Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 651

Chapter 651: Lies.



Li Residence

Just as Li Chun had stated, he arrived in Star City and made his way quickly to his home. He had enough of the mother and daughter bitches ruining go life this way.

Stepping out of the car, he allowed on of his help to get his suitcase and luggage, before straightening his suit as he made his way towards the porch.


The door was answered by one of the maids. The second she saw the Boss of the house, she lowered her head in a bow for him, then stepped to the side to allow him entrance into his home.


On getting inside, he could hear the sound of the television and knew his wide of his daughter was in there. Not making another sound, he stepped in that direction.

Surprisingly, both his wife and daughter sat down, laughing at the comedy skit that was playing on the television, ignoring his presence of the fact that someone had entered the house.

On the record, they knew he was the one but behaved to be so lost in the TV to further piss him off. They were ready to ignore him and even when he had his outburst, just treat it as trivial.

Not being able to handle the nonsense before him, Li Chun walked to the front of the television, picked up the remote control d switches dig off, then turned around to face his family.

“Li Xiu! Ding Jiaying!”

“We can hear you, do you have to be so loud like that?”


“The effrontery!” His eyes changed colour, turning even redder than before as he glared daggers at them. Immediately, he snapped his head in Xiu’s direction and began stalking towards her. “You. All you know how to do is cause scandals for this family, bringing us to shame because of your useless attitude.”

“Father, what are you talking about? I never caused any scandal forth Li family.”

“You didn’t? Are you calling me a liar, eh Li Xiu?”

“I did not say anything. If there is anyone who should be angry it is I father. I neither said anything not did anything strange but what do I bet from you, accusations upon accusations.”

“Why you little rascal.” he closed the gap between them, almost slapping her bug Ding Jiaying who had been watching from the side immediately leapt and caught his hand.

“Li Chun, stop this right now.”

“Release me Jiaying. Release me let me teach this slut a lesson.”

“Listen to yourself, how can you call your daughter a slut, huh? How can you listen to outsiders over your family, your daughter?”

“Wasn’t she the same daughter that slote marketing slides from Dream Star Corporation and went to give it to another company? Wasn’t she the same person who was caught sleeping with an unknown man? Wasn’t she blamed for ruining the Duan family? And now this, she is involved in a major accident with the first daughter of the Bai Family, on the same day, right after Li Jing had hers. What does that tell you, she had angered someone again.”

“You just came to that conclusion,, wow!”

Ding Jiaying pulled him back and stood between him and Li Xiu. “What a great father you are, right? What good have you done for your daughter?”

Li Chin gazed upon his wife like he was seeing an alien. “How ruthless and how stupid can you be? In the past none of this happened both to us and my company but now things changed when Li Jing was gone. It is sad that it took me this long to realize that you two were the bad head eve since. Li Xiu, I warn you. If you do not stop this act as continue going down this path, it most definitely wouldn’t end well for you. Keep chasing after your mother’s shadow.”

“Let her be. My daughter has done no one wrong. If there is anything, your company and our mishap is all because of that stupid Li Ning. Ever since she came to our life she has been a nemesis and a bad omen. If you had listened to me back then, then none of this would be happening. Side with Li Xiu and stop blaming her.”

“Only a blind and stupid man would do such a thing. I think a good way to solve this her rebellious phase is simple. I would marry her out.”

“You wouldn’t dare. My daughter is a nice lady and she deserves the best, nothing but the best, Li Chun.”

“Yes, let us see what family would be willing to take her in. In fact, she should point out the bastard that had a night with her, so he can take responsibility for her. I doubt anyone would want to marry a used woman.”

“What are you? Are you still in the o.d days? Who cares about whether she is pure or not? Normally it is to strength beuainesses. Now stop blaming your misuse of yourself on my daughter and get her an outstanding marriage match.”

“It is a wats rod time to speak with you as a mother.”

All the while, Li Xiu did not speak anymore and listened to her parents argue. This was the perfect opportunity to point it out to her father her intentions while also not being clear about things.

“Dad, Mum, please calm down.” She began putting on an act by looking sober and almost crying. “I know that in the eyes of father, I would never measure up to Ali Jing because she got married to Ye Cheng after seducing my man.”

“Your man? Wasn’t your man Duan Tian? How did it suddenly change to your sister’s husband? Last I know, then your sister and Duan Tian were a couple but you and your mum stated that she was the one forcing herself on him and that Duan Tian loves you and wants to marry you. I never said anything even though I found it suspicious and did not want to hurt Li Jing so I never brought it up to her, hoping it would be

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