
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight. System Update, Part One.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight. System Update, Part One.

System Updating to revision 3.0197

Certain species are unaware of the System. This portion of the notification has been written to correct certain misunderstandings, ensuring increased user efficiency.

This System controls the energies of the multiverse. Your species refers to these energies as mana, with a recently arrived species understanding them as dark matter.

The purpose of the System is to ensure that these energies are continually refreshed by ceasing their movement from the center of a universe towards the edge, where they would otherwise continually expand said universe until its heat death.

You are welcome.

These energies have a tendency to settle on planetary masses. Sapient beings are excellent tools for ensuring that these energies are circulated, rather than allowing them to lie dormant. To this end, the System has strengthened your physical forms, which allows you to disperse these otherwise sluggish energies. The System has determined that forming these otherwise dormant energies into physical manifestations that threaten the lives of the Sapient beings is an extremely effective method of ensuring that the Sapient beings destroy the manifestations. The System has rewarded this behaviour by forcing a small percentage of these creatures to concentrate their energies into a crystalline form, which the Sapient beings can either absorb to strengthen their own forms, or utilize to create a powerful energy pattern. While effective, research has shown that certain aspects of this arrangement have too often led to species stagnating, or becoming overly complacent.

This update will address a number of deficiencies.

1. Attributes

The System is removing the Beauty attribute. Users will find their physical forms moving closer to what is the ideal for the species as they increase their levels. The Uwelkx species will no longer be driven to attempt to implant their eggs into the bodies of other species.

The System will continue to reinforce its Users attributes to the maximum values for the species. Users will come into sapience with their tier in attributes, distributed as their species requires, which will increase with each level until the first threshold. Additionally, upon each level until reaching their first threshold, users will receive a number of attribute points equal to their tier to distribute as they see fit. Upon reaching the first threshold, they will still receive their path bonus of their tier squared to apply to their attribute of choice. Further advancement will not result in any automatic increase in attributes. Users will continue to be allocated a number of attribute points to allocate each level equal to their tier.

The user receiving this message is a tier seven pinnacle, human, sub-type, "Earth." User would being at level zero with seven attribute points in each attribute. Upon reaching level seven, the users attributes would each be at a base of fourteen, which reflects the maximum values attainable by your species. The user would have forty-nine attribute points to distribute, seven for each level attained. Before selecting their path, the user would receive an allocation of an additional forty-nine points to apply to a single attribute. After the user selected their path, assuming no attribute penalties or bonuses were applied from said path, the user would receive seven additional attribute points to allocate each level.


Energies. The energies available to a user are derived from their attributes, with Health, representing the damage the being can absorb before being rendered inert, equaling the users tier squared, plus the users tier multiplied by the users Endurance. The users Stamina is determined by adding their Strength and Endurance attributes, then dividing by two. Mana is determined by adding their Intelligence and Wisdom attributes, then dividing by two. Regeneration of those energies is equal to the value of said energy, divided by ten, and is regained each second when the user focuses on the process. This value is reduced by half if the user moves, acts offensively, or acts defensively. These divisions are cumulative. Once the user reaches a value of two or higher in either Mana or Stamina regeneration, the System will reserve one point of regeneration for each of the Schools and Skills that the user possesses. The user may select which energy type is reserved, but may not reduce either value below two.

2. Skills

The System has determined that the most successful civilizations arise from species who are highly specialized.

Users will receive one skill point per level. Skill points can be allocated to obtaining either a School, which provides a base for a number of Skills, or individual skills themselves. Schools will have a maximum level of the users tier multiplied by two, while skills will have a maximum level of the users tier squared. These values may be modified by a species natural affinity, the use of an affinity crystal, or the users path. In order to increase the level of a school or skill, the user must allocate a skill point at each threshold. For the user reading this message, that means a School would require a single skill point allocated to be obtained. The school would be capped at level six, requiring a skill point to be allocated to progress to level seven. It would be capped again at level thirteen, requiring another skill point to reach level fourteen. Skills require the same expenditure, at six, thirteen, twenty, twenty-seven, thirty-four, forty-one, and forty-eight. Each threshold reached will allow the user to select from a number of options that either improve the School or Skill in some fashion, or modify another School or Skill. These variables will be determined by the users species, affinities, attributes, and path.

All skills that would alter the mind or restrict the free will of a user have been restricted. The System has determined that civilizations which enslave or subjugate percentages of their own populations are overwhelmingly inefficient when compared to those civilizations which do not. Nearly all species are strongly driven by self interest. The System has added functionality for users to enter contracts with one another. Any user attempting to coerce another into a contract will be subject to System enforced sanctions. Users may, at any time, request a System evaluation of an existing or offered contract through use of their interface.

3. Paths

All current paths have been revoked. The System will provide efficient, and effective paths for users to chose from, based on their species, affinities, and attributes. Users will be able to create their own paths, based on the following guidelines.

3.1 Path Construction

Paths maybe be constructed by including requirements and restrictions, which allow for corresponding bonuses.

Requirements include Spheres, Schools, Skills, Affinities, or Attribute values. Users may only have a number of requirements or restrictions equaling their tier. The bonus received from a requirement is fungible, in that you can add the values together from the various requirements, and then divide them into bonuses equal to that value, be it a single bonus or several smaller ones.

Restrictions Include Spheres, Schools, Skills, or Attribute allocation. Users may only have a number of requirements or restrictions equaling their tier. The bonus received from a requirement is fungible, in that you can add the values together from the various requirements, and then divide them into bonuses equal to that value, be it a single bonus or several smaller ones.

Bonuses are calculated by the total value of the requirement or restriction, and are modified based on the users skill point allocation, affinities, and attributes. Users with no attributes allocated toward Intelligence or Wisdom will not receive a significant bonus for restricting their access to a Magical Sphere, School, or Skill, unless there is a mitigating factor, such as the user possessing an Affinity for that Sphere, School, or Skill. A user with all of their attribute points allocated toward Intelligence and Wisdom who restricted their access to an entire Sphere of Magic would receive a significant bonus.

The System recommends that all users select a pregenerated path.

4. Evolution

Previously the System required users who had reached the apex of their species to either continue on, apotheosising into an new species, but not receiving all the benefits of doing so, while advancing at an ever increasing cost, or reincarnating, allowing the System to rebuild the users physical form and matrix to match their new species. This has proven to be inefficient. Users will now be able to evolve upon reaching the apex of their species, which will provide all the benefits of their new species moving forward, while also allowing the user to evolve their path, allowing for new threshold bonuses. Reincarnation will still provide a stronger foundation due to higher base attributes and increased attribute points to allocate, as well as the opportunity to utilize Affinity Crystals or take advantage of a new species natural affinities. The option to Evolve, while not as ideal, will allow the user to continue to advance more efficiently.

5. Advancement

Previously, the System required Users to absorb the energies from crystals in a single burst to provide the necessary components to improving the users matrix and physical form. The System will now allow the user to absorb these crystals as they acquire them, reducing the chance that the crystals might be lost.

Users may now drain a crystal of its energies while allowing the crystal to maintain its form. Users may then refill that crystal with their own energies, attuning it to themselves and allowing it, once full, to be absorbed, allowing the user to advance. Given the quantity of energy contained in even the least crystal, it is highly recommended that users do not attempt this unless they have the necessary skills to create an energy pattern. The System Interface will warn the user if they are endangering themselves. This change will allow users who are focused on creation to advance while still ensuring the continue to circulate energy.

6. User Experience

The System has determined that providing users with information results in users making better decisions that result in more efficient and effect circulation of energies. To this end, the System will notify all users of updates in their native language, utilizing terminology understandable by the user receiving the message. Given the vast differences between species, and the inability of even the most advanced species to understand even the most minor System Process, certain misunderstandings are inevitable. The System will provide as clear an explanation as possible, given a users incredibly limited understanding.

Each user will now have access to an interface. This customizable menu will allow the user to see explanations for their Attributes, Energies, Affinities, Schools, and Skills. These explanations will be constantly updated to reflect the users current status. This interface will include a heads up display component, also customizable, allowing the user to display their energies, or the experience gain toward their skill levels.

Users will now be able to query the System from their interface. A 'Help' section will be available. Some information will not be available due to the users limited mental capacity.

Users will now be able to form groups. The size of these groups is limited by lowest tiered user, and is restricted by that users tier cubed. Groups will be able to share information through their interfaces, with each user being able to choose to share any part of their status. Experience gain may also be modified through the group interface, allowing for a user who has reached the cap for a School or Skill they are utilizing to decline their experience, allowing that energy to flow to the rest of the group, increasing the amount gained by the remaining users who participated in dispersing the manifestation. Users may also communicate with the members of their group if their target is within range of their physical height/length multiplied by their tier.

Users will now be notified through their interfaces when planetary mass alignments cause a sudden increase in the quantity of mana on the planetary mass they inhabit.

Users will now be notified through their interfaces when a new Dungeon is formed within range of their physical height/length multiplied by their tier cubed. (See Update Section 'Dungeons')

Users will now be notified through their interfaces when a Dungeon within range of their physical height/length multiplied by their tier cubes is within one solar cycle of exceeding it's capacity. (See Update Section 'Dungeons')

7. Rewards

The System has determined that the vast majority of species are most efficient and effective when they are fighting for their lives. Unfortunately, the more successful a species is, the less they struggle to survive, leading to stagnation, which reduces the amount of energy being circulated. To prevent users from becoming complacement, the System has developed a new method of motivating users.

7.1 Quests

The System will assign users certain tasks, with promise of a reward upon completion. The first quest that every user will receive is "My First Kill." This simple quest merely requires the user to locate a manifestation of equal or greater power, and disperse it. Completing this quest unlocks other quests, which will be generated by the System based on the individual user.

The System will create Dungeon specific quests, which are offered to all users in the group that enters the Dungeon. (See Update Section 'Dungeons')

The System will create area specific quests, which are offered to all users in the area. (See System Help 'Minor and Majory Planetary Mass Alignments')

The System may generate a sequence of quests. Should this occur, the user can defer their rewards for each quest until the final quest of the sequence is completed.

7.2 Quest Rewards

The System recognizes that not all species are created equal. In order to increase the efficiency of a users energy circulation, the System may generate a quest that offers a useful reward. This will take the form as something beneficial to the user, be that a weapon, armor, manufacturing appliance, or something else the user may need, but is unable to access.

The System encourages every user to strive to increase their energy circulation. Certain quests such as preventing a Dungeon from exceeding its capacity, or successful and efficient participation in a Minor/Major Planetary Mass Alignment Event, may result in rewards such as additional attribute points to allocate, or an additional skill point. These rewards are not visible within the Quest description, and may only be obtained by truly efficient and effective energy circulation.

The System is perfect. The Multiverse is not. If a users discovers that Multiverse is not behaving in the manner the System has decreed, the user may use their interface to submit an Anomoly Report. Reports that are accepted will be rewarded. Reports that are rejected will result in sanctions.

Users may, on occasion, act in the best interests of the System without the System's encouragement. A planetary administrator decreeing that all users on their planet were required to disperse ten manifestations each solar cycle as a requirement for the validity of their ballot in governmental elections. A user discovering that a new universe was being integrated, and undertaking the task of ensuring that over seven billion potential users were moved to safety. These actions serve to display the System's wisdom in allowing sapient species to cycle energy, rather than replacing them with automated processes. While the System may not issue a quest, consider your every action with the continued efficient and effective circulation of energy in mind.

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