Moral Reversal

66. P*ssy-licker

66. P*ssy-licker

Good, at least she is giving it a serious thought. I did receive a report about her family background not being too good, she was third child with two older sisters. And because of her being slightly less attractive than her sisters, the parents never really cared about her. She was intelligent but that was not what her family valued, they valued appearance so one of their child could get a bf and make all their lives set.

It wasn’t spoken too much in society but usually when a girl and guy formed a relationship, and the guy really liked the girl then he would sometimes have sex with the girl’s family who are not in relationship with other guys of course, and try to impregnate them as a favor.

It was neither encouraged nor frowned upon too much but respectable family never went for such arrangements, they waited for their government approved insemination just like everyone else.

Seems like she was leaning more and more towards just telling the truth to the faculty.

‘Janet – Fuck it ! What’s the worse that can happen ? People will laugh at me and shame me ? Whatever, I’m already a joke because of my body not like it changes much. I will just work hard get a good job and shift to another city, I just need to focus on studies and nothing else. But it will be lonely... Hmmph whatever... Wait didn’t he say he will be with me no matter what..? Was he just saying things to make me feel better ? Since when did guys became so caring ? ...will he though..?’

After the lengthy monologue she looked back at me and I smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgement. She immediately jerked back forward and broke the eye contact.

She might look like she hated me if someone saw us but I knew what was going on in her mind, and it wasn’t an understatement to say it was a mess of embarrassment, insecurity and happiness.

I thought she was pretty cute like that.

The class started and I got lost in our home room teacher’s big swaying butt. She was also always horny, however unlike me no matter if her heart was screaming inside, her eyes never stopped at me or the other boys for more than necessary. She was an excellent teacher, very professional.

Half studying and half ogling my teachers ass, at last it was time for the lunch break. I put everything in my bag and and stood up, walking with my group of butterflies. I looked back once from the entrance and was surprised to see one of those bully girls talking with Janet, after which Janet’s shoulders slumped and she followed the older girl out of the class from another entrance. My feet stopped on their own, and I bumped into Kiara – she was also one of the girls who always followed me everywhere even though she never talked much.

Telling them to go on without me since I had to go for wash room, they obeyed like good girls and left me behind. Alone I followed the duo of Janet and her bully. After some turns and constant walking we finally reached an abandoned girl’s wash room, a bit further from the main building closer to the forest behind the school. I saw the two of them enter it, so I walked closer and tried to find a good spot to look inside.

Finally when I found one, I saw Janet kneeling on the ground and five girls surrounding her in a circle, laughing at her. Even though Janet had decided to stand up for herself, her downcast face had no traces of hope, she seemed to have just accepted her role as ‘pussy-licker’. I had enough of this nonsense, so going in the front I barged in while kicking the close door open.

Jake – What the hell is going on here ?

The laughter stopped, and a confused and dumbfounded expressions replaced the delightful nasty smiles. Finally one of them closest to Jake, recognized him and started pointing at him.

G1- It... its him.... the Mikami kid....

G2- What !? What is he doing here...?

Jake – Enough with your nonsense, leave her alone. How dare you even think about bullying such a young student ? What are you? Cowards? Who can only aim low....?

G3 – Boss, isn’t he speaking a bit too much..?

The girl with white hair, the only girl in the group who had her skirt and panties down and her slightly hairy pussy was exposed in clear daylight.

GB – What do you want, kid ? Go away, this is not a place for kids...

Jake - Who is making you do this ? What’s his name ? Tell me and I might not tell the teachers about this dirty place where you do such disgusting acts....

G4 – What the hell !? Isn’t your mouth working a bit too much, you pipsqueak.....

G2 – No matter who his parents are he is just a kid, barely even able to get it up.... Maybe we should check how much he has grown...

I knew my words had no effect on people this dumb so I just casually walked towards Janet and got her up, raising her head and seeing me she started crying like never before. This wasn’t my first time seeing a girl ugly cry though, so I just patted her head and tried to calm her down.

Glaring at them for one last time I turned around to leave, however just as I took one step forward a punch came flying at me from my side directly aiming at my face. For a second I froze, not because of the shock but purely surprise, how dumb does one have to be to raise hand against the only son of a family that owns quarter of the entire city !!

But no matter what, violence was a limit I took very seriously, no matter why, there was no excuse for it. Dodging the slow ass punch, Jake bend his knee and delivered a powerful punch of his own. The girl double surprised she could neither land a hit and was getting hit in return, broke through one of the old toilet stall and landed inside.

In revenge or just equal stupidity, instead of running or begging the rest attacked him together except the boss who was a bit too surprised or maybe too smart to act. Landing a kick to one in the leg which brought her down then kicking again in her stomach she bed over on floor screaming, then blocking two incoming punches from two girls I elbowed one in the pelvis and grabbed another by her crotch and made both of them hit each other’s heads.

I may look like a child but all my senses and physical abilities were more than double what an average person would have. Plus all those practice with Hinako was not in vain.

Seeing the leader trembling in the corner while her pussy was still visible, I looked at Janet and smiled.

Jake – What do you say, wanna take a picture of this boss becoming a pussy-licker for you..?

Janet who had her mouth wide open the whole time was lost for words and started stuttering but then she looked at the miserable white haired girl and a fire ignited in her eyes. Removing her skirt and panty, Janet stood with her hands crossed glaring at the supposed ‘boss’.

Seeing her not moving I took one step towards her and immediately the boss girl ran forward and knelt down in front of the exposed Janet and started touching her fat pussy lips with her tongue. Grabbing my phone from my back-pocket I took a masterpiece selfie shot of me and Janet doing a victory sign while I was stepping on an unconscious girl and Janet was rubbing her pussy with force on the mouth of the pretty ‘boss’.

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