Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 448 - Finalizing Business Deals 1



A few days later, Li Jing made her way to Ye Cheng's company. Luckily she had managed to finish with all that needed her attention in her own company and left early.

It was the day they were planning on finalizing the business deals they had. Well most of them actually.

Ye Cheng had asked for her to be present n the meeting as a way of not only showing her off to his father that she was his whether he liked it or not but also for her expertize in the finance sector.


The door pushed open and her assistant walked into her office.

"Ma, you called?"

"Yes, please get my thing ready for the meeting, I leave in the next three minutes."

"Yes, ma."

She had not yet seen her Father-in-law and considering this was a major meeting with their business associates, he was going to be present.

She knew vey well he did not like her since she spoilt his chance of having a lady he could control but she wasn't getting married for him, so what did she care?

Yes when the time comes, she planned on seeing him one on one with Ye Cheng for proper introductions and then she would live her life as she wanted.

"Sigh, it is okay, Li Jing, he won't bite. Besides, no one can pull you down, not anymore. Just go there and shine for your husband."

After prep talking herself, she picked up her phone and headed out of her office.


As soon s everyone arrived, they had their seats, leaving the first and top two seats unoccupied. Even thpough it had been long that Li Jing was present in these meetings, she knew very well who those two seats belonged to.

They were for Ye Sheng and Ye Cheng.

The father and son did like to make an entrance as it would seem. Li Jing tapped away on the table subconsciously. She really wanted to go see Ye Cheng the very second she stepped intot the building but she could not. She felt he would be busy preparing for it and now she wished she had, at least before arriving for the meeting.

Somehow, she had just started missing him and longed for just a kiss from her beloved. It took her sometime of scolding herself mentally before she calmed down.

It was business after all. It wasn't nice mixing pleasures with business. By the time the Chairman arrived, everyone stood up to welcome him as he took his seat at the top most chair in the conference room.

Shortly after, the door pushed open again revealing the dashing CEO of Dream Star Corporations. Without a word to anyone Ye Cheng made his way to his seat and sat down.

He looked to his side and saw Li Jing seated calmly and not saying anything nor even looking at his direction. Right opposite him was his friend and vice, Yi Wang Lei. He shook his head at Ye Cheng before opening the file before him and awaited the next agenda on the list.

Ye Cheng smirked briefly at Li Jing, enjoying how composure and beauty, ignoring his friend and everyone else, before looking at his father and the other members of the meeting.

"Good morning Mr Chairman, sir. A pleasant morning to everyone, I apologize for being late. First, I would like to say a big thank you to our investors and business partners for taking out time to be here themselves. With that, I kick start this meeting. We are assembled here today to conclude and finalize the signing of the documents of our proposed business deal."


Everyone looked in the direction of who spoke and rudely interrupted the CEO. It was the Chairman, himself.

Ye Cheng arched a brow at him. He did not inderstand or see the reson for the interruption but something told him he already had a god idea of what it was.

"Good morning all, once again."

'Morning, Mr Chairman," everyone greeted.

"First I apologize for what I am about to do but I thought this meeting was strictly for some of the board members and some of our business associates?"

Although he was not directing the question to Yi Wang Lei, still his gaze was set on him while he directed the question to Ye Cheng.

Seeing the situation, Ye Cheng intentionally kept mute and leaned back against his chair. He really was going to play as his father wished.

"Umm, yes sir," Yi Wang Lei, quickly responded on Ye Cheng's behalf.

"I was not directing the question to you, Wang Lei. Ye Cheng, give me an answer."

"Well now that you have specified, yes."

"Good. So why then is she showing her face here?" He pointed a finger at Li Jing. He was looking for trouble and he was going to get it.

With all seriousness in his face, Ye Cheng averted his gaze to Li Jing and then his father.

"I believe she is Dream Star Corporation's Financial manager and nit only that, she is my wife and a very key part of this business. Not just that, she is another important investor I believe you do not want to lose. As that answered your question well?"

Ye Sheng did not answer or say anything to him.

Ye Cheng waited for another minute yet nothing. "In that accord, I believe proceeding on to the next agenda would be best. Now, we would have a brief…"

"I am not yet done," YeSheng said, interjecting him again.

Ye Cheng smiled, colsong his eyes briefly. "Then air out your views and I would be sure to clarify."

"She hasn't been introduced yet and has she passed through the normal procedures in ensuring she is fit to be amongst us here? How come I was not aware that anew financial manager was given out and now a small business lady is here amongst us? Is this a joke to you?"

"With all due respect, Mr Ye Sheng, she has all capable rights to be here."

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