Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 661

Chapter 661: [Bonus chapter] Lunch With Ye Cheng



“Glad to have you the famous Hidden Tiger behind the CEO Ye Cheng,” Tang Zixin praised.

“Hahaha, you flatter me,” Yi Wang Lei responded. He looked over at the others. It as no fun if they chose to stand rather than sit. So me beckoned on them. “Come and seat guys, don’t just stand there. By the way, Long Lei and Rong haven’t arrived right?”

“Nope, but they should be here soon. We just have to wait,” Fong Wei Ling answered.

“Why? Miss me?” They turned their head around, hoping to see who it as when their eyes landed on the doctor.

“True, I guess our abscene really was making the difference,” Rong Che chipped in.


“Hahha, I guess the house is full then, come on in,” Yi Wang Lei let out.

“Of course. I miss this kind of union,” Rong Che exclaimed, taking a seat at the table.

“And how about your lovely customers?”

“They can wait, work cannot beat friendship,” he responded.

“I am glad you think so,” Long Lei responded and took his own seat.

“Yeah, I am surprised all you workaholics arw present. Wow, I wonder what Ye Cheng jad to use to tempt you guys or did he threaten you?” Yi Wang Lei questioned.

“Quite the contrary,” Fong Wei Ling answered.

“Really now? So please do tell. What trick did he use aside threatening?”

“He used her,” both of them chorused at once.

“Her?” Yi Wang Lei questioned again.

“Yes, her. Our sister-in-law,” Rong Che pointed out.

“Why am I not surprised?” Yi Wang Lei rolled his eyes at Ye Cheng. “Did he say he was going to inform her of us bullying him?”

“Nope. All he had to say was he was having lunch with our sister-in-law at Ring’s. Come if you want to. This might be your only chance you stare at my woman.”

“Hahhaa, so typical of the naughty CEO. But I am surprised though, you all dashed here cause of that.”

“Pot calling kettle black. You are in the same boat as us,” Fong Wei Ling pointed out.

“I doubt. Anyways, since we are all here, nice to see you again, Yin Lifen.”

She blushed instantly. At first she had thought she was completely invisible to the guys that they woild not notice her, turns out, theu weren’t all blind, weren’t they?”

“Hi, Wang Lei.”

“Ooooh, first name basis,” Rong Che pointed out smiling at them.

“Stop it. Lady Yin here has a boyfriend,” Yi Wang Lei corrected.

“Bummer. I would have been glad that this naughty brother of mine was finally going to get a lady,” Long Lei teased.

“Hey, my charms can get mw a lady. It was you who failed to acknowledge her presence, hmmp!” The morw he poured turning hos head away, the more cute he was.

“Hahhaa, acting like a spoiled child, now arw we? It won’t get you a girl,” Long Lei continued.

“I am better than you. At least I can flirt and get a girl when I want but you.”


“Yes, you. Your only girlfriend is your surgical blade. And your side chicks, they would be your stestosope and your labcoat.”

“Hahhaaa... Hahhaa...” Rong Che could not hold it in. It was priceless.

“That was funny,” Fong Wei Ling commented.

“Hehhe good one,” Tang Zixin praised.

“Yeah, bit I think you hurt his heqrt, ” Yin Lifen pointed out at the sulken facial expression.

“Pfft. Blah, he can handle that,” Yi Wang Lei explained.

“I see you lovw to tease. How about I tell everyone of your rejected love tale,” Long Lei threatened.

“Hey. You promised jot to ever speak of that again.”

“I dud but you have been a naughty boy, so I guess I can break my law.”

“Hmm... Try me and I would personally ship you to Africa and not bother Ye Cheng with it.

“I see he has rubbed his habit on you.”

“What do you expect when they work together?” Fong Wei Ling asked.

“Exactly my point. Just be like Wei Ling and I.”

“And why would I? We arw all a bunch of bloody bachelors with no one to warm our bed at night,” Yi Wang Lei confessed, letting out a sigh.

“Speak for yourself,” the other three guys chorused at once.

“Hahha, that was funny,” Yin Lifen voiced out again.

“Sure. By the way, nice dining with you today, Tang Zixin,” Fong Wei Ling smiled at him.

“Yeah, welcome to our circle,” Rong Che added.

“This is us. We do not usually have the time but when we come together we are a might,” Long Lei chipped in.

“The most formidable and no one messes with our families,” Yi Wang Lei concluded.

“Thanks. Nice to be here. I would take note not to offend anyone.”

“That is good.”

All the while, Ye Cheng and Li Jing refused to part from each other hugging as though it was going to be the last time they would see each other again.

“Hey love birds!” Fong Wei Ling hollered. “Wanna come so we start this feast?” The second he said that, several waiters rolled into the big room with trolleys containing several international cuisines and side dishes.

“Wjy? Cause you are single you do not want me to enjoy my wife?”

“Pfff. Cheng be wise. I ahve girls flocking all around me. I ain’t jealous but we cannot start this feast without the host. It is common courtesy.”

As Fong Wei Ling was speaking, Ye Cheng pulled Li Jing from his embrace a bit, caressed her lips and face with his hands and just to add insult to the injury, he leaned in and pressed a good kiss on Li Jing’s lips.

“What the...”

“What an oppressor.”

“Tsk, when he called he should have asked me to bring my date. I hatw being left out,” Long Lei stated.

“And who wojld that have been? Your surgical blade?” Yi Wang Lei attacked.

“I am not answering you. Anyways lover birds, break that kiss before we take sister-in-law away from you.”

Knowing his friends, Ye Chwng knew thwy woukd really do so, whether he broke the kiss now or not. So he decided to enjoy himself.

He deepened the kiss, cradling her head and allowing hos other hand go down the length of her back and up.

He was stoking the fores in thwor loins and his, as well as his needy wife.

What a way to play with fire.

“Guys, let’s help him out since he cannot stop,” Fong Wei Ling suggested.

“You needn’t ask,” Long Lei added.

Instantly they got up and went to them, pulling thwm from each other. While Long Lei and Fong Wei Ling took Li Jing, Yi Wang Lei and Rong Che took Ye Cheng to their seat.

Once seated, Li Jing could not help but blush being the center of attraction thanks to her naughty husband.

“You see why I called her naughty. Tsk, Ye Cheng you are the one spoiling my Li Jing.”

“And to think I set this lunch to thank you. Hmm, I might as well take it back,” Ye Cheng threatened.

“Oh dearest brother-in-law. Please I receive your thanks.”

“Relax, Yin Lifen. He wouldn’t do it. We are all here. No more bullying from him,” Rong Che assured her.

All Ye Cheng could do was shake hos head. Well, he had his guys with him so he was more glad and he was happy seeing Li Jing and Yin Lifen flow with them as well.

“Tang Zixin, always the calm young man. Do not mind our get together. I am happy you could honour my invitation,” Ye Cheng began.

“Well what can I say, it is an honour for me as well. I love how free everyone is aside from the usual cold expression everyone gets outside.”


“Sure. This is family get together,” Fong Wei Ling started.

“Hes. Okay, one of the reasons why I called for this gathering as to treat my love, for being so bold and strong when she talked Fang Qiuyue down and also to thank Yin Lifen for being there for my wife.”

“Yeah, that is true, we saw it trending online,” Fong Wei Ling announced.

“Really? There was such( an act?” Yi Wang Ling asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t see it as well.”

“Well, you guys were busy in the office and the theatre. It is expected,” Rong Che informed them.

“And how did the all time busy Chef know?”

“On elf my waiters entered and said it. Apparently, he heard it from one of m6 customers. News does travel fast.”

“Yes. I was surprised as well when my P.A pointed it out to me. Good thing I watched firsthand,” Tang Zixin boasted.

“Hey guys, can we stop and just eat. The meal is getting cold,” Li Jing suggested. She did not like that she was being the subject. It made her feel weird somehow.

“Hahha, sure,” they chorused.

“Better. Now let the feast begin!” Ye Cheng exclaimed, ushering in the start of their feast.

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