Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Chapter 166


Sungyoon could hear the rough winds .

He summoned his mace . He was getting closer to the halberd stuck on the forehead of the Behemoth .

The Behemoth felt the sting between its forehead, so it tried to move its head . However, its opponent was moving at a much higher speed .

The halberd was right in front of Sungyoon’s eyes . He used his falling speed and the added weight from the gravity magic to swing his mace .


The thick head of the mace hit the butt of the halberd .


The thick leather and hard skull of the monster had prevented the halberd from penetrating it deeper into its head, but the mace gave the halberd a push .

Even though the weapon had reached deeper than before, it was unable to kill the Behemoth . It seemed breaking through the monster’s skull would be extremely tough .

The pain the Behemoth felt was on another level, and its sense of crisis became at an all-time high . It was about to thrash once again .

However, Sungyoon initiated his second attack before the Behemoth could move .


He unsummoned his halberd and brought forth the strongest weapon in his arsenal, his sword .

Sungyoon was yet to land on the Behemoth . His momentum had lessened, yet the acceleration created by his fall still gave him massive amounts of energy . He placed the gravity magic on his sword and stabbed the monster with all his might .


The sword pierced into the deep hole left by the halberd .


Sungyoon could clearly feel the sensation of bone breaking .

He once again raised his mace with the intention to hit the hilt of the sword, just like what he had done to the halberd . However, the Behemoth didn’t allow Sungyoon to continue his attack .


It started thrashing again . Its movements couldn’t be compared to before .


Sungyoon held onto the hilt of the sword . He hung on for dear life .

Winds rushed by him in a crazy manner, and he caught the dizzying sight of his surroundings . He was being shaken a couple of hundred times harder than a cowboy riding a bull .

He had been barely able to create this opportunity, and if he fell, he might never get a better opportunity than this .

‘Please hold on for me!’

Sungyoon prayed for his sword . The sword was starting to get loosened, and it felt as all the shaking would dislodge it .

But at that moment, the Behemoth’s movement started to slow down, and the temperature around them clearly dropped .

Sungyoon looked down, and he saw the body of the Behemoth starting to freeze .

‘Ms . Grace!’

When Sungyoon raised his head, he saw Grace extending her hand in his direction .

Of course, she couldn’t completely stop the movements of the Behemoth . However, she had turned the monster’s raging-bull-like movements into the movements of a docile sheep .

‘This is doable!’


Sungyoon hit the hilt of the sword with his mace .

Kwahng! Kwahng! Kwahng!

It was as if he was hammering a nail . He kept swinging his mace . Little by little, the sword was being pushed deeper into the monster’s skull .


The Behemoth let out a roar as it quickly slammed its body on the ground .


It looked like the monster had fallen from exhaustion, but that wasn’t the case .

Since it was having a hard time moving due to the cold energy, it flopped to the ground to dislodge the leech on its head .

Boom! Boom!

Since the Behemoth didn’t have a neck, it had to move its upper body in all directions . It rammed its head onto all the nearby surfaces, and then, rubbed its head on the floor .


But then, the Behemoth’s eyes caught sight of something .

A red cape was buried in the rubble, and it was fluttering in the air . The Behemoth knew that the damned bug, whom it had been fighting, had worn this piece of cloth .

The bug had fallen off . With that assumption, the monster got up . Then, it ruthlessly stomped the region around the cape .

It looked as if a localized earthquake was occurring . The ground was destroyed, and rocks and fragments flew into the surroundings .

The Behemoth focused all of its rage as it stomped on the ground . When it stopped after a while, it seemed satisfied . By the look in its eyes, it was clearly laughing .

The monster was pleased with itself, but contrary to its belief, Sungyoon was still on top of its head .


His knees were about to buckle . Dust had covered his silver armor . His body hurt, and his head was spinning .

Even as the Behemoth rolled on the ground, Sungyoon hadn’t let go . He was indiscriminately slammed into various surfaces, but he had mustered all his strength to hold on .

In the midst of being battered, he had a flash of brilliance . He had then thrown his cape on the ground to make it look like he had fallen off .

And as soon as the monster started to stomp on the cape, Sungyoon had unsummoned and resummoned his cape . Once again, the red cape fluttered above his shoulders .

He desperately cast a healing spell on his body, and then, he unsummoned the sword stuck inside the monster’s head . The sword reappeared in his hands, and he once again shoved it into the wound .


The Behemoth was feeling constant pain, so it had been unable to feel Sungyoon standing next to the wound . But it finally realized that the bug was still on its head .

It started to shake its head and its body in a crazy manner once again .

However, Sungyoon again held on and swung his mace .



Kwahng! Kwahng! Kwahng!

He kept hitting the hilt of the sword .

Then, he activated his magic again .

Puh-uhk! Puh-uhk!

Stalagmites shot out from the ground .


The powerful gravity magic dragged at the body of the Behemoth .

The Behemoth had powerful magic resistance, so these attacks probably weren’t that effective . However, Sungyoon needed every help he could get . And while he was doing this, Grace continued to hit the Behemoth with her spells .

The monster’s body slowed, and it started to tilt over .

It had planned on rolling on the ground once again .

However, Sungyoon was steadfast as he continued his work .




Sungyoon felt a shiver run up his arms when he felt his sword break through the skull . The sensation was like reaching the soft flesh of a fruit after cracking open its hard shell . The sword had cut into the monster’s vulnerable brain .

That wasn’t all .


Until now, the electric attack of his sword had been rendered useless because of the leather and the bones of the Behemoth . And now, the sword could finally show off the true power of its lightning ability .


The Behemoth went insane when the metal pierced into its brain . It suffered a massive amount of damage as its brain started to become scrambled .

A foul smell and Smoke started emanating from its wound, and the Behemoth stopped moving .


The first thing to hit the ground was the knees of its front legs . Then the other legs started to slowly lose strength too .


The monster’s massive body was starting to tilt sideways . But this situation wasn’t like before where it had purposefully fallen to roll across the ground .

This sight resembled slow-motion footage of a high-speed camera . The monster’s body started to tilt very slowly .

Then . . .


The Behemoth fell atop a massive mound of rubble that it had created in its rampage .


At the same time, Sungyoon fell out from the head of the Behemoth . It seemed he had no strength . His body hit the ground, and he rolled several times . Thankfully, a large fragment of a building stopped him from rolling any further .

The monster and the knight, both fell at the end of the fierce fight . At that moment, silence descended in the entirety of England . No one spoke as they stared at the screen .

They were worried the fallen Behemoth would get back up, and they were worried for Sungyoon, who had fallen . All kinds of emotions swirled in their minds .

But then they heard some movement .


It was clearly the sound of metal hitting against metal . The Silver Knight wearing the red cape was slowly getting up .


The entire population of England... No, the entire population of the world started cheering .

Two had fallen, yet the only one to get up was the Silver Knight .

The people watched the Silver Knight slowly move toward the monster and grab his halberd .

Then, he immediately stabbed the closed eye of the monster .

The blade went in smoothly between the monster’s eyelids, but it didn’t react in any way . The knight stabbed a couple of times more, yet the result was the same .

He then got rid of the halberd and pulled out the sword stuck in the monster’s forehead .

As expected, the monster showed no reaction .


The red cape fluttered in the winds as the Silver Knight turned his back on the Behemoth . It was a sign that he no longer had to worry about the monster . The viewers were sure now . The monster which had been a threat to the people of London and England had fallen .


The cheers were louder than before . It felt as if the nearby buildings would fall because of the sound . People expressed all of the joy they were feeling .

- Please look! The Behemoth . . . ! The Behemoth is finally down for the count!

The reporter shouted at the top of his lungs into his mic .

However, almost no one listened to his words .

People were hugging each other as they howled in joy . However, no one looked away from the screen . They still wanted to see their hero .

The camera didn’t pay any attention to the already dead monster, and solely focused on the hero, the Silver Knight who had saved London .

Tuh-buhk! Tuh-buhk!

Sungyoon unsummoned his weapon and took a couple of steps forward . However, he could no longer walk . So he sat atop a large piece of concrete .

His body was in decent shape thanks to his healing magic, but his mind was too exhausted . Moreover, the Behemoth had shaken him too vigorously, and he felt queasy .

“Mr . Sungyoon!”

After a short amount of time passed, Grace yelled out Sungyoon’s name in a loud voice . Her face was radiant with joy .

“You are amazing, Mr . Sungyoon! You are really amazing!”

She tightly grasped Sungyoon’s hand as she spoke, but Sungyoon didn’t respond to her .

“... Mr . Sungyoon?”

As soon as she called out to him, Sungyoon’s armor disappeared and he fell into her arms .

“M . . . Mr . Sungyoon? Are you ok, Mr . Sungyoon?”

She started shaking Sungyoon in surprise . However, the man didn’t move .

‘H . . . he can’t be dead, right?’

Grace didn’t think he was dead, but there was no way she could be sure . After all, Connectors didn’t breathe, and their hearts didn’t beat .

“Hospital! I have to get him to a hospital!”

Grace desperately started looking for a nearby hospital with him in her arms .


Sungyoon slowly opened his eyes . He clutched at his head without realizing it .

‘Where am I?’

His eyelids were heavy, and his body felt limp . He felt as if the exhaustion would never go away .

As he raised his body, the soft blanket on him fell away .

He was in a large room . The interior didn’t look fancy, but he noticed that everything within the room was of high quality . Sungyoon then checked his attire .

‘Isn’t this clothing for patients?’

The clothes he was wearing were quite large and comfortable . But they looked like patient attire .

Sungyoon remembered the moments before he fell unconscious .

‘I’m pretty sure I defeated the Behemoth, and my head was hurting . I sat on top of a nearby rock, and . . . . ’

He couldn’t remember anything after that point .

‘I guess I lost consciousness . ’

He realized that he had been mentally exhausted to the extreme at that point . Even if the Behemoth was weakened on Earth, he had caught the non-standard monster with Grace . And the two of them killed it .

Moreover, the battle had been very fierce . Even if a Connector possessed a strong body, the mental stress was too extreme to handle .

‘What happened afterward?’

He remembered making sure the monster was truly dead . However, he was still worried .

Sungyoon needed more information . So he looked for a remote to turn on the TV mounted on the wall .


“Ah! You are awake!”

A nurse entered the room . Her eyes twinkled as if she was looking at a superstar .

“How’s your body, Mr . Woo Sungyoon?”

“It’s fine . Although, I am still exhausted . ”

“It is to be expected since you fought that monster . ”

“What happened afterward? How long have I been out?”

“It’s been three days since Mr . Woo Sungyoon was brought here . Please hold your questions for now and wait for a moment . I’ll bring someone who is more knowledgeable . . ”

The nurse did a simple checkup, and then, she left .

After a while, someone entered the hospital room .

It was Jimin .

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