Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 478 - Mild Acceptance



"Because, I won them over. I am your son, you know," he bragged causing Li An to shake her head at him.

"Basically they tell you info on things you need to know and not much about me. Hey and do not query them, I just did not like being monitored."

"Fine. Now about your father, what should we do?"

"Simple, this is what we would do."


By the next morning when they finished bathing and preparing for work, Li Jing and Ye Cheng both went over to his mother's room to greet her.

"Mum, good morning."

"Good morning, ma," Li Jing greeted after him.

"Morning. Please do have? sit."

Leading the way, Li An took them over to where her mini living room was in her room and they all sat.

"As I promised, here is my wife," he introduced. "Her name is Li Jing."

"Nice to meet you ma." Even though she had him near, she still looked nervouse being in oresent of his mother and she caught on to it easily.

"Why do you fret?" Li An asked out of the blue.

"It is nothing ma. You misunderstood."

"Do I?" she pressed on, looking sternly at Li Jing.

Li Jing on the other hand could barely hold herself and quickly sought for her husband's calming eyes to soothe her worries.

"Do not worry, you would be fine. She won't bite," he assured her in a whisper.

"Okay," Li Jing whispered back.

Taking in a deep breath, she directed her gaze back at her mother-in-law and gave her a small smile. 'Ma, I am okay. Thanks for asking. How are you by the way?"

"Hmm… As you can see, I am faring well."


That was it and the two ladies did not speak further. Ye Cheng was left in an awkward atmosphere with two of the most important ladies in hos life.

'Sigh! I wonder how father managed when it was him, mum and his mother?'

"Ahem!" He darted his gaze between them to see if he got their attention but both were just too carried away to even notice him doing that. "Ahem!" he cleared his throat much louder than the first.

"Yes?" both ladies responded at once.

"Hmm, why not we umm head down for breakfast? It would be nice to eat as a family and honestly ma. I missed eating with you."

"Why yes. Breakfast sounds good."

"Great," Li Jing chipped in, feeling awkward by her timing.

Fortunately for her, her hubby was observant and took this opportunity to lock their hands together.

"By the way, mum, about what we discussed yesterday."

"Yes. What is wrong?"

"Nothing. I just hope you remember it all?"

"Yes, like the back of my hands."

"Great. If you run into him, give me a flash call and then all would play out well."

"You be careful in the office today."

"I will."

"Okay, now shall we? Yu are going to love the dish, she prepared it especially for you."

"Did she now?" Li An cast a side glance at Li Jing and smiled.

Yeah her daughter-in-law was trying her best to win her favour. 'Hmm, let us see how good she is in the kitchen then.' She thought.

As they all filed out to leave, Li An ensured Li Jing left first with Ye Cheng at the back. Right before he stepped out she called his name.


"Yes mum."

"I won't bite right? You would tell me since when your mother looks like a dog or werewolf that bites and scares her victims."

"I am just joking ma."

"I know. Let's be on our way."


It did take a while and Ye Sheng refused to corner or visit Li An even though she no longer hid and was parading herself around.

He was actually being calculative and trying to figure out what his son and wife were planning but no matter how hard he tried he could not get any useful info.

Meanwhile, Li An and Li Jing still were finding it difficult getting along but at least, Ye Cheng did not have to bother with the quarrel between himself and his mother again.

While she went ahead with her everyday business, she managed to keep tabs on her search for her mother. So far her investigator still did not give her any favourable news but she could not blame him still considering this was an incident that occurred over twenty years ago.

On a very good day while she pondered on what he had been telling her, she decided to call him to check his progress status so far.


"Good day ma'am."

"Afternoon. How are you?"

"Fine. I trust you are fine, too?"

"Yes. You see, I called to know the status so far. What new discovery have you made?"

"Honestly not so much. I was lucky enough but…"

"Wait, hold on. Why is that the issue? I expected that by now you would have figured out so much but no. You already got their address and stuff, right?"

"Right. Unfortunately, they changed their names. So it was harder to search and even in their new names, it was still hard to get things parched. Most people have forgotten them, some do not know and just said they vanished but I think…"

"My love. My love?" Ye Cheng called out again, interrupting her call.

"Okay, keep digging, I would call you later. Please I need a positive reply when next I call."

"Noted ma."

"My love?"

"Just a minute…" she ended the call and went towards the dor to unlock it.

"Hmm, what was someone doing alone that she chose to lock me out?"

"Don't be silly. I wasn't doing anything in particular."


"What do you think?" Li Jing asked, feigning ignorance.

"That my wifey is up or on to something."

"Great then, it is a secret and a surprise."

"I can't wait then," he said and pulled her body closer to his, ignoring the fact that his dick was poking at her.

"I see someone was missing me."

"What can I say? The mere thought of you turns me on, babe."

"Naught CEO."

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