Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 169: Vigilant

Chapter 169: Vigilant

Edited by Dust Bunny

After Yu Ge left, a car immediately pulled up. Gu Xizhou and the others got out and came into the coffee shop.

Lao Guo had his legs folded with one hand holding his coffee. He raised his mug to Gu Xizhous group when he caught sight of them. Hehe, Leader Gu, was I okay?

Yes, Gu Xizhou replied. He glanced at the address Yu Ge handed over. It was located in the suburban outskirts.

Alright, enough bragging. You were almost found out just now. Leader Gu had to teach you word by word, or you wouldve let the cat out of the bag. One of the police officers denigrated Lao Guo without hesitation.

Lao Guo groaned. If it werent for my acting skills

Stop stop stop, you have acting skills? Its all about the money.

The two bickered a while before Gu Xizhou raised his hand to signal for them to quiet down. He said, Lets first go investigate this address Yu Ge gave us. She mightve lied to us, so dont beat the grass and scare the snake. We should watch first.


The squad split into two groups. One continued to tail Yu Ge and another suspicious man found in the hospital, and the other went to the address.

The old city district was built over thirty years ago. Unlike now, when houses need to have a building plan, houses were built randomly and crammed very closely together.

This group of houses were all early housing units, and their walls were yellowed with age and full of mold. Their original shabby appearance had become even more gloomy and oppressive.

Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi entered the neighborhood at the same time as a large-bellied woman. The woman laboriously carried a large pile, clearly having just been to the supermarket. Her hands were full.

She was wearing pink maternity clothing with a big pregnant belly. A random stone on the road suddenly tripped her, and she was about to fall down when Gu Xizhou heard a sharp scream and turned around. He quickly grabbed the womans wrist and caught the woman midfall.

Are you hurt? Gu Xizhou asked, frowning.

The woman shook her head. The things in her arms had all fallen to the ground, and she used her hands to cradle her stomach, letting out a long sigh. That really scared her to death when she almost fell down. She was already 7 months pregnant. If she really fell down, it would definitely be a big problem.

T-thank you, Xiao Ge. The woman cradled her stomach. Clearly her adrenaline hadnt worn off yet.

Gu Xizhou nodded at the woman then crouched down to help pick up her things. Fang Zhi also helped gather everything.

Thank you. You two arent from our neighborhood, are you? asked the woman.

Gu Xizhou ened and asked casually, Yes, how did you know?

The pregnant woman smiled and said, Weve been old neighbors around here for many years. Im pregnant, too, so when theres nothing to do, Im downstairs gossiping with the neighbors, and Im very familiar with everyone.

I see.

Thats right, did you come here to visit a friend?

Gu Xizhou shook his head. No, were here to rent a house. Dajie, where do you live? Well send you back first.

Ai Ive troubled you Thank you.

The houses themselves were also very small. There was no living room. After entering the door, you could see the kitchen and then into the bedroom. The bedroom was comparatively larger.

Xiao Ge, what kind of place do you want to rent? Our building is like this, the pregnant woman happily chattered. The owners in this neighborhood are all old neighbors of mine. If you want a house, just tell Jie!

Oh, thats right, thank you for just now!

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gu Xizhou nodded and smiled at the friendly pregnant woman. Thank you, if theres nothing else, well go first.

Gu Ge, they seem to have noticed us Fang Zhi whispered to Gu Xizhou, raising his eyebrows.

Gu Xizhou noticed that the smoking men had all seemed to look over at them, seeming very vigilant. Gu Xizhou thought for a moment, then directly walked over. He smiled and asked, Dage, how do I get to Unit 3? Im looking for someone, but its like a maze here. I lost my way.

A man narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Xizhou, pointing in a distant direction he said, Walk straight from here and go around.

Thanks! Gu Xizhou nodded and smiled, turning to pull Fang Zhi away.

The head of the men held his cigarette and raised an eyebrow, staring at Fang Zhi and Gu Xizhous retreating backs. He whispered something to the subordinate beside him, who responded, Guang Ge, arent you too cautious? Didnt they say they were just looking for someone?

Guang Ge glared daggers at him and said, Follow them and watch closely. One can always be safe if one is careful.

Okay okay okay. The little criminal tossed away his cigarette butt and stamped it out with his foot. Then he turned around to catch up with Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi.

Fang Zhi had barely taken two steps before he noticed someone tailing them. Needless to say, Gu Xizhou did, too. He leisurely took them back to the ground floor of the pregnant womans house. He seemed to take a very earnest look at the blue door plate of each unit after going upstairs.

That person is still following us, Fang Zhi whispered.

En, lets go up first.

The little blond criminal stalking Fang Zhi and Gu Xizhou stood between the second and third floors and wrinkled his brows. After a moment, he heard the two people upstairs ring the doorbell of a unit.

The houses in the old city always have an old-fashioned smell, accompanied by a creaking sound as the door opens.

Jie, didnt you say you could help me look for a house? I still really need your help!

A deep male voice accompanied the sound of the opening door.

Ha, its you. I thought it was my husband coming back. Come in, Ill help you ask in the homeowner group first.

The gentle womans voice was very soft and tender.

After the blondie heard the conversation upstairs, he turned around and went down. He fished out a cigarette from his pocket as he left, complaining in his heart: Guang Ge is too cautious; he really just came to find someone.

A few men squatting at the entrance of Unit 1 in Building 3 whispered together. Recently, I heard people over there say that business is rough. The hospital is strictly managed, and the floor of the intensive care unit requires access cards for entry. We think business is quite good here.

Our sides business has never been cut off here!

Guang Ge narrowed his eyes and said, Its thanks to the boss methods.

Guang Ge, we heard youve seen the boss. What does he look like?

Guang Ge heard his subordinates question and glared harshly. Dont ask about things you shouldnt. Do you want to die?

No, no Guang Ge, pretend I never said anything.

Guang Ge shot him a cool glance. At this time, the blond man came running back and Guang Ge turned to look at him. Whats up with those two? he asked.

They really came to find a friend. Theyre thinking about renting a house in the district. The blond man shrugged. I told you you were being too cautious, Guang Ge. I suppose well be seeing those two around more often.

Guang Ge was silent for a while. After asking for a few more details, he was finally reassured.

I asked! Theres an apartment! Its just that its on the first floor, so it might be a little damp. I dont know if you can live in it. The pregnant woman smiled and said, Its in Building 3 Unit 2 over there

Building 3 Unit 2?

Gu Xizhou didnt hesitate to say, Ill rent it.

Gu Ge? Fang Zhi was thinking about that suspicious place theyd seen just now and was stunned by Gu Xizhous words, staring at him in confusion.

Were they really going to rent something?

Gu Xizhou didnt originally intend to rent a room. The operation Yu Ge told them about was in three days, so he didnt think about renting a room to keep an eye on this group of people for a long time. However, the building the pregnant woman mentioned was right across from them!

Even though the gang was on the fourth floor, they could at least watch what was happening.

Gu Xizhou immediately let the pregnant woman contact the landlord for them and directly rented the room sight unseen.

Two days later.

Hey, how come you havent been to the hospital these days? In the hospital, huddled in a corner, a man spoke impatiently on the phone.

There was a woman on the other end of the phone. At the hospital? At the third hospital, only two people need kidney transplants. One doesnt have any money for it, and the other has money, but we havent been able to find a match, right? Aiya, An Ge, Im just being lazy. Ill stroll over in the afternoon.

The boss just called and said we should go to the provincial hospital. Theres a buyer, the man said.

A buyer was found so fast. Yu Ge frowned. Doesnt the ICU over there not allow outsiders?

The mans lips curled. I dont know about that. Anyway, we can meet the family members when they leave. This next one seems like a big order. The boss wants us to go together.

I see, Ill go straight to the provincial hospital.

After hanging up, Yu Ges heart was pounding. She looked at Song Yuanguo beside her and asked, Song Ge, have your people found the place?

Lao Guo: Were looking, but we havent seen anyone. Every day, there are just a few thugs around.

Yu Ge nodded. Its like this. We dont keep the people in the same place as we do the operation.

Lao Guo frowned and said, Why do you perform the operations in a place so crowded? Isnt it easier to be discovered?

Yu Ge shook her head and said, I dont know, but I have a little brother over there who said its because the place people are kept isnt convenient for surgery.

Oh Lao Guo saw that Yu Ge didnt know and said with some disappointment, It seems we can only wait for the day of my sons operation to see if we can find anything.

En, Yu Ge said. Um, Song Ge, I still have something to do. Theyve arranged a task for me.

Lao Guo knew Yu Ge wanted to go to the provincial hospital and said, Where are you going? How about I drop you off?

No need, I can go by myself. Yu Ge shook her head and directly refused. Its best not to let the people over there see you. Our boss is very merciless; theres nothing he wont do.

Oh, okay. Then you be careful.

Sending off Yu Ge, Lao Guo sat in the luxury car and rubbed his forehead. That woman can really spend money. She called him to go shopping and dropped 50,000 yuan on a bag!

Lao Guo had felt so much pain it was hard to breathe, but she had looked around for half a day, and refusing to buy it wasnt in line with his character of a rich tycoon.

Leader Gu, you let me buy this, Lao Guo said, sitting in the car. This one crappy bag actually cost 50,000 yuan. Its highway robbery!

Ill go negotiate first, so I wont be responsible for this thing! I just hope we catch them all in the next two days, then I can bring it back to return it. If I cant then I dont have the money, and even if I did, I wouldnt buy this kind of thing!

Gu Xizhou, who was in the car with him, said, Relax, I wont look for you to take responsibility.

The car followed Yu Ges vehicle all the way to the provincial hospital. Gu Xizhou waited in the car and watched Yu Ge. Soon, a patients family member came down to receive Yu Ge and her accomplice.

Leader Gu, we got the photo.

Gu Xizhou got the photo of the three people and turned to the subordinate beside him to say, Go down to the hospital to ask which patient this woman is here for.

Yes, Leader Gu.

About an hour later, Yu Ge and the man came downstairs and left.

Isnt it too soon to have the surgery tomorrow? Is the matching done? Yu Ge asked.

The boss should have already found the match and just let us finish the last step. Lets go together tomorrow, and Ill take you over to where the surgery is done.

Yu Ge ened. She knew there was more than one surgery site, but she only knew about one because she was just a small underling. But there was only one doctor, mainly to guarantee that the organs could arrive at the hospital in a timely manner.


Gu Xizhou looked over silently. Lao Guo had sent Yu Ge some bugged lipstick, so they could hear the conversation loud and clear.

A heart transplant.

These people wanted to do heart surgery tomorrow. That meant tomorrow, someone would certainly die. If they try to catch them during the surgery, the others may run away, but they couldnt just stand back and watch an innocent person die, right?

These people dare to sell human hearts! Too ruthless!

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth. Leader Gu, what are we going to do?

Gu Xizhou was frozen for a moment before ordering, Everyone has been working hard today and wont go home. Lets all regroup and act according to the situation tomorrow.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his head and sent a text to Si Yu: I wont go back tonight. Dont wait for me.

Si Yu: Okay, pay attention to safety.

Gu Xizhou: En.

Si Yu: Did you take the die?

Gu Xizhou: That one? I brought it.

Si Yu: Then thats good.

Gu Xizhou stared blankly, not understanding what Si Yu meant, but he didnt care either. Waiting for the evening, Yu Ge finally went out with that man.

Their group immediately followed by car.

The man started the car, and Yu Ge drowsily complained, Why are we leaving now? Isnt the surgery in the afternoon?

Listen to the boss; if you dont ask too many questions, you can live a long life.

Yu Ge shrugged and didnt say more, leaning against the side of the car and going to sleep.

The car drove to a secluded area, and their surroundings grew more and more empty.

Leader Gu, there arent many cars around. Hell notice us if we keep following them.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his forehead and looked around. This area was getting more rural. If they really did the operation here, could they really send the heart to the hospital in time? They didnt already notice the cops following them, did they?

No, they were very careful. They shouldnt have been discovered.

Gu Xizhou thought about it and said, Continue to follow.

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