Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 28: Claire the protagonist.

Case 28: Claire the protagonist.


Wait a minute.


Name: Claire  

Race: Human             Title: --

Level: 19

HP: 54/54                    MP: 65/65

STR: 3.1                     INT: 6.7

AGI: 3.1                    STA: 3.3

Skill: [Light Magic Lv.4], [Inspect Lv.3],
[Swordsmanship Lv.2], [Concentration Lv.2],
[Language Lv.1], [Acceleration Lv.1].

State: Normal.


That's what I thought—[Light Magic]

She's the protagonist that Chloe told me about.

''I'm Aurora, nice to meet you.'' I reply to her.

''Hi, Aurora. Once again, thank you so much for earlier!''

''What exactly happened?''

''I accidentally spilled a bit of my drink on her while I was dazing.'' She scratches her cheek with a wry smile. ''I offered to compensate her with some money, and even tried to wash it for her, but as you saw...''

I mean, she's a noble, so she should have enough money and people washing clothes for her. But nothing could be done, I suppose.

''I see. Then please come with me.''

''Uh? Lady Luminous is actually calling me?!'' She stares at me blankly. ''I thought you were just making it up...?''

I did, but Chloe also told me to bring this girl back if I were to see her, so why not.

''I'm not. You need to wash your clothes as well.''


So we begin to walk back to the dorm. I'm very tempted to just teleport us there, but nothing good will come from revealing that I have such a rare skill, not to mention my fake status right now doesn't have it.

Talk about rare skills, apparently, not a lot of people have access to [Light Magic], it's pretty rare. I used [Inspect] on everyone I met in this academy as well, and it's true.

Chloe said that most people can only have two elements, so something's clearly wrong with me.

''Hey, Aurora.'' I hear Claire's voice behind me.


I stop at my track and turn around to see a very curious Claire. She looks like a small squirrel. I want to pet her.

''Why aren't you a student here?''

''What do you mean?''

''No, the average level of freshmen here is around 20, and you're exactly level 20!'' She raises her index finger. ''You should be a student instead of a maid. They do accept talented students with financial struggles and give them loans after all.''

I don't have time for that. And I have no interest in going back to school as a student anyway, brings bad memories.

''Or at least be a supervisor.''

''What does that do?''

''A supervisor is a person who oversees learning activities together with the professor assistants.'' She explains. ''It's usually for high-leveled servants who want to work part-time and earn some more money.''

That might not be too bad, I'm curious about how they learn here. I'll have a look later.

''You know a lot.''

''Well, coming here was always my dream, so I investigated a lot...''

''Congratulations on your admission, then.''

''Thank you, heheh...''

Before long, we arrived at the dorm.

Claire marvels at the luxurious building and the elevator as we ascend to the tenth floor.

knock—! knock—!

''Ch- Lady Luminous, may I enter?''

''You may~''

Is it my imagination, or is she enjoying this?


Opening the door, a very smug-looking Chloe is lying leisurely on the couch with her bathrobe on while her hair is being dried off by Nydia.

This girl... Even though the body is different, that expression is still the same.

''I brought Claire.''

''It's an honor to meet you, Lady Luminous!'' Claire bows respectfully.


Chloe signals Nydia to stop and get off the couch, walking calmly towards the girl.

''You can raise your head.'' She says.

''Thank you...''

''I shall be straightforward, Claire.'' A grin blooms on Chloe's face. ''Do you want to be sponsored by me?''

''Thank you very much, Lady Luminous!''

''No problem.''

Claire bows deeply and exits the room, looking like a dog with two tails.

''Good job, Aurora.''

''You're welcome.'' I shrug and walk over to sit on the couch beside Chloe.


Nydia looks at me and Chloe alternatively, visibly confused by my nonchalant attitude and Chloe's indifferent response.

Ignoring that, we've basically secured the protagonist, who will be a general powerhouse and a deadly weapon against demons in the future.

The reason why I care about this is that according to Chloe, a demon god is lurking somewhere in this world, ready to descend and destroy everything.

I want to live and play with more horror creatures, so I'll help her save the world. It's simple.

Either way, Chloe offered to sponsor Claire earlier, which included paying for her tuition and providing her with equipment and some additional support, in exchange, Claire had to ally herself with the Luminous Dukedom and show up when they needed her.

Needless to say, Claire took it right away.

''But... Why are you investing in an average kid like me...?''

''You have the rare light element, among other things, that's why.''

''Mhm... Demons are extremely rare nowadays, so I'm not sure if that can help much.''

''Trust my judgment. You will become someone sought out by every faction.''

''I... I will trust you, Lady Luminous!''

''Good, now read this carefully and sign it.''

Now then, should I go and continue exploring...

Suddenly, I can feel Chloe poking my wing.

''Aurora. Give me your wing.'' She asks very casually.


''Nydia too, come here and sit down.''

''Eh? Ah, understood...''

So now following Chloe's request, we birds are wrapping her with our wings, with Nydia's wing on top of mine. Why is her wing so hot though...?

''Ah... This is heaven.''

...Wait, I forgot to wash Claire's clothes.

After spending the whole day exploring the academy with Chloe and Nydia, it was already approaching dawn. 

So I bid goodbye to the two of them and went back to my body, not to forget teleporting back to deliver my newly bought clothes before that as well.

I trust Peln with the maid work there, though not like there's anything to work at night anyway.

''How was it, how was it??'' Ariel asks curiously, while her brother seems to be listening intently as well.

''Hm... It was much more advanced than what I saw in your memories.''

''How so? Explain to me!''

If they're this curious, maybe I should find a way to sneak them in.

''Phew... So firstly, they have something called 'cars' now, which work by-''

The days following that were quite peaceful.

At night, I went hunting with my friends and family, trying to clear out the whole region. That went smoothly, but precisely because of that, I wasn't able to raise my level. Not enough high-leveled monsters.

At day, I went exploring and trying out different facilities in the academy. That was fun and interesting for sure. I also noticed the number of students increasing day by day, signaling the start of a new school year.

Roughly three weeks passed, and we are now approaching the first major event of the original game—the evaluation test.

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