Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 701

Chapter 701: Without You, There Is No Me



She did not need to trouble her brain much as the next thing she saw, he lowered himself to one knee and reached into his back pocket to get something out.

“I want to take the next step with you,” he informed her and revealed the small box.

Her lips parted as her jaw dropped at what was happening right there. “Aid...”

“My love Ava, would you do me the honours of marrying me?”

Her eyes widened with shock while the corners of her lips pulled upwards, revealing a breathtaking smile as she blushed endlessly at what she saw.


“Ava,” he called out again. “Please love, marry me and let us spend the rest of our lives together.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She jumped on her feet as joy enveloped her in more ways than she could think of.

A proud smile appeared on his face as well, as he waited for her initial excitement to die down a little and then he did the right thing.

After some seconds, she calmed down a bit and watched him open the small red box. A small gasp fell off her lips at the sight of the dazzling silver ring, with a small diamond on it.

She placed her right hand over her lips and she stretched forth her left hand, shutting her eyes and waiting for the lovely ring to become one with her fingers.

His smile only broadened some more. Gently, he pulled out the ring from the box and returned the box to his pocket before guiding the ring down the length of her finger.

She waited and did not open her eyes until she felt it get to the end of her finger. Only then did she pry her eyes open.

He stood up, holding both of her hands in his as he gently, ever so loving pulled her in for a hug.

Rather than go for the hug he was aiming for, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

Hugs were good but Yin Lifen, could not get enough of the young man standing before her. He was so breathtaking and all she wanted was to remain in his arms.

He returned her kiss, taking it slowly and passionately.

There were no rushing things anymore. It was just the two of them. She was officially his now with nothing to worry about.

If there was one thing, he was glad his ex-fiancé agreed to things and let him go. Although a part of his family still did not accept his actions, his mother was okay with him finding his happiness.

And he did. With her.

They pulled back, pressing their foreheads together while the happiness they had never experienced before surged through them like never before.

“I love you,” she pressed a kiss on his lisp again.

“Me too, darling. I adore you, love you, cherish you and worship you.”

His eyes shone with lone and vibrance. He was professing his love for one who he adored and even more, she was not someone his family had chosen for him, but the one his heart yearned for.

The joy of being able to do that and get what he wanted when others in his shoes couldn’t be something his joy could never and never be able to contain.

Their lips found each other again and resumed that sweet battle.

They forgot about every other thing else at that moment and allowed their desires, to go wild, loving all that it brought them and the joy of having it after a long time.

His hands moved from her chest, sliding down to her stomach and then her backside, where her plump ass waited for his daring hands.

He squeezed the lovely flesh before going underneath her gown to touch her smooth butt.

“Aaah...” she bit softly on her lower lips, watching him through her lashes.

The look of absolute passion in those eyes of his made her want to squirm in his arms, as her feet already felt like jelly from his touch.

He captured her lips again, raising her up from her butt at the same time. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He found the couch and placed her butt on it while a hand rested on her hips and the other snaked up to her hair.

Their lips touched, entwined and kissed while their tongues danced to the silent rhythm of their breathing.

Within a few minutes, things already got so heated. He reached under her butt and pulled her gown up to her stomach. As the seconds went by, so did his need for her rise.

They had been apart for long enough and now, all he wanted was dessert. He wanted to skip the meal and just enjoy and cherish his dessert.

“Aahhh... Aiden...” she managed to let out through her soft moans before his lips claimed hers again.

His fingers went back to business, pressing against her boobs. He massaged the soft flesh in his palms, silently wishing he could do more to their bare form.

His eyes darkened as he took a single step back, breaking the kiss, to gaze down at her figure. “You are so beautiful.”


“I want to see you in your birthday suit while I eat you out.” She tried closing her legs when he said that but his body prevented it.

Gliding his hands down her arm to rest on the top of her knee, he smirked mischievously as he yanked her legs back open.

It wasn’t because she did not want it. No. On the contrary, she wanted it as much as he did but she planned on doing so with him all day. He would be needing his strength for such an exercise.

This was why her decision remained and she was reluctant.

She reached for his shirt, pulling him by the side of the buttons on his shirt till his hip was pressed against hers and their shallow breathing could be closely felt.

His heart rate shot up, but that was not enough to stop him from all the fun time he wished to have with her and consummating their agreement.

He wished to make love to her and not just have sex. To make her miss him more, even though he was right in front of her. “I love you.”

The way and manner he confessed those words, made her feel more secure.


He stared deeply into her eyes, from it, she felt as though several shock waves and heat were sent straight into her bones from that stare.

It was like he could see into the very depth of her soul, how it raged and wanted him.

Yin Lifen showed him just that when she parted her lips, dropping her eyelid sensually. He was doing things to her that even she did not understand.

Bringing his face ever closer to hers, he let out in a low whisper, allowing his warm breath to tickle her skin and make her feel butterflies come alive in her stomach.

“I love you, now and forever,” he assured her.

He did not want her thinking it was all just sex to him. To him, she was worth more.

“I...” He did not give her a chance to defend her thoughts and pressed his lips on hers hard, sliding his tongue gently to rest on hers.

Her eyes went wide a fraction by his sudden passion but when his lips sucked on her lower ones and slid his tongue out, brushing over hers lightly, she let her eyes drop close, gently appreciating the time she had with him and the feeling their closeness brought.

Feeling her response, he felt ignited and moved in to take a taste of more of her.

“Ahh...” The soft trail of saliva from their disconnected lips was visibly seen before it broke off.

She could feel the pleasure overtake her sense from his kiss and came to form a pool between her legs. She wanted him.

She looked up, her gaze locking with his as the flames of desire danced and burned in his eyes.

“I know you love me and not just because we always have mind-blowing sex or make love like it’s the last time, but because your heart cherishes me.”

“Simply put, darling. Without you, there is no me.”

He circled his hands around her and pulled her body into his, so she could feel his dick raging in his pant, begging for a release.

She bit down on her lower lip and jerked when he thrust on her. Their lips fell open at the same time with eyes staring deeply into the other.

“I want you,” he confessed, rolling his hips a bit to press into her.

“I need you too. I need you to quench this fire in me.”

“My pleasure.” He crashed his lips back down on hers and after some seconds of kissing, she placed both hands on his chest and pushed him back a bit.

She saw his confusion dance in those hazel eyes of his and felt overwhelmed. It took all she had to restrain herself. Not waiting for him to ask his question, she spoke up.

“I love you too and I want to make love to you in more ways than one. I want you to take me on every side and anywhere. I just want to spend my day with you. However, you need your strength for what I have planned for tonight.”


“Yes. I want you for the whole weekend. No clothes, just you and I as bare as the day we came into this world.”

“Then you have me.”

“Good. So, let’s take a little break now and eat.”

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