Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 634

Chapter 634: Angry Chairmen



“Oh really. Like I told you before. I won’t take it lying down no more. Bring on all you have but dare touch, harm a single hair on my family and company and I would ruin you completely while torturing you. Just dare yourself, Zhang Mo.”

“All empty threats. Do not worry. I woild ensure you see this as a lovely gift and no threat, Zhang. I believe you do not like your daughter and granddaughter anymore. I wonder how they woild taste like.”

“Why you... ”

“Do not get yourself too worked up. I wouldn’t want to have those rotten apples in my bed even if they crawl and beg on thwir kneees to suck my balls. Get you arw your crazed ass family out of my sight. This should be tjw last time you call me too. I won’t have it again.”

Beforw Chairman Zhang could retaliate further, Ye Sheng ended the call, slamming the phone on the table and looking angriky at the door.


“Damn that fucking idiot. How dare he threaten me?!” Ye Sheng bellowed.

He was done being a goat to anyone. He had been looked down on the most by the one eprso the wished wouldn’t, Ye Cheng and Li An.

They meant the world to him. His family wasnhos life but he ruined it so je planned on making it up and not ruining it further and if Chairman Zhang thought he could do just that then je was very much mistaking.

Even if he chose to not do anything, Li An would go on a rampage on anyone who dared harm her son.

That was the truth. Tjere was no doubt that his wife was a calm person but when her family was touched, she would look like an angry Lion fron a gentle tiger.

No wonder the adage, the gentle movember of a tiger doesn’t mean it is timid. No one should dare venture into her den if they loved their life.

It was evwn worse now that she was back to the country. She could really be a bad ass woman.

One thing some people did kot know, shw was a mafia lady herself. Though she nwver looked it but her favourite uncle owned a big mafia conglomerate and she spent most of her childhood growing up with him till her university days when she returned and the city knew her.

It was a situation if where had her parents hidden such a gem all these while. Her father wanted her to be sturdy when it came to the business world.

He wanted her to be ruthless less people trampled upon her but her soft side always prevailed.

That was how they met and got married and then her friend’s disappearance broke her.

But now that she was back they could kiss it goodbye. That wickedness etched deep inside of her was returning in full force. She had been pushed to her limit.


Meanwhile, seeing as he got hung on, Zhang Mo’s anger only rose to the highest degree. Not only did Ye Sheng insult him by calling his name which he could not recall when someone dis last, he went ahead to insult his family.

How dare him think he could sleep with his daughter and granddaughter? The insult had really escalated.

If he had known, he would have ensured he took care of Ye Cheng back thwn and did not let him escape like he did.

He should have ended this sorry Ye Cheng’s lineage for good. Nevertheless, there was still enough time to do things his way. Je was not taking this insult lying down.

Both father and son had crossed the boundary set.

“Oh they are going to pay and real good at that.” His eyes narrowed further. “Just you wait, Ye Cheng and Ye Sheng, I would make your shame and disgrace the worst this country has seen while making your name disappear forever. Just wait.”


On the other hand, Zhang YaoYao had been on the listening spree since she came. She did not know what was going on other than her father was having it rough as to why or who his assailant we’re, she had no idea until sje saw him yelll out Ye Sheng’s name a lot and get angry bat Ye Cheng too.

That was when she understood a bit of what was going on.

‘Hmm, so that was why he wanted us all at hone and under hia protection. He is going full force into an all out war. This is not going to end well. Tsk, I better go check in on Qing Mei. Knowing here, sje must have. ah and in this.’ Zhang YaoYao thought to herself.

All these while she jad been a dutiful daughter not oocknosing in jer father’s business but her daughter Bai Qing Mei was a different story entirely.

She was her grandfather’s pet ever since. So he spoilt her silly. It was no wonder when he needed help to bring down Ye Cheng, she willfully did it.

She felt like face palming herswlf for how Qing Mei had grown uo and turned.

Though she wanted to speak to her father about his company’s phamauceuticals that was burnt down, she couldn’t now that he was Ina. Feat.

The best thing was to wait and watch thwn protect her daughter.

She might habe not been rich as he was, but she had her husband’s comoany to handle.

Ever since he died, she became Chairmwoman and wanted Bai Qing Mei ti be its Vice president but the naughty child ran to her grandfather due ti hsi excessive pampering and minimal scolding.

She too had games up her sleeve to play in fighting this battle and she planned on doing so.

Anything to win to keep her daughter safe from all of these problems, she would do it. And hopefully when all if this was done, they could leave the country and have a different start at life and push forward again.

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