Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 152: Virtual Chatting

Chapter 152: Virtual Chatting

Edited by Crooked

Wei Ming, Gu Xizhou said quietly, repeating the name the school girl had mentioned to him.

Call Wei Ming, Gu Xizhou told the counselor seriously.

The counselor nodded, speaking up after calling Wei Ming, It cant be Wei Ming, ba. He wouldnt do something like that. What did you say just now? Wei Ming tried to kill himself? Why didnt I know?

When the schoolgirls heard the counselors question they were speechless. After a moment a few of them began to speak.

Shu Yue didnt look well as she spoke. Actually, my boyfriend cheated on me at the beginning of the semester before getting together with Sun Feifei. Because I didnt want to cause drama, no one knew about the drama between me and Sun Feifei, and neither did Sun Feifeis boyfriend.

Because my relationship with Sun Feifei was pretty good before, and Wei Ming was in the same class, we added each other on Q.

Out of the blue I received a message from Wei Ming asking me what was up with Sun Feifei. He didnt know why she wasnt paying attention to him and asked me to help him find out discreetly. Thats when I found out that Wei Ming and Sun Feifei had broken up.

Shu Yue spoke bitterly, pausing to look at the counselor who looked unwell before saying, at the time I was very angry so I told Wei Ming about Sun Feifei stealing my boyfriend. Wei Ming didnt believe me, and then

I dont know what happened afterwards, Sun Feifei probably broke up with Wei Ming. He was heartbroken. I figured we were both the ones who were cheated on, so I comforted him.

One day he sent me a message saying he didnt want to live without Feifei. When I received this message, I was very worried. A few of my friends and I went to his dorm to find him. His roommate told us he was staying in a hotel and hadnt come back yet.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

En my eyelids kept twitching. I had to ask a few jocks to accompany me to find Wei Ming. When we arrived we found Wei Ming [burning in his room!

Later when Sun Feifei was dumped by that scum man, they got back together for some reason. I said a few words to try and change his mind, but he wouldnt listen so I deleted him.

Talking about this topic clearly made Shu Yue upset. Evidently she was still very angry about Wei Mings reconciliation with Sun Feifei.

Dont mention her feelings, even Gu Xizhou thought Wei Ming was crazy.

Was this true love?

Gu Xizhou couldnt help roasting him in his heart.

Its good that it all turned out well. Students will commit suicide over the smallest things these days. Why is their psychological quality so poor? The school president heard the last part and wiped his forehead of sweat. He couldnt help but feel glad, fortunately that kid didnt die, otherwise the school would have already gone crazy. It was enough of a headache now.

Gu Xizhou glanced at him without arguing with his comment and asked the counselor. How long until he arrives?

Soon. Hes in the dorms so he should be quick.

Oh. Gu Xizhou nodded and didnt say much else.

After waiting a while longer a young man came running in. He was about 1.75 meters tall. He was put together, with good features and a smile on his face. It was hard to imagine that such a person would kill himself for love.

When Wei Ming came into the office he didnt show any abnormalities, he just smiled and joked with the counselor. Tao Ge, what do you want with me, ah? He asked casually when he came in.

Im not looking for you, The counselor said, pointing to Gu Xizhou, this officer is.

Hello, Gu Xizhou said, walking over to Wei Ming and taking him aside. Are you Sun Feifeis boyfriend? He asked in a low voice.

Wei Ming looked at Gu Xizhou and nodded, I am. Did something happen to her?

Gu Xizhou didnt immediately break the news of Sun Feifeis death to him, or answer Wei Mings question. Have you contacted your girlfriend recently?

I havent contacted her recently, Wei Ming finally said after falling silent for a long time.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and asked, Why?

Eh Wei Ming glanced at Shu Yue and the other, clearly not wanting to answer.

Why? Gu Xizhou repeated.

Wei Mings expression suddenly turned ugly and he asked urgently, Officer Da-ge, what happened to her? Was she beaten?

Shes dead.

Dead? Dead?? Wei Ming was shocked, clearly unable to accept Gu Xizhous answer. How could this happen? How how did she die?

Gu Xizhous voice didnt fluctuate, only saying flatly, She was strangled to death in her home.

Why did you argue? Gu Xizhou continued. Please answer my question truthfully.

You suspect me, ah?

Gu Xizhou spread his palms, Until we catch the murderer, everyone is a suspect.

Wei Mings forehead broke out in sweat, Adams apple bobbing gently. He hesitated to say anything, but under Gu Xizhous watchful gaze, the student still opened his mouth. I accidentally found out that she and You Xi were going to sleep on the phone together. I dont know what others would think, but anyways, as my girlfriend I couldnt accept this so we argued.

She explained that there wasnt anything between them, they just played games together and I felt like she was treating me like an idiot. Wei Ming said in self deprecation.

Sleeping on the phone? Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi exchanged blank looks. What was that? Gu Xizhou even doubted life.

Seeing their confusion, Wei Ming scratched his head and said, When you go to bed you just dont turn off your phone and you fall asleep talking. A lot of couples do this now.

Bewildered, Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows.

Could falling asleep this way make someone happier? It couldnt!

Gu Xizhou continued questioning him, When did this happen?

Wei Ming replied, It should have been the weekend before last. Wait a second, Ill look at my phone, I messaged her!

Wei Ming flipped through his chat record with the deceased. Here, look.

Gu Xizhou looked at Wei Mings phone and confirmed that it was definitely from two weeks ago. This didnt help them narrow down the time of death at all. It didnt make anysense. After the couple quarreled there wasnt any communication after that day, exactly like Wei Ming said.

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