Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 156: Public Opinion Can Melt Gold

Chapter 156: Public Opinion Can Melt Gold

Edited by Crooked

The villa was located downtown, chosen for its quieter location. Gu Xizhou estimated that the price was similar to the villa in the countryside.

Location confirmed, they were all villas he couldnt afford.

Gu Xizhou couldnt help complaining internally.

Water running, Gu Xizhou looked at himself in the mirror. The mirror was fogged, making his features become blurred and indistinct. Gu Xizhou wiped the condensation from the mirror so that he could see his face clearly.

Dong, dong, dong.

Are you all washed up? A clear bright voice came from the other side of the door, the sound deep and magnetic.

Gu Xizhou, who had been staring at himself for a long time, retrieved his gaze when he heard the voice. He took a deep breath and said, Yes, Ill be out in a sec.

Gu Xizhou had just gone out when Si Yu hugged him from behind. He rested his chin on Gu Xizhous shoulder, nuzzling him gently. You smell good.

Gu Xizhou turned his head into the side of Si Yus face and said nothing. Wasnt that just the smell of the body wash in this house?

En? Soon Si Yu took his hand and led him over to the couch.

Ill help you blow dry your hair.

Si Yus voice was serious as he sat on one side, blow drying his hair while he talked, running his hands through his hair. Gu Xizhou sat on the sofa with his head bowed.

Whats wrong? Is it too hot? Si Yu asked, caressing his hair gently as he looked down at him.

Gu Xizhou shook his head, leaning into Si Yu as he said quietly, No one has ever blow dried my hair before.

Si Yu seemed to think of something, but he didnt say anything. He just pinched Gu Xizhous chin and kissed him.

The next day, Gu Xizhou sat down in the interrogation room to question the suspect Du Lei.

Du Lei looked very ordinary, but even that was a little suspicious.

Without a word, Fang Zhi took out a photo of Sun Feifei and handed it to Du Lei. Do you know this person? Do you know why we called you?

Du Lei seemed to think of something, his dignified expression simultaneously becoming a little frantic. I dont know! I dont know why you called me! he retorted.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Du Lei was vigilant, his words exposing no split seams for the moment.

You really didnt know what Feifei looked like? Fang Zhi asked again.

Du Lei nodded. I really didnt. This is the first time Ive seen a photo of her.

Alright, ba, dont cry until you see the coffin. Fang Zhi took out another photo and placed it on the table along with a phone number and two other photographs. Do you know now?

Du Lei seemed to think of something and paled.

Did you think we wouldnt find out that you asked the delivery man to take pictures for you? Sun Feifei really didnt send you any photos when you were dating online, but you ordered her take out and then asked the delivery man to take pictures of her secretly.

So if you knew what Sun Feifei looked like from the beginning, the question is: why did you lie?

I Du Lei hesitated for a moment before curling his lip. Whats wrong with taking a picture? I spent so much money on her, whats wrong with wanting to know what she looks like? he said viciously.

It just doesnt sound very good to say you took a picture without someone knowing, so I didnt say anything.

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and said, The DNA report will be done soon. You dont have to deny it. Whether or not its you, the results will be out soon.

The set of clothes you sold and the round trip ticket is sufficient evidence. Your technique wasnt very clever, your only advantage was that cross-province killings arent easy to trace. Now that youve already been caught, dont try to escape the punishment of the law.

When Du Lei heard this, he grit his teeth and shrugged. Then what are you still questioning me for?

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow and said, We ask, you answer.

Why did you commit murder?

She cheated on me. I spent so much money on her, but she insisted on breaking up with me. I got a part time job to buy her that dress she had wanted for a long time as a gift and she promised to get back together with me. I was really really happy

I bought a train ticket to Ningqing that day. When I found her home according to her address, I discovered that there was a man who would come to see her often.

When that man left, I was furious and went to argue with her. She scolded me, called me a pervert, and threatened to call the police. I dont know what happened after that, I was so filled with rage I started hitting her. By the time I came back to my senses she wasnt breathing.

I was so scared I fled.

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow and asked, You just ran away after killing someone?

Yes, ah. W-Whats the problem? Du Lei asked, his voice strange.

It certainly was a big problem. Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi looked at each other. Du Lei didnt deal with the scene of the crime, but there was tape at the scene of the crime The AC had also been turned down deliberately.

Gu Xizhou fell silent for a moment before briefly describing what theyd found at the scene of the crime. At Gu Xizhous description, Du Leis eyes widened, his face blank.

Gu Xizhou lowered his gaze, examining this student closely. Someone had dealt with the crime scene.

Did you close the door when you left? Gu Xizhou asked.

Du Lei smiled bitterly. It shouldve been closed, ba I was terrified when I ran away, I probably closed the door Ah, I cant remember, who would remember something like that, ah!

You saw Sun Feifei with that man that day, is that right?

Gu Xizhou handed Du Lei a photo. Is this the man you saw that day?

The photograph was of An Ronghua, a man in his thirties.

Du Lei glanced at the photo of An Ronghua and shook his head. Gu Xizhou pulled out all the photos of the men who might have a relation to Sun Feifei, including both the short and long term ones.

When he saw Wei Mings photo he clearly recognized him. He pointed to Wei Ming and said, Him.

As soon as he heard what Du Lei said, Gu Xizhou knew almost immediately that Wei Ming was the one who dealt with the crime scene, because when he asked him before, the meeting time he gave wasnt the same as what Du Lei had said!

Call Wei Ming to the police station.

As soon as Gu Xizhou ordered, Wei Ming was brought to the police station and into the interrogation room.

Do you know why we called you?

I dont know, havent you already tested the DNA? It wasnt me! Wei Ming steepled his hands and shook his head firmly.

I know the murderer isnt you because weve already caught him, Gu Xizhou said.

Hearing this, Wei Ming instantly became more composed. Th-thats great

Why did you help him deal with the crime scene? Gu Xizhou asked.

What? Me Wei Mings relieved expression stiffened when he heard Gu Xizhous question. I didnt do it, ah, why would I do that? How would that benefit me!

Thats right, maybe Im thinking too much, Gu Xizhou said offhandedly.

Wei Ming touched the sweat on his forehead. When he followed Gu Xizhou out, they ran into Du Lei as he was leaving. After watching him go, Gu Xizhou sighed and said, His life is ruined

Ai, Wei ming sighed. Yes, ah, murder must be atoned for with ones life, but Feifei will thank you, police officer Da-ge.

I didnt say that he was a murderer, or that he killed Feifei, how did you know?

I-I dunno I just Wei Mings face was flushed, he wanted to explain but couldnt explain clearly.

Gu Xizhou put a hand on Wei Mings back and pointed to the security camera overhead and pushed him back into the interrogation room. Tell me, ba. Why?

Wei Ming seemed to give up, sitting at the interrogation table in silence. After a long time

After I broke up with Sun Feifei, I went to ask for the money I gave her back. She called me wretched She cut up the gift I gave her and threw it in my face

I knew she gave me a green hat, and that she didnt like me at all. She just saw me as an ATM that could be ordered around, but I didnt have the courage to commit murder. I couldnt get over that day and went back to find her.

When I saw that man strangle Sun Feifei and run away, I thought he had guts. Such a worthless woman should die. I dont know what I was thinking. I did it by such means, I didnt think you would catch him.

After snagging the loose thread in the clothes, plus what Du Lei said, Wei Ming, the person who dealt with the aftermath was also caught.

At the end of the case, Sun Feifeis father came to the police station once again to ask for the clothes.

For some reason Gu Xizhou walked over to Sun Feifeis disgusting father and asked: Did you ever feel sad at all after your daughter died?

The middle aged man was silent for a long time, he sat to the side, holding the clothes in his arms. N-No, to tell you the truth when she died, I was relieved.


The middle-aged mans eyes turned red as he opened his mouth to speak. Its not a very pleasant matter

I want to hear it.

When I was young, I had an affair with my current wife and divorced her mother. My wife didnt like her. When I was away, I would worry about her being bullied so I sent her to my hometown and let my mother take care of her.

I felt guilty and asked a friend from that town to take care of her. Back then she hated me so much she wouldnt even use the money I gave her, so I asked my friend to help me give her money.

Because my friend was a teacher, he would also give Feifei free make-up lessons But then she asked my friend for a mobile phone. I thought she didnt need one at her age so I refused.

As a result I dont know what happened. The school heard that Feifei had been molested by my friend. I took her to the school to clarify but she wouldnt cooperate with me, ba. She threw a fit and talked nonsense with the kids at school.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly. My friend couldnt stand it and jumped from a building and died.. What was obviously false was spoken as truth.

I really regretted it at the time. If it wasnt for me, it wouldnt have happened. From then on I didnt know her at all, didnt know if she was my daughter or a demon.

You know the people in my town still believe my daughters rumor.

When I get the compensation money I plan to give it all to my friends parents. I hope they can live a better life in their later years. Maybe this can make up for what happened. Its my fault I didnt educate my kid well, I just hope Feifei will be sent to a good family in her next life, ba.

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