to the police or even give me blue balls."

"You have my word," Li Jing assured him. "Now, your phone." He handed it to her and she inputted her number and dialed it. As soon as she got his contact, she smiled and returned his phone. "It was nice doing business with you. Now where is your school, let me drop you off."

"You should let him trek, if I were you," Yin Lifen spouted out, ignoring his feelings.

"We are not Bai Qing Mei. He is still just fending for himself. Now, let us go."


By the time she returned home from work, she was tempted to call Ye Cheng and inform him of the rubbish that happened today but decided to handle it herself and not bother him yet.

"Hmm, I know he would be pissed off if I tell him, perhaps I should watch the situation and play her for the fool that she is first. Ah, by the way, I haven't heard from that investigator. Now would be a good time to call him."

Quickly, she took her phone and dialed his number.

"Hello, good evening, ma'am."

'Hello. Evening. Sorry I have not been able to call you since. Any update/"

"Umm, I…"

"Please no negatives, please," Li Jing pleaded with him.

"I understand ma. Considering the last time we did not get enough time to talk…"

"Yes, about that, I am very sorry," Li Jing quickly interjected.

"No worries at all. Like I said, I managed to tail them as much as I could and got the new alias they used after they married."

"Great. Who was my father, please. And what or where are they?"

"Please do brace yourself ma for what I am about to tell you."

"Got it. Phew!"

"Umm, through some digging, I found your father's name to be Mr Yan Yu Zhi and your mother's new alias was Ji, Sang Ji. They had a daughter though."

"And her name?"

"Not really known. She was mostly indoors according to their long time neighbor. But the news that would shock you the most, ma'am is…"

"Wait." Li Jing took a deep pause and steadied her breathing.

This was big and she needed to prepare herself for it. Taking in a deep breath, she smiled and spoke up. "Please continue."

"Okay. They lived a peaceful life and one out of sight, so their neighbours said. He had assumed they were hiding something but unfortunately, no one got to find out. The last time they heard r saw from them, was during an accident."

"Oh no!" She quickly covered her lips with her hand. "I'm sorry, please continue."

"I need to go investigate and see more but from the little I could gather, they had an accident but the wife and daughter where nowhere to be found. Save for her husband who was found dead at the scene."


Li Jing felt her heart began to beat harder than It should have on a normal day.

"Many people had believed that your mother had initiated the accident and killed your father to run away with his money."

"How dare they!"

"Calm down, but I find something odd though."

"What is that?"

"The fact that after the accident, none of their properties was taken. Everything was left as it was. Not even their clothing. It was obvious that their disappearance till this day was unknown. Till date no one knows what became of them. The police wanted to pronounce them dead since there was no hope and all, but an unknown person rejected and thus they were proclaimed missing."

"No." Li Jing did not know what she was going to do. All she had was no longer enough. It was like she had come once again to another dead end.

"No, no… no… No!"

"Ma, please calm down."

"No! We were close. This cannot be."

"I never said it was. Neither did I say we are giving up. I only said what a neighbor stated. But I would inquire more and get to the bottom of this."

"Fine. Please do. I cannot begin to imagine what things has been going on."

"Calm down. I would go through the death record from back then. I hope for your sake that he isn't part of them."

"But do you think the neighbor would have lied about such a thing?" Li Jing asked. She wasn't sure that such a story could be made up. Not that it couldn't though, especially the speculations of them thinking, my mother planned the accident and ran away."

"I already told you, didn't I? I checked a bit and found out from another neighbor that the house remained and no one had since come to live there."

"And why is that?"

"People tend to believe that it was hunted by your father's ghost but when I looked closely, it was bought a month later after they had declared the case closed and declared them missing."

"Who bought it? Can you help me find out? I would love to buy it back."

"Even that remains a misery. No one knows who bought it. I am suspecting the person who influenced that the case be closed and termed missing for both your mother and you. Up till this point, no one inhabits the house."

"Okay, great. I just need to figure out who might have known them well enough to be so influential in helping."

"Well your grandfather is wealthy and famous as well as your granduncle. You can ask them."

"No. I am afraid this cannot be tied to them. They each have no idea about my mother or how she changed her name. If not, my grandfather would have found her a long time ago."

"I see."

"Yes. By the way, please, I need a huge favour."

"Okay, ask away."

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