Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Part Time Actor, Part Time Police Officer

Dust Bunny

Gu Xizhou heard the other two and shrugged. Maybe handsome people all looked alike, ba.

The place where the corpses were found was marked out on the map. Gu Xizhou glanced at it and said in a low voice, The corpse has already rotted significantly, and its face has been destroyed. Identifying the corpse will be difficult, but its still necessary to find a way to determine its origin. Although we havent ruled out that these people are from outside, its still necessary to try. Fang Zhi, you arrange it.

Okay, Ill do that right away. Fang Zhi immediately pulled out his cellphone and stepped outside as he made a call.

Identifying the corpses wont be so simple, Gu Xizhou said, his voice muffled. These people arent well dressed either. They were most likely tricked by these people as soon as they arrived in the city for work. I bet no one reported that they were missing.

Xiang Yuan nodded, continuing where Gu Xizhou left off. There is another way. We could go to the hospital to look.

En, Gu Xizhou said, glancing at the map. If you wanted to sell organs, you had to have someone to sell them to. The easiest place to find for a customer would be a hospital. Gu Xizhou pointed to the place where they found the dead body on the map, turning to Xiang Yuan. If the body was found here, how close is the nearest hospital

Xiang Yuan lowered his voice. The third hospital, the third hospital is the closest.

Okay. Lets go there first.

Gu Xizhou left the forensic office and went to the third hospital with Fang Zhi and observed it for several days.

Gu Ge, we asked the doctors and the hospital said that there really are several patients who suddenly found a match and signed the donation agreement. There are two patients this month.

Gu Xizhou lowered his voice. Check their accounts to see if theyve transferred any funds.

The results of the investigation soon came out. The families of the two patients had withdrawn 300,000 yuanand 1,200,000 yuan. The 300,000 yuan was for a kidney and the 1,200,000 yuan was for a heart replacement!

These people were probably dealing in cash, so there was no corresponding account information.

Fang Zhi paled. Unlike his kidneys, he didnt have two hearts. If his heart was taken it could only spell one thing: death.

Hearing the results of the investigation, everyone was disgusted. This gang even dared to sell hearts and a lot of people had died at their hands.

But they couldnt do anything because they still hadnt identified the bodies. Everyone who had reported someone missing in Ningqing had come to identify the bodies, but none of the bodies were claimed. That meant that these people were all from outside the city or had been abducted by the gang. The gang must still have a lot of merchandise.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

What they needed to do now was rescue these people who might have their organs removed at any moment!

The doctor sitting in the office frowned and said in a warm voice, Xiansheng, this isnt a matter that can be changed with money, it still depends on whether or not we can find a donor There are still three patients in this hospital waiting for a kidney transplant Kidneys arent cabbages, it still needs to be a match!

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and slammed the table, cursing, I have plenty of money. Youre a doctor, you just want money, right? Just tell me how much!

After being yelled at by the middle-aged man, the doctor had no choice but to respond in a pleasant voice. Dont be angry. Even if you find a kidney donor, it still has to be a match. Let your family members do the matching tests first. If we find a donor, we will notify you.

The middle-aged mans anger burst and he punched the doctor in the face, cursing and crying. You liar! You just want money. Is one million not enough? En?

The middle-aged man cursed and cried. Sitting in the chair the young man looked. When he saw the middle-aged mans appearance he shouted anxiously, Dad! Dad, stop hitting him! Dad!

The man suddenly sat down on the ground in pain and started crying like a child. The other people in the hospital all stood around whispering.

Ai, so pathetic. If someone gets sick it doesnt matter if you have money or not. Its all the same, ai

The doctor has bad luck to meet such an unreasonable upstart.

In the crowd, a man and woman glanced at each other, their gazes falling on the middle-aged man. The clothes he wore were all luxury brands without exception. And with the things on his wrists, my goodness, his whole person was worth 500,000 yuan!

The middle-aged mans body exuded the aura of a local tyrant.

Whats the use of having money if it cant cure you of illness The middle-aged man wept. I made money for you, but now that youre dead, what do I need it for?

The young mans eyes were red, and it was clear he was about to cry. The four people following him quickly consoled him. Xiao Jun, dont be sad. We can always go to another hospital.

The father and son spoke for a while and the middle-aged mans mood stabilized. After a while, a woman in high heels walked up to them. Her phone fell from her hand right next to the middle-aged man. As she crouched down to get it, she whispered, If you want to save your son, come with me.

The middle-aged mans face exposed a stunned expression. He was about to grab the womans wrist, but she had already stood up and was walking briskly away.

The middle-aged man didnt even think about handing the young man in the wheelchair over to the four people he was with. He just hurried after the tall woman, asking, What did you mean by what you said just now?

I have a kidney donor, the woman said, holding a cigarette to her lips as they curled upwards. Do you want it?

The middle-age man gave her a skeptical look and said, None of the hospitals have one, but you do? Are you a doctor?

The woman shook her head, taking a draw of her cigarette. Of course Im not a doctor, but I have a kidney donor. Last month, I found two kidney donors for people in this hospital, completely legally. The donors have all signed off on the donation procedures.

You said one million? For one million I can guarantee that I can find you a kidney. Youdont want it? the woman asked, the corners of her mouth curling.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing the woman in front of him, trying to discern whether the woman was cheating him. A moment later the man said, Youre selling organs, right?

When she heard the middle-aged mans words, the woman turned around and walked away.

The middle-aged man grabbed the womans hand and said, Where are you going? Didnt I say I would buy so long as I could save my son? Its just money, I dont care.

Hearing the middle-aged mans response, the woman was stunned. At most a kidney would cost 300,000 yuan. One million yuan She was just saying random things to test the middle-aged man.

We dont accept transfers, only cash. The woman thought for a moment and continued, And you must pay a 200,000 yuan down payment.

When do you want it? the middle-aged man asked.

The woman: As soon as possible!

The middle-aged man glanced at the woman and said, Theres a China Construction Bank nearby, lets go now. My name is Song Yuanguo, whats yours?

You can call me Yu Ge, the woman smiled. We dont need real names in this business.

Song Yuanguo stared at the woman intently before taking her directly to the China Construction Bank.

While Yu Ge waited in the car for Song Yuanguo to withdraw the money, she keenly noticed that as soon as he took out his bank card someone took Song Yuanguo upstairs immediately. Clearly he was an important customer.

And the car she was sitting in was even more extravagant. She took out her phone to check and found that the car actually cost 10 million!

Damn, this motherfucker was rich. One million really was nothing to this man!

Yu Ge suddenly felt a little regretful. If shed known earlier she would have raised the price a little!

Song Yuanguo went upstairs and took out his card, asking the bank to help him withdraw 200,000 yuan. When he heard the employee say the balance on the card his whole person felt unwell.

He took out his phone and sent a message before immediately deleting the record from his phone.


While he was in the hospital, Gu Xizhous phone rang.

Lao Guo: Team leader Gu, they took the bait, but youve spent so much money. My clothes are worth 500,000 and I just looked it up and the car is worth over 10 million! And that bank card! WTF theres also 10 million on it. As soon as I arrived at the bank, the bank was selling to me.

Gu Xizhous mouth twitched. What else was he supposed to do? Hed been watching the ICU like a hawk for days. These people hadnt taken the initiative to contact the woman for several days and the woman didnt try to find them either. There was no other way but to let Lao Guo pretend to be a buyer. Lao Guos clothes, car, and bank card naturally werent from the government. Gu Xizhou had asked to borrow them from Si Yu.

But wasnt Si Yu too generous? There was really 10 million on that card?

Fuck did it really cost so much money to put on a play?

Gu Xizhou: Perform well. Dont screw this up for me. These are all borrowed props. Dont mess around.

Lao Guo: Yes, yes, yes, I know. But there is no way not to pay the necessary expenses. That woman wants me to give a 200,000 yuan down payment. If you cant get it back after the case, you cant ask me for it!

Gu Xizhou: Dont worry, I wont look for you.

Lao Guo: How was my acting just now?

Gu Xizhou: Very good, much better than the actors on television.

Seeing Gu Xizhous message, the corners of Lao Guos mouth turned up. Because he was the oldest, he asked to pretend to be the patients family member using the alias Song Yuanguo. As a police officer he never thought he would have to show off his acting skills one day. Being a police officer was really exhausting.

The person he was pushing just now really was a patient. He heard that Team Leader Gu had gone to another hospital to find someone, but it wasnt someone waiting for a kidney replacement, they had a heart disease. Just now he was afraid that the other person would be too excited and have a heart attack!

Lao Guo put all the money in Yu Ges handbag and then carried it to the bathroom. He took a picture of the contents of the womans bag with his phone and sent it to Gu Xizhou. He packed up and went downstairs. When he got in the car he stuffed the handbag into the womans hands saying indifferently, You count it.

The woman opened the handbag and her eyelids jumped for no apparent reason. This old man was really rich. The money is all there, but arent you afraid Ill run off with it?

Lao Guo raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the woman who went by the code name Yu Ge and said, Its only 200,000, its not that much money. Do you know how much my car is worth?

Of course she knew, shed just looked it up.

Do you think I care about 200,000? So long as there is hope, I will try. If I wasnt so anxious, I would investigate you before I did business with you. I just want my son to be safe and healthy, Lao Guo said with an open expresion.

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