Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 640

Chapter 640: Pondering.



Back at her grandfather’s city that night, Kim Fan was busy thinking about the discussion he had with Li Jing’s grand aunties. Though they had come to a conclusion, it still did not help that these ladies came to him specifically for help.

His mind drifted far to their discussion, looking for a a loophole in what they had done to see what his final decision would be.


“No one would want to act now, making it the perfect time to and he wouldn’t expect it to be from us as he would have thought his warning went through and giving his enemy, I do not think they relent, so why should we?”

“Well...” he began but she was not done and she cut in again.


“Think about it though. The fact that they could get Li Jing into an accident like that means she is not as strong and protected as we thought. There was always a chance, just that we did not take it.”

*Flashback Ends*

Though he could not argue with such a fact, there was indeed that opportunity, no one just thought to take it and had been attracting the wrong person since.

As he recalled, his mind went back to the meeting.

“Hmm, I still wonder though if what they told me was all there was to it?”


“Until now you haven’t said it which brings me to the question... Why do you want Li Jing down?”

The two ladies cars a glance at each other before looking back at him. Perhaps it was time to spill, perhaps not.

“Nothing much. Things aren’t running so smoothly for us and befle, we lost when we tried going against them, we need someone else who can back he up. You know plan better and has a motive for doing so, so the plan can be effective.”

“So what you are saying in essence is that?”

“You have a vendetta and we need that to fight her.”

“What wrong did she do? I mean to you, her garpprand aunties, considering she had only returned to the Lin Family,” Kim Fan questioned again.

“Everything that should be ours had she not come back.”

“I see. Okay, I do not care about your personal life and your fighting, just my self and family. No more would we butt into the Lin family...”


Both ladies, eyes bipuldhed out, at his words. Did they just reveal things to him to have him not interested? They really could not believe the bullshit that was going on.

“Kim Fan. Might I remind you that this is going to be beneficial for you,” Lin Xuilan cut in quickly, ” Yiu cannot just pull out after allowing us waste our time like this,” she hollered at him.

Though she and Lin Qi where mad, both ladies had different ways of unleashing their tempers and while Lin Xuilan raged in anger, Lin Qi took in a deep breath, clenched her first under the table as she knew that one had to be very careful of where they threaded from now on.Finally she released her breath and placed a ha d he toy on her sister-in-law, calming her down.

“No, Mrs Hu Qi, please do not stop me, let me let him know my mind.”

“Calm down.”

“Well Mrs Lin Xuilan...”

Rudely she cut in, raising jer hand in front ofnjer chest to stop it. “No, I do not want to hear it.”


“What, Hi Qi?”

“Well, I guess you really want to treat tour partner this way even before starting. Makes me wonder what other ways you would treat me once our plan kicks start. ”



“I do not understand what he means by that,” Lin Xuilan confeased, looking at Hu Qi for an advice or help.

“You see. If you had just calmwd down and let the young man talk,” Hi Qi scolded.

“Oh please, you fell for it too. You were angry.”

“But i wasn’t having an ourburst damn it.”

“You were still angry, that’s a fact.”

“Lin Xuilan...”

“Hey, ladies, ladies, please. Calm down. There is no need for arguement or fighting here. We are a team remember?”

“So you mean you join is? You agree?” Lin Xuilan was still not in the believing phase about this matter and wanted to clarify things.

“I think all I have been saying has spoken for itself or is that not the reason why your lot, approached me?”

‘Your lot? TDK, this boy is pushing his luck becaisebhw knows we nwed his help. How dare him calls us lot and lump me in with this crazy woman? Hmmp, I would only bear this now. It os all i have to do to get rid of Li Jing. First her end would break my brother and then I may not need to do much before he kicks the bucket willfully after losing her too.’

Though Kim Fan could not tell what was running through Lin Qi’s, he could very much guess what it was about, seeing that he made his statement directly to annoy her.

“So, what say you? Don’t you think it is only fair that I know now or do you still think of me as foolish, Hu Qi and Lin Xuilan?”

“Fine.” She relaxed her face and also her breath. “No one is angry at you.”

“Are you sure? Because someone a few minutes ago did not think that and wanted to really let me have a piece of her mind.”

Lin Xuilan gulped loudly. She had not expected him to recall all she had said word for word but now that he did, she could only curry for his favour.

“Hehe, do not mind me. I was only kidding. You deserve to know. Glad you are in on this with us.”

*Flashback Ends*

He tapped lightly on his chin, thinking of what to do. He had been pondering on this matter for a while now.

What decision would best be to his interest. It wasn’t about others but it was about himself.

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