Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 162: 118: The Deity in the Deep Sea_2

Chapter 162: Chapter 118: The Deity in the Deep Sea_2

An archaeologist followed at Jiang Chen’s side, holding a world map and circled a section of the ocean.

“This is the deepest trench known to mankind.”

“At the same time, it is also the capital location recorded in the undersea civilization.”

“Due to the unique environmental conditions of this area, several maritime disasters have occurred here, and many believe that the unrest of the undersea civilization’s spirits is to blame…”

“If the Sea Deity is somewhere in the ocean, this area is the most likely.”

Jiang Chen listened quietly.

Unlike the supreme deity monsters that appeared regularly.

The rest of the “gods” may not all be real, and some could have been exaggerated through misrepresentation.

Moreover, just like the supreme deity monsters that slept deep within the earth, the locations of these creatures’ slumber were extremely secretive and hard to find.

Jiang Chen needed the archaeologists’ help even more to lock onto his target.

However, the most likely target was the creature known as the “Sea Deity”.

If it truly existed, fighting it could lead to terrible natural disasters like massive tsunamis—

Earthquakes could be avoided in sparsely populated areas, but tsunamis would require fleeing far from the coast, taking considerably more time.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had been collecting the legacy of civilization in the past two days.

He was also waiting for the nearby coastal cities to complete the evacuation of their citizens.

Now that everything was ready, he could finally delve deep into the ocean to search for the hidden boss.

After the archaeologist marked several probable locations where the Sea Deity might appear,

Jiang Chen noted the coordinates and called out.

“Zero, Yun!”

Zero and the newly repaired Yun had formed a “Mecha Instructor” squad.

They were currently instructing Xiang Jing and other mecha pilots.

Zero told them that strength was very important, that their defense had to be raised, and to harshly punish the weak.

Yun, on the other hand, told them that life was about explosive power, and to always believe in their potential!

Xiang Jing and the other mecha pilots listened intently.

Obviously, they had no idea that the ages of Zero and Yun combined did not even surpass two months…

One was bold enough to teach; the other was earnest enough to learn.

Considering that their teaching content was actually all the things Jiang Chen had taught them, it couldn’t be said they were leading the students astray.

Jiang Chen let them be.

At the moment, they quickly came over upon hearing Jiang Chen’s orders.

“Zero, you’ll join me in combat this time.”

“Yun, you’ll support the fight, act freely in the initial phase, and help locate the Sea Deity.”

“Yes, Master!”

Zero cried out happily and transformed into countless mecha remnants that spread out and surged toward Jiang Chen, completely enveloping him in the center.

A few moments later, a mecha remnant over three meters tall, drifting with lingering flames, stood in its place.

This mecha remnant, though not as large as the steam mecha and lacking a bit of the technological feel,

appeared even more mysterious and equally impressive.

Many traditional combat warriors, unaware of the truth, couldn’t help but exclaim upon seeing this.

“Is this Teacher Zero’s mecha form… It’s so cool!”

Some who had witnessed Jiang Chen’s scenes with the supreme deity monster, and knew the truth…

Like the archaeologist, were quietly breaking out in sweat.

This mysterious and powerful mecha pilot had once again donned his limiter.

The primeval mecha was fundamentally less agile, its movement speed much slower than that of the steam mecha.

However, neither the primeval mecha nor the steam mecha actually came equipped with a flight module.

The ability to fly was entirely reliant on Jiang Chen’s bio-organic force field.

It seemed as if the mecha was flying.

In reality, it was Jiang Chen carrying the mecha in flight.

Therefore, speed wasn’t much affected, and they quickly reached the marked trench area, plunging into the waters.

For human civilization, the primary issue faced when exploring the deep sea is the pressure of the water.

For mecha pilots, it is the same.

Like the Abyss difficulty level of the Eternal Frost Magic Realm, the deep sea itself is an exceedingly dangerous environment, causing continuous crushing damage to the mecha.

If the mecha’s defense is inadequate, it can fracture on the spot, leading to the pilot’s death.

In addition, vacuum, high temperature, and extreme cold are similar lethal environments that significantly test the strength of the mecha—

And strength alone.

The mecha is intrinsically outfitted with a variety of complex systems such as life support and shock absorption, especially during evolution, these system configurations also become correspondingly enhanced.

As long as the mecha doesn’t break, the mecha pilot is nearly invincible.

They needn’t worry about environmental concerns like lack of oxygen.

As for “[Environmental Adaptation Modules]”, they are mostly about enhancing resistance and defense against corresponding environments, rather than fundamental capabilities such as oxygen recycling.

After all, the number of modules a mecha can carry is quite limited.

If one were to install additional modules such as oxygen supply, shock absorption, and life support, the impact on combat power would be substantial.

Therefore, as long as the mecha’s strength is sufficient,

a mecha pilot can completely carry out space travel and combat.

Jiang Chen was almost there as well.

The defense and resistance he built up were not limited to skin defense but were all-encompassing.

Even his hair came with built-in defense and flame resistance, sporting a hairstyle that couldn’t be messed up even by a chainsaw.

Adding to that his surging life force and stamina,

he actually no longer needed to breathe to survive in various environments.

This naturally included the extremely cold vacuum of space!

So to speak, what’s a Master Chao compared to a perfect creature? His purity is simply too low.

It’s Jiang Chen, who can adapt to any environment, that is the real ultimate being!

It was the same principle when he previously fought against the supreme deity monster.

He tried to knock the monster into the air as much as possible.

As long as they were away from the ground, fighting in the spatial environment meant they didn’t need to worry about collateral damage.

At this moment, Jiang Chen fully utilized this factor.

In order to prevent the fragile mecha from losing armor value in the deep-sea environment,

he piloted the primeval mecha, exposing root fissures to let the seawater leak into the mecha to equalize the water pressure.

The unmanned steam mecha nearby also absorbed some seawater, reducing the pressure it was under.

Both continued diving deep, quickly reaching the depths of the trench.

In the deep sea, where not a single ray of light could reach, even Jiang Chen’s strong vision lost its purpose.

Instead, the star core in the chest of the steam mecha became a source of light, illuminating a small area.

During this process, it reflected parts of the civilization’s ruins, indirectly proving the authenticity of archaeological texts.

Indeed, an ancient civilization had been submerged here.

However, when Jiang Chen activated his High-Energy Vision to scan for objects within a certain range,

he didn’t detect any signs of life, only seeing a very small number of deep-sea creatures.

“It seems this ancient civilization really has been wiped out…”

“Speaking of which, in worlds that have experienced Earth Cataclysm, there have been several ancient civilizations that also endured disasters caused by monsters…”

“Why didn’t they receive assistance from mecha pilots in the past, and only encountered me this time?”

“Is there something special?”

In an instant, Jiang Chen changed his mind.

It might not be the first time the world of Earth Cataclysm has faced calamity, nor the first time it had received aid from mecha pilots—

Mecha pilots undergoing ascension trials were not only hopeful candidates.

Including those with less talent, they too would travel to various worlds to carry out their ascension trials.

However, their strength was often so weak that merely surviving was considered lucky.

Let alone something like preserving the Seed of Civilization.

Perhaps, just like the Steam World, the Earth Cataclysm world had faced multiple disasters and mecha pilots before.

However, those mecha pilots failed to complete their missions…

As a result, those civilizations became what are known as “[ancient civilizations].”

These calamities also lingered as latent threats.

“These ancient civilizations most likely encountered a fate similar to that of the Steam World.

“Even if Planet Blue Star’s civilization couldn’t resist the disasters but managed to retain the last Seed of Civilization…

“In the end, it might also become an [ancient civilization].”

Merely observing these fragmented relics,

Jiang Chen felt as though he could sense the passage of time.

This was just one civilization on a remote star in the vast abyss…

While Jiang Chen was caught up in his reflections, he suddenly sensed something.

Looking downward, the seabed, which had been dark and profound, began to stir with a mass of high-energy reactions.

Moved by a hunch, he accelerated the descent of the steam mecha.

Upon reaching a certain threshold, it was as if they had crossed an invisible membrane.

Seemingly entering an intangible domain, the water’s properties changed, and a breath of Enigmatism swept over him.

The whisperings that were about to emerge were repelled by the resistance granted by his enigmatic value.

Simultaneously, the sea floor, which should have been pitch-dark, lit up.

A magnificent Undersea City came into Jiang Chen’s view.

“Undersea civilization, so you really do exist?”

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