Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 131: You Don’t Have a Fever

Chapter 131: You Don’t Have a Fever

Edited by Dust Bunny

Gu Xizhou smiled at the monster and was about to go down after it when he was caught by Si Yu.

Lets go together, said Si Yu.

Gu Xizhou nodded thoughtfully and said, Okay.

The hallway was very dreary. Gu Xizhou felt the burning temperature of Si Yus palm, and his eyelids drooped a bit as he followed after. The two left the room but didnt head downstairs yet.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Suddenly, the sound of something striking an iron nailing sounded repeatedly in the midst of the endless night, followed by a mournful wail. It was a womans wail, and it was clearly the voice of that woman from earlier.

They havent gone far yet! exclaimed Si Yu, pulling Gu Xizhou along by the hand. He squeezed his hand tightly.

Gu Xizhou glanced at the stares and frowned, saying, I dont know what its like outside.

Si Yu: Were about to find out.

Gu Xizhou: Okay.

Gu Xizhou wasnt afraid from the beginning. As long as they didnt encounter any invisible rules, it was unlikely that these ghosts could be his opponents. And with Si Yu, he hardly had to worry about death rules.

Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yu and relaxed a bit, unexpectedly feeling a type of indescribable security.

Just when they went out, two sharp striking sounds echoed in the darkness, like human bone hitting metal. It was a violent sound. Immediately afterward, Gu Xizhou heard the womans voice once again, shrieking bitterly.

The womans screams and the strange banging noise echoed endlessly from within the impenetrable darkness.

After a moment, the clanging noise became an even stranger sound.

Ka ka ka.

Ka ka ka.

It was like something was carefully crunching a bone to pieces. Instantly, the surroundings returned to tranquility. They could only hear this odd noise. There was no light on the way across from the stairs, and they couldnt see anything. They had no idea what it was like inside the darkness.

Gu Xizhou mulled it over, looking down at the flashlight in his hands. He exchanged a look with Si Yu. Use this to take a look?

Si Yu didnt oppose him and nodded. Okay, ah.

Gu Xizhou turned on the flashlight and shined it at the ka ka ka sound. The hallway was completely empty. There was nothing there.

The two stepped closer. There was a blood smear on the ground. Blood was left on the hallway where a woman was seemingly dragged upstairs, since the traces left behind in the blood were clearly drag marks.

Lets go up and look, whispered Gu Xizhou.

Si Yu looked thoughtful. After a moment, he nodded. Okay, well stay together.

Using the flashlight, Gu Xizhou and Si Yu followed the bloodstains all the way to the door of Building 1 Apartment 713 where they stopped.

Ka ka ka.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

A strange noise came from inside, like something chewing its food.

As they ate, dark blood flowed down their hands and dripped onto the white floor tiles.

The blood pools flowed all over the room, far more than a single person could produce. These two monsters had eaten more than just one human being.

Gu Xizhou judged the way very quickly.

Noticing the light, the two upside down monsters turned their faces toward Gu Xizhou and Si Yu, their eyes curving into narrow crescent moons. In contrast, the pupils began to rapidly spin around while the purple veined hands of the monsters squeezed the human limbs, opening up their supernaturally wide mouths filled with fangs with lips dyed red with blood.

The two monsters didnt move at all. They remained hanging upside down peacefully while they rigidly stared at Gu Xizhou and Si Yu.

Gu Xizhou originally thought they were eating the red dress woman who fell from upstairs, but when he looked around with the flashlight, he saw her sitting on a cabinet inside. She weakly opened her mouth, exhausted. Gu Xizhou managed to read her lips with difficulty and judged that she was asking for help: Save me.

Gugugu. A strange noise came from the monsters throats.

The woman in the red dress looked at Gu Xizhou with a pleading and desperately terrified expression. Gu Xizhou stared at the woman coldly. Dont think he didnt pay attention to details! When he moved the flashlight over the body of the woman, she didnt have a shadow!

En? Theres nothing inside. Si Yu said, fiercely yanking Gu Xizhou back and closing the door. Lets go.

Gu Xizhou tilted his head, giving Si Yu a strange look, but he listened and pulled Si Yus hand, leading him leisurely back to the seventh floor staircase. At the same time, the two monsters inside pushed open the door and stretched out their heads, staring inscrutably at their backs.

One of them quickly crawled along the wall up to the ceiling and reached out a hand to try to grab Si Yu.

Gu Xizhou wanted to beat the ghost, but Si Yu grabbed him and said, Its too dark, aim your flashlight ahead. I cant see the path.

Si Yu rolled his ankle and luckily dodged the ghost reaching for him. It seemed like he really didnt see it reaching for him over and over again, its ugly face lurching within ten centimeters of him. He looked ahead indifferently as he pulled Gu Xizhou to leave.

The two monsters pursued them doggedly. Gu Xizhou naturally wasnt afraid, but he was worried that the two monsters would suddenly attack. He raised an eyebrow and pointed at them, saying, It

Gu Xizhou hadnt finished speaking when Si Yu interrupted him and whispered in his ear, Close your eyes.

Gu Xizhou: ??? Wait what, ah!

Wait a minute, why are you trying to kiss me?

It wasnt just a kiss; Si Yus lips fell on Gu Xizhous eyelids, too. Gu Xizhou was baffled, but he had no choice but to close his eyes.

Did Si Yu not see these monsters? But when they were upstairs, Si Yu obviously saw them! And why were they embracing each other in front of these two ghosts?

The two monsters didnt attack them. They were dumbfounded, scratching their heads as they looked back and forth between Gu Xizhou and Si Yu.

When Gu Xizhou opened his eyes, he saw that the two monsters wore that strange and sinister smile again, and they surrounded Gu Xizhou and Si Yu on either side. They stared at them with their big, bell-shaped eyes.

Two Monsters: Were watching you oh!

Gu Xizhou: En.

Two Monsters: Arent you scared?

Gu Xizhou: Scared that President Sis brain is abnormal. Im very scared.

Two Monsters: Fuck, look at us ah!

The embraced Gu Xizhou was stared at by the two ghosts big bell-shaped eyes. His mood was quite subtle.

The two ghosts waited for Gu Xizhou and Si Yu to finish kissing. Seeing that these two didnt intend to pay attention to them, they exchanged glances, and one monster scratched its head in puzzlement.

They issued that strange sound from the depths of their throats.





To roughly translate their words:

Theyre not looking at us?!

S-so it seems!

Then how do we scare them?

I dunno

After the two people closed the door to their room, Gu Xizhou glanced over at Si Yu and asked suspiciously, Those two monsters followed us all the way to the door. Did you not see them?

I saw. Si Yu sprawled lazily on the sofa. He was a bit jittery because theyd just escaped the monsters in the building.

Gu Xizhou was shocked. He asked, Then why did you say you didnt see anything?

Si Yu patted the cushion beside him and said, Come sit.

Gu Xizhou ened. He sat beside Si Yu, then he heard him use his sonorous baritone voice to speak.

This monster is very weak on its own. They can deliberately manufacture terrifying scenes for mission takers to see, threatening them. If the mission takers are afraid of them, then they can kill. If theyre not afraid, then its fine.

Ive seen this kind of monster before. All of my teammates died, except for me.

I really thought you couldnt see them! Gu Xizhou was dumbfounded.

They were acting too deliberately just now. They obviously wanted us to see them, but I wasnt sure they were this kind of monster, so I pretended not to see them to verify it, said Si Yu.

Gu Xizhou lowered his voice. And youre sure now?

En, said Si Yu. They didnt attack us, which means they werent able to attack us. If not, do you think they would let us go?

After that, Si Yu looked at Gu Xizhou and said, I was a little worried about you, so I wanted to kiss you to distract you, but it seems you really werent afraid of them.

Gu Xizhou: You couldve told me directly. You didnt need to kiss me to distract me I didnt get distracted, and I was stared at by the two ghosts for ages

Si Yu thought about it, then said, Mainly, I needed distraction. I was scared.

Gu Xizhou: Like Id believe your nonsense!

Seeing Gu Xizhou roll his eyes, Si Yu shrugged his shoulders indifferently. With a helpless expression, he said, Okay, I admit it. I just wanted to kiss you.

Gu Xizhou felt Si Yus forehead, shaking his head. You dont have a fever, ah, so why are you so worked up?

Si Yu: Because of you.

Gu Xizhou: He wanted a normal Si Yu. He was wrong, he shouldnt have kissed Si Yu. This time, he was directly kissed foolish!

The next day, Gu Xizhou wrote down what he saw last night along with Si Yus judgment of the situation, copied it on eight slips of paper, and put one in each of the other rooms. The only people who communicated with them were the three in Building 2s 510.

Wu You: Thanks for the information. Actually, we didnt dare to go out yesterday.

Gu Xizhou: Oh.

Nothing happened during the day apart from Si Yus abnormality. Everything looked normal to Gu Xizhou.

During the night, Gu Xizhou found that instead of seven bright rooms across from them, tonight, there were only six. In other words, mission takers had already died yesterday.

For two consecutive days, nothing happened except for lights disappearing one after another. At night, the clang clang clang sound went off constantly, disturbing their rest.

Very late at night, Gu Xizhou fell asleep. Once again, he heard the clang clang clang sound. Unsurprisingly, the woman in the red dress fell onto the silver van once again. It was the exact same scene as a few days ago.

Gu Xizhou irritably got out of bed. Out the window, the two monsters looked at each other and smiled at him again.

Recently, these two humans they stared at gloomily night after night made the monsters doubt their lives a little bit. Fortunately, the other mission takers were still normal. Even if they doubted life, they still had to keep smiling.

Two monsters: We see you!

Gu Xizhou: I see you, too; wait for me! If I dont clean you up today, then my surname isnt Gu! Get ready!

What are you doing? Sitting up in bed, Si Yu rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Gu Xizhou drowsily.

Today is the fourth day. Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. Lets go find those two monsters!

Si Yu stared blankly. Find them?

En! Gu Xizhou said quietly. Didnt you say that as long as were not afraid of them, they cant do anything to us? I want to see what theyre up to!

Si Yu: ?

A half hour later, Si Yu was stunned.

Si Yu: When I told you their characteristics, I didnt expect you to beat them up.

Now, Si Yu sat on the sofa in Building 1 Room 713. Soon, the two homicidal ghosts that relied on fear resembled two weak chickens Gu Xizhou stepped on them. In the face of Gu Xizhou, these two fear ghosts could be described in two words, done for.

The two monsters:



If this was translated, it would probably be:

How did everything get turned upside down? Even if theyre not afraid of us, why do they still have to beat us?

How would I know! Aaah! It hurts!

The author has something to say: Gu Xizhou: I think youre out of your mind, and I have proof!

Si Yu: ?

Good night

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