Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 189 - TO WED SOON

Chapter 189 - TO WED SOON

The best feeling

in the whole world

is watching things

finally fall into place

after watching them

fall apart for so long.


"Good morning sleepy head. It's time to wake up."

A soothing voice whispered against my ear, rousing me from a peaceful slumber. Groaning, I turned away from where the voice was coming from and buried my head on the pillow.

"Mama, wake up…" Another sweet voice whispered in my other ear. "We're going to look for your wedding gown today."

Another groan escaped my lips. My eyes slightly opened but the sudden blinding light permeating through the open venetian blinds made me close them again.

"Later honey…?give mama another twenty minutes please. I promise to get up and prepare for our appointment." I mumbled sleepily, hoping they would leave.

There was a long pause. Relief flooded through me when there was no sound of protests coming from them. Sighing with contentment,?I buried my face into the pillow to recover the sleep I lost last night.

It was Ace's fault why up to now I wasn't up yet. We spent the night sprawled on bed, making love, and trying to make up for moments we've lost. It was already dawn when we fell asleep. He couldn't blame me now for waking up late.

"Wake up love…." Ace whispered to my earlobe. His hot breath tickled my ears.

"Five minutes." I murmured.

He chuckled and buried his nose on my neck. "If you don't wake up, I'll find other ways to get you up." He teased me and without a warning his fingers tickled my armpits. My eyes snapped open. A scream erupted from my lips.


Vien giggled as she watched me get up from the bed, grabbed a pillow and threw it towards Ace. His shoulders shook uncontrollably with laughter as he looked at me. He caught the pillow in time before it could hit him in the head and he put it aside where I couldn't reach it.

"You overslept, love" He said as he gestured to the wall clock. My eyes followed his hand and saw the time. It's past ten already. My eyes went wide as realization hit me. I overslept too much.

I hastened out of the bed and scrambled at my feet. The last ember of sleepiness faded. For a split second I was fully awake.

"Oh, jeez." I mumbled as I grabbed a fresh towel from the cabinet. "I'll prepare in ten minutes." I told them and hurriedly entered the bathroom and took a quick bath.

By the time I emerged from the bathroom, Ace, Vien, and Faith had gone downstairs. I wore the first things my fingers grabbed inside the closet and put it on. It was a maroon knitted dress. I paired it with a black flat sandals.

Since I was in a hurry, I didn't bother to tie my hair. After brushing my hair into submission, I let it fall freely behind my back like a cape and went downstairs.

There on the Kitchen table Ace was waiting.

"Faith was in the Garden. Elisa brought her out for a walk. Vien was with her too." He explained as I took the seat beside him.

"Did Vien eat breakfast?" I asked. Eyebrows furrowed.

"I let her eat first before allowing her to go to the garden."

My concern faded. It was then replaced with a smile. "I'm starving." I said. My gaze surveyed the dishes spread on top of the long table. The pleasant scent of food permeated my nostrils. My hunger intensified.

"And so do I." He replied.

Together we ate in silence. Just having him with me in the kitchen while we ate together was heaven to me. It's one of my simple pleasures in life.

"That knitted dress looks good on you." He remarked just after finishing his breakfast.

Warmth spread on my cheeks. "Thank you." I said shyly, "It was the first thing I grabbed inside the closet. I'm in a hurry and I decided to wear it without bothering to think about how I look."

He laughed and when he did his eyes crinkled in the corner. "I bet you look good in whatever you decide to wear." He said.

The compliment made my cheeks blush furiously. Before I could say a word, he vacated his seat and held his hand to me.

"Shall we go?"

I nodded my head and took his hand. He kissed me on the cheek before we marched to the door.


"Moma can we go to the mall and buy some books after we finish picking your wedding gown?" It was Vien. She was seated in between me and Ace on the backseat of the car. Miller, Claire's butler, was the one driving.

After tearing my gaze to Faith who was comfortably seated in her father's arm, I shifted my attention to Vien and placed an arm around her shoulders. "Sure, my big princess. What particular books do you have in mind?"

"I want some coloring books. And reading materials for beginners. I want to learn how to read so I could teach my little sister when she grow up." She replied. Her exquisite blue eyes glowing.

Ace and I looked at each other, suppressing a smile from stretching on our lips.

He patted Vien's head affectionately. "Papa will buy everything you want, my princess." He promised.

Vien was elated. She leaned on the soft cushion behind her with a sweet smile on her lips.

Thirty minutes later, the car stopped in front of Belle Boutique. Miller got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for us. Vien excitedly clamber out of the car. Her curious gaze darted on the attractive gowns displayed on the glass window the moment her feet landed on the pavement.

I got out of the car and Ace followed behind me.

An instant smile lit up my face as I took Vien's hand and pull her to the upscale entrance of the building.

The last time I came here was too look for a birthday gown.. Who could have thought that I'll be returning here and this time it was to select my own wedding gown.

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