Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Hyunwoo drank again with a beautiful woman in each arm . However, this time there was no one besides Sungyoon .

They had gotten closer to each other in the past two weeks, so he didn’t feel awkward turning down Hyunwoo’s attempt at sticking women next to him .

Of course, this only deepened Hyunwoo’s suspicion that Sungyoon swung for the other side .

“So, how was it? What did you think about fighting against the high rank monsters?”

Hyunwoo asked the question when he lost count on how many cups of alcohol he drank . Sungyoon had been quietly sipping his drink as he was mostly focused on eating the side dishes . He didn’t want to think about the price tag on the alcohol . When he heard the question, Sungyoon looked back at the monster hunt that he had experienced not too long ago .

“It was very hard . ”

As expected of Hyunwoo’s labyrinth, it had lived up to its name of being the highest ranked labyrinth . If Hyunwoo wasn’t looking over him, he wouldn’t have been able to get out alive even if he had 100 lives .

“At the same time, I gained much from the experience . ”

He learned about the various characteristics of high rank monsters, and he was able to engrave their battle style into his head . He also learned how to use his Gems more smoothly and effectively .

“That makes it all worth it for me . Still, you should never let your guard down . The same types of monsters populate the Great Labyrinth, but they are much stronger . ”

“Understood . ”

Sungyoon deeply engraved Hyunwoo’s advice into his heart .

“Ah . How would you like to divvy up the moonstones I’m carrying?”

All the moonstone acquired within Hyunwoo’s Personal labyrinth was stored within Sungyoon’s storage Gem .

As if to prove that they had fought against high ranked monsters, all the moonstones they acquired were large in size .

If Sungyoon didn’t have his storage Gem, he would have had to expend a massive amount of energy to transport the moonstones .

The size and quantity was that large . When converted, the amount of money they’ll receive would be massive .

However, Hyunwoo sounded blase about it .

“You can keep them . ”

“What? No . I cannot take such a large amount of money for myself . Above all else, ¾ of the moonstones were dropped from the monsters you killed . ”

At Sugnyoon’s objection, Hyunwoo just downed another cup of alcohol down his throat . Then he spoke the truth .

“I’ll be honest . Moonstones are like pocket change to me . I find the process of converting moonstones into money to be annoying . ”

“...... . ”

He was speechless . From his estimates, Sungyoon possessed moonstones worth several million dollars at the very least .

This was a conservative estimate .

However, such a figure was considered to be pocket change in front of this man .

Sungyoon was in front of one of the highest ranked Connectors, and he once again confirmed that Hyunwoo possessed a massive amount of wealth .

“You can have it . If you don’t need it, you can throw it away . ”

“...then I’ll receive it with thanks . ”

Sungyoon decided to accept his favor . To be precise, he decided to accept Hyunwoo’s laziness .

“Good, good . That’s the way it should be . You shouldn’t turn down pocket money given to you by an old man . ”

Hyunwoo let out a magnanimous laughter . He occasionally brought up his status as an old man, and Sungyoon still had no idea how to respond to such words .

Afterwards, the drinking continued . Hyunwoo continued to drink alcohol like a fish . Sungyoon tried not to break the mood, so he continued to take little sips of alcohol .

Hyunwoo spoke most of the time . Sungyoon listened, and he replied at the right moments . He basically tried to humor Hyunwoo .

Time passed like that .

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to leave now . ”

Sungyoon spoke .

When he looked at his watch, he realized it was very late . The hands of the clock had already done a full revolution, and it was already a new day . He was supposed to meet the Ross siblings today .

He had to go into a labyrinth again with them, so he wanted to be in good physical and mental condition .

Sungyoon expected Hyunwoo to complain, but Hyunwoo unexpectedly let him go without a fuss .

“Is it that late? Yes, you should go . You suffered a lot trying to humor this old man . ”

“No . The last couple days have been very helpful . Thank you very much . ”

Sungyoon gave a bow towards him .

“I’m glad you think that . I reserved a room for you upstairs, so you should get a good night’s rest . I want you to continue to work hard raiding labyrinths once again . ”

He would have to spend another night in the enormous suite, so he felt a bit uncomfortable about it . Still, he was unable to turn down Hyunwoo’s gesture of goodwill . Sungyoon got up and he tried to leave the drinking party .

“Wait a moment!”

At that moment, Hyunwoo stopped Sungyoon from leaving . He took out something from his storage Gem .

“Take this . ”

Hyunwoo tossed it towards him . Sungyoon’s body moved before his mind could formulate a thought . He snatched the item out of the air .

“This is... . ”

Even in the ambient light of a bar, the item shone brightly as if it wanted to let its presence be known .

Sungyoon blinked his eyes . It was a small wedge-shaped Gem letting out a gold light .

“Isn’t this a Gold Gem?”

It was the same rank as the highest rank Gem possessed by Sungyoon .

The Gold Gem had saved his life many times before, so it held a high status inside his heart .

“You can have it . ”

Hyunwoo spoke those words as if it was a throwaway comment . However, the meaning behind those four words weren’t light at all .


Of course, Sungyoon sounded baffled as he asked back .

“You should think of it as a present for spending time with this old man . ”

Hyunwoo was too nonchalant in his words that Sungyoon wondered if he had misjudged the value of a Gold Gem . However, it lasted only a moment . He knew that wasn’t true .

“This present is too much . I already received all the moonstones . I cannot take this too . ”

Sungyoon was firm in rejecting the gift . He placed it back on top of the table . The women on either side of Hyunwoo looked on with interest in their eyes .

“This is why it is so hard to give a gift to someone that is rigid like you . ”

Hyunwoo griped .

“Just take it . The Gold Gems are in an awkward spot where they can’t even crack my lineup of backup Gems . I have no use for it, so I would rather you use it . If you really feel uncomfortable taking this gift, you can think of it as a rental . I don’t care either way . ”

“ you perhaps want something from me?”

He was being too nice in a one-sided manner . It was starting to make Sungyoon suspicious about Hyunwoo .

In the first place, Sungyoon had a hard time trusting others, yet he was following around Hyunwoo without much of a fuss . This was out of character for him .

However, there were few reasons why he was behaving this way .

Sungyoon greatly trusted Jimin, who was his benefactor . Jimin was the daughter of Hyunwoo’s dead friend, and even after several years, Hyunwoo continued to look out for his dead friend’s daughter .

Hyunwoo was also one of the greatest Connectors of this world . Even if he had some kind of machination with Sungyoon in mind, Sungyoon had very limited use . In a process of elimination, Sungyoon guessed Hyunwoo was trying to help Jimin through him .

Sungyoon also wanted to gain some experience, so he could prepare for his future raid to the Great Labyrinth . This was why he had gone along with Hyunwoo .

However, this gesture was too much . He couldn’t gloss over it using these reasons .

“Something I want . . . ”

Hyunwoo smirked .

“Do you realize how arrogant you sound right now? Do you really think you can offer me something I want?”

“...... . ”

When Hyunwoo framed it in that fashion, Sungyoon had no answer . The man in front of him already had what most humans wanted in life .

“You are a naturally suspicious person, so it can’t be helped . If you want an answer, I want you to get as strong as possible . That is what I want from you . ”

It was a very strange answer .

However, Sungyoon interpreted it as ‘Get strong quickly, so you can become Jimin’s strength . ” Since Hyunwoo was coming at him like this, he couldn’t continue to hold out .

“...I’ll borrow it for a short time . ”

Sungyoon picked up the Gem once again, and he spoke .

He wasn’t taking the Gem . He was borrowing it . Hyunwoo looked frustrated by Sungyoon, but that wasn’t the end .

“Also, I’ll be sure to pay back this favor . ”

“ are quite the frustrating person, my friend . ”

It seemed Hyunwoo had given up . He waved his hand away . He was telling Sungyoon to go . Sungyoon bowed his head once, then he exited the pub .

After Sungyoon left, one would have assumed he would continue to drink an obscene amount of alcohol with the women by his side . Unexpectedly, he sent the women away .

He had acted a bit like an immature old man before, but now his face had cooled . His expression turned sober .


He took up his glass, and the ice shifted .

He looked down at his cup with no emotion in his eyes . Then he raised his head .

He took in the sight of the seat where Sungyoon had been sitting until recently .

The light in his eyes changed . There was a deep joy in his eyes .

‘He’s really amazing!’

He had observed Sungyoon as he let Sungyoon battle the monsters . As a result, he was able to confirm that Sungyoon had amazing potential .

‘Soobin can’t even reach his toes!’

He felt bad for comparing Sungyoon to Soobin .

In the past, Hyunwoo had seen Kim Soobin fight . His battle sense was mediocre .

Still, he expected Soobin to grow quickly as a Connector, but his expectation was shattered .

He remembered feeling very wistful when Kim Soobin turned out to be nothing .

However, Hyunwoo no longer needed him .

He no longer felt regret about Kim Soobin, because a really amazing Connector had made an appearance .

Hyunwoo once again emptied the cup . There were very few days like today when alcohol tasted delicious to him . He picked up the half empty alcohol bottle . It happened when he was about to refill his cup .


The surface slightly shook . The tables and chairs shook . The alcohol in the bottle sloshed in his hands . Hyunwoo’s body swayed a little bit .

It was an earthquake .

It wasn’t a large earthquake . The building hadn’t shook too much, yet he could hear raucous sounds from outside . He could faintly hear screams too .

It was to be expected . It was a common opinion that earthquakes didn’t occur on the moon .

However, Hyunwoo wasn’t taken aback at all . Instead, a shallow smile formed on his lips .

‘It is starting . ’

He didn’t care about the earthquake that had shaken his body . He didn’t pay attention to ruckus outside . He placed the bottle to his lips, and he started chugging it .

The amber alcohol went down his throat . In a flash, the bottle was empty .

Was it a celebration for great things to come? Or was it a consolation drink to comfort himself from the terrible things to come?

His smile could be seen through the transparent glass bottle . He had the frightening smile that made him look like the devil .


Sungyoon’s day started out poorly . Of course, he felt the earthquake yesterday .

Fortunately, he was in a hotel that was called the best building in Armstrong . It was built very well, so nothing had happened .

The customers had all come out into the hallway, and the manager did his best to soothe the guests .

The manager’s efforts paid off . The ruckus died down within the hotel, and people started going back into their rooms in ones and twos .

There were still nervous people present, but they had nowhere else to go .

The only territory of earth present on the moon was Armstrong . Moreover, the guest knew this hotel was well built . In the end, they decided this place was the best place to be .

However Sungyoon did see several people leave the hotel . They looked to be Connectors . Sungyoon heard some of them say they’d rather spend the night in their own Moon Surface Vehicles .

Sungyoon thought hard on it, but in the end, he decided to sleep in the hotel .

However, sleep didn’t come easily . He was barely able to go to sleep, and in the morning, he left after eating the breakfast provided by the hotel .

There were still a lot of people walking around the streets of Armstrong . However, it might have been his imagination, but he felt everyone looked a bit shaken and flustered .

Sungyoon headed towards the Aldrin spaceport . He went to the appointed place .

‘...there are a lot of people . ’

There always was a large crowd here, but there were more people here than usual today . It might have something to do with the earthquake from early in the morning .

He could see some people arguing, because they were unable to purchase a ticket .

Sungyoon headed to the lobby of the airport . He folded his arms and he waited under a large clock .

How long had it been?

“Mr . Sungyoon!”

Tim waved his large hand as he approached Sungyoon .

He was larger than everyone around him, so he was easy to find . Sungyoon could see Emily by his side too .

Sungyoon unfolded his arms, and he approached them .

“How was your two week up here? Enjoyable?”

Tim pushed his hand forward as he asked the question .

“It wasn’t enjoyable, but it had its merits . ”

Sungyoon shook Tim’s hand . Then he turned to look at Emily .

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been good . ”

Emily let out a shy smile as she lightly nodded her head .

This was how the three of them joined up once again on the moon .

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