Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 125: Double ‘1’

Chapter 125: Double ‘1’

Edited by Dust Bunny

Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yus texts with blurry, drunk eyes. Sitting in the front seat, he coughed lightly into his fist.

What was Si Yu thinking? This guy really had a whole delusional episode while he was gone?

He called Si Yu. After a short few rings, someone answered the call very quickly, as if the owner of the phone was still awake.

The other person hadnt had time to open his mouth before Gu Xizhou began to speak. Hed drank a little wine, so his voice was a little husky and gave off a sense of attraction. Sorry, I just left, so I didnt reply.

What happened?

Si Yus clear voice was a little low, and it carried a sense of repression. Gu Xizhou keenly sensed that Si Yus tone was different than usual, but he couldnt exactly tell how.

Gu Xizhou told him about how he could only roll two 6s on dice. He noticed the taxi driver beside him glance at him, choking down a laugh and continuing to drive.

This driver Dage must think he was crazy.

I dont feel good about it, said Gu Xizhou. Do you remember what I told you before about Fu Yirans note?

You mean: 6 means life, 1 means death.

Gu Xizhou ened: It must be related. I feel a little off Enough to lose his head.

Now the number is 6. Since 6 means life, you dont need to worry. Si Yu thought about it before answering Gu Xizhou.

Were sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so were going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gu Xizhou didnt insist on Si Yu trying to find some dice right away, so he didnt demand an immediate answer. He said to Si Yu, I dont have work tomorrow, but my uncle and I are having dinner at my house tomorrow, so I cant meet you.

Si Yu: En.

Hearing his downcast tone, Gu Xizhou couldnt help but feel guilty. He said, Lets have dinner the day after tomorrow. Its my treat.

Okay, rest early after drinking. Si Yu said finally.

Gu Xizhou listened to Si Yus light tone and felt relieved. En, I know.

Hearing the dial tone on the other end of the call, Si Yu stared at his phone for a moment. Then, he pulled open his bedside drawer. Inside was a square glass box with a die inside.

This die was much smaller than an ordinary die, and it wasnt made of plastic. The die didnt seem smooth at all, and it was even covered in strange marks of wear.

The top of the die showed a number 6.

Sitting on the bed, Si Yu grabbed the die and shook it in his hand. The die gradually stopped rolling and landed on the number 6. Si Yu shook it randomly several times and got 6 without showing the slightest hint of surprise, as if he were already used to it.

One the other side, Gu Xizhou got out of the car and paid the taxi driver. When the driver Dage gave him his change, he said, Young people should go back home to rest early.

Gu Xizhou ened and closed the door, saying, Thank you, Dage.

The driver Dage inclined his head. Before leaving, he shouted, And also, ah, dont be so superstitious! Feudal beliefs are out of fashion; nowadays you have to believe in science!

Gu Xizhou: Dage Im not, I didnt!

Before Gu Xizhou could retort, the driver Dage had already driven away.

Gu Xizhou:

Returning home, he opened the door.

Gu Xizhou was still holding the dice he bought for 50 yuan when he left the KTV. Usually, when he came home, his dog son would throw himself at Gu Xizhou, wanting to be held up high by his master, but tonight the dog took a sniff of the stench of alcohol covering his body and disdainfully walked away.

The shunned Gu Xizhou naturally didnt notice this detail. He just thought his dog son was a lone wolf today. He didnt need to turn on the lights because Ji Ji would flip them on at night.

Ji Ji, look! Gu Xizhou walked into the living room and raised the dice in his hands. Then, he tossed them.

Gu Ji Ji:

Gu Ji Ji: Drank too much Went mad drunk?

Gu Ji Ji stared at Gu Xizhou. Just like the taxi driver, he immediately thought Gu Xizhou was insane.

Gu Xizhou almost died of anger after seeing Gu Ji Jis note. He said, dumbfounded, Look at the number on the dice!

Gu Ji Ji glanced at them: Two 6s, so what?

Gu Xizhou didnt reply. Instead, he rolled the dice again. This time, Gu Ji Ji finally reacted.

Gu Ji Ji: Still 6

Right. Today when Xiang Yuan pulled me to drink and told me to roll the dice, I discovered that no matter how I do it, the numbers always 6. I think that when Fu Yiran said 6 means life, 1 means death, it was about dice, Gu Xizhou explained his guess to Gu Ji Ji in a low voice.

Gu Ji Ji sighed, and his restless soul calmed down a little.

They tried to reason it out, but they didnt know what the connection between life and death or 6 and 1 with dice was. They still hadnt come to a conclusion, so Gu Xizhou simply gave up and said, Tomorrow Ill let Fang Zhi and Ma Qi try it out and see what their numbers are.

Ji Ji, how about you test it?

Gu Ji Ji: Im already dead. Theres no need to try.

Gu Xizhou:

Youre right, forget it. Ill go take a bath and go to bed. Gu Xizhou was almost speechless. I still have to go buy vegetables for lunch tomorrow. We have to talk about it before I go buy them; you have to help me! I cant do it well.

Gu Ji Ji: En.

Gu Xizhou relaxed. After all, the main purpose of inviting Wang Ao and his family over for dinner was to let Ji Ji see that Wang Shu was alright with his own eyes, but if he was inviting people over, he was too embarrassed to order takeout Otherwise, it would be too insincere.

The sound of water crashed, and behind the glass shower door, a figure could be faintly seen. The ghost glanced over before slowly looking away. Hed seen everything there was to look at on that body. It was his, after all, and he knew it thoroughly.

Every inch of flesh, every fiber of muscle, he knew it all.

Inside, however, was a different soul. It felt different.

The ghost bowed its head, and its hands couldnt help but stretch toward the dice on the table. He lightly threw the dice, and when he saw the numbers he couldnt help but feel a little stunned.

Two 1s.

The ghost didnt hesitate to throw them again.

Still two 1s.

After several continuous tests, the ghost suddenly felt a sense of defeat. Was it because he already died in this world that he could only throw the number 1 forever?

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