Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 318 Taking Care Of The Rest

Zhang Liling was still trying to take out a few clothes and undies from her closet when Fang Bingwen stepped inside her apartment.

Instantly, she abandoned what she was unto and turned to dash out of the room as if something was chasing her.

Someone who was feeling down only a few moments ago, but at the presence of her boyfriend, vigor suddenly returned.

Fang Bingwen had only changed our of his shoes and was yet to enter the living room proper when he heard the sounds of rushed footsteps.

Instantly, his face lit up in a smile as Zhang Liling came into his view. But before he could get a better view of her, she had already run into his arms.

"Mr. Fang!" Her soft voice full of grievances called out as her head slammed into his chest.

The impact was only able to make Fang Bingwen take one foot backward. He really was steady otherwise the force she used would have caused him to take a few more steps.

"How are you?" he asked as his arms came to circle around her.

"I'm fine now." Zhang Liling replied. Breathing in his fresh scent that smelled just like her, she smuggled her bare face to his chest more.

She liked the smell of him and the way his strong arms held her close to his warm body.

The sounds of his heartbeat in her ear were like lullaby with the capacity to put her to sleep.

Only in his embrace could she be comforted and find such peace.

Patting her back gently, Fang Bingwen replied as the corners of his lips curled, "I am glad you're fine."

Zhang Liling remained in his embrace for a little while longer without the intentions of letting go. But because they still had somewhere to be, Fang Bingwen had to push for her to leave.

"At night, you can continue holding me," he whispered to her ears.

He could understand that she needed some love so, he would give it to her. After all, she was his woman.

Feeling his hot breath fan her cheeks, Zhang Liling tightened her hold on him.

Why was he being so sweet to her now? He was really tempting her. Didn't he know?

Seeing that she was not about to let him off, a series of soft chuckle escaped his lips as his hands gently went to her arms to gently take them off.

Leading her into the room, he added, "This is how business is. You will get used to it. Sometimes, leave work and take a break. Only a healthy person has the opportunity to do what she wants."

Soon, they arrived at her bedroom to continue from where she had left off.

"What else do you need, I will help you pack them?" He asked, his eyes roaming about her bedroom.

He was letting everything come into his line of sight in case he saw something she needed to take with her.

"Help me with all my gadgets while I pack my clothes." Zhang Liling, quickly finding a job for him.

She couldn't wait to leave this space and travel down to his place where she would be away from a little stress.

Giving her the side glance, he pushed his brows up. "You are still thinking of working? I thought you were coming from a short break?"

"In case I get better on time and my brain doesn't feel foggy. I can still keep myself a little busy while you are away at work."

She only enjoyed his company. But if he was at work, she would be more restless not having anything to do.

I was better to take her laptop and tab, so she could get back to work to stop her brain from being bored.

"Fine. But you are going to be under my supervision. I can't let you overwork your brain again." Fang Bingwen said before turning to walk toward her desk.

At least he had a method to keep her in check.

Zhang Liling didn't feel like arguing with him let them get to his place first. Her emotions will guide her on what to actually do.

Letting out a deep sigh, she started to take off the hangers from the clothes on the bed. Walking back to her closet, she hung them back to where they belonged before squatting to make her footwear choice.

Suddenly, she felt a bit dizzy and her eyes hot. She was weak, and she could feel it.

As her eyes squinted at the foot wears lined up in best roles, she randomly picked two. But as she tried to stand, the dizziness returned.

Immediately, she transferred to the shoe in her right hand to her left and placed her palm on her forehead, as if to steady herself.

Mr. Fang was a little busy packing the things she pointed out to him in a big backpack, but that didn't stop him from stealing a few glances at her from time to time.

But as he tilted his head to the side this time around, he saw her feet stagger and her body away to the side.

Immediately, he dropped the bag in his hands on the bed and rushed over in panic.

"What is it?" He asked, with worry evident in his tone.

"I-I think... I'm just a little dizzy." Zhang Liling replied with her palm still on her forehead as her lashes fluttered close, when suddenly, she felt the firm grip of the man on her arms.

"You need to rest. I will take care of the rest." Fang Bingwen said as he turned her body to the side and lead her to her bed.

Taking the shoes away from her hold as her eyes snapped open in that moment, he helped her into bed.

"Sit there." He instructed in a gentle tone as his gaze remained on her, making sure that she had no intentions of climbing out of bed.

Satisfied with her response, he went back to finish tidying up her gadgets before going over to her small travel back to help her finish up the packing.

From time to time until he was done, his gaze would land on her, just to make sure she was doing okay.

What a caring boyfriend he was.

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