Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

“Damn it, now that I think about it, Luger, it’s all because you were being cocky, isn’t it? No. Did you just insult those Wood Elf rankers from the beginning?”

“What? Do I seem like that kind of guy? Do you want to die?”

Tatar tried to stop the Three Musketeers, but they were already walking out towards the door and he couldn’t stop them.

“It’s better to say the final words to the Wood Elves outside, Luger.”

The three of them were fully prepared from the beginning. Missing the chance to put together the fragmentary and limited information about Matan’s sniping into one coherent thread? The three of them who don’t shy away from a fight, or rather, are inclined to enjoy it, it suited them better not to hold back in this fight they were stepping into.

“I agree with that. How dare you interrupt this crucial moment! Do you all want to die!?”

Above all, this place is beyond the boundaries of the country, a pioneer base beyond the borders. It’s a land already full of outlaws, offering special privileges where additional misdeeds go unrecorded!

In a location that can be considered another ‘continent’ with a different meaning from the New Continent, the battle between Wood Elves and Dark Elves commenced.

It was Luger who fired the opening cannon.

“I’m tearing into them myself, it brings tears to my eyes with gratitude. [Panzer Faust].”

“Roger that.”

“The sound of cannons—”

That was the end of the three Wood Elves.

With the explosion, the three Wood Elves disappeared mercilessly, leaving no trace of their bodies behind!

Ugh… they’re still – so ignorant. Really, looking at where that hit is a [Pierce], geez, just call it an [explosion].”

“Even though they went and detonated after taking down five Amedra trees, [Pierce] suits it better.”

Ugh… I still don’t like it. If it’s a piercing, it’s a piercing, why add the explosion.”

Kidd chuckled as he listened to the grumbling below.

Tatar, who emerged from the chief’s place in a disheveled manner, looked at the three with a shocked expression.

“You blindly believed in numbers and didn’t even plan the operation properly. Well, perhaps the fact that the Dark Elves had weakened to that extent also played a part.”

The Wood Elves were charging from only one direction.

For Leeha, who had led troops ranging from platoons to divisions in the Middle Earth, the Wood Elves’ attack seemed reckless and brutish.

“Isn’t it fortunate that they let their guard down, allowing us to seize this opportunity?”

“I couldn’t agree more! Luger! Five o’clock, there are five—”

“I know!”


A fierce backlash followed behind the Cobalt Blue Python.

Was it intentional or accidental that it happened to be directed at Leeha and Kidd?

“Phew… Do you want to die?”

“The fool is the one who couldn’t avoid it.”

The backlash was a kind of splash attack that combined heat and damage!

Of course, for Leeha, who had a 125% resistance to heat, it was just like getting dirty with dust, but it was still irritating.

“Just like you asked to see…”

“But that part is true.”

“Huh? Kidd? By the way, I was going to say that it could deal damage to… Lee-“

Leeha clicked his tongue as he saw Kidd adjusting his hat, now more than ten steps away.

Kidd was visibly on alert again.

The time it took for Luger to change the barrel direction and fire was just a fraction of a second.

“Predicting and reacting in decimal seconds. Damn, where did that kind of training and skill accumulation come from?”

Tatar, who had been staring blankly in front of the chief’s residence, snapped out of it around that time.

“Are, are you going to fight? There are many Wood Elves!”

“Why does the number matter so much! Just follow what I told you earlier. And…these Dark Elves fighting in chaos, can we command them?”

“Excuse me? No, rather than leaving it to the guests, I’d rather fight myself.”

“It’s okay. Tatar, please stay inside to protect the chief! We’ll act under your permission! [Multi-Warhead Shot]!”

Leeha turned the barrel of Black Bass and used a skill.

Even though they couldn’t see all of the Wood Elves beyond the trees yet, it didn’t matter.

Thanks to ‘Spirit Detection’, Leeha could accurately sense their energy and direction.


Tatar, who was about to say something to Leeha again, was brought to a stop by Luger’s shot and Leeha’s Multi-Warhead Shot skill. As the powerful and famous signature skill with tremendous destructive power exploded on the battlefield in the Middle Earth, chaos erupted among the Wood Elves as well.

“Luger! It’s the mercenary Luger!”

“Damn it, Ha Leeha is here too!”

“The one next to him is Kidd! Sleeping Kidd! Send the Spirit users first! If we don’t deal with them properly, we’ll be the ones suffering first!”

“The cursed Dark Elves have hired mercenaries!”

Their shouts were clearly heard by the trio.

Luger smirked as he reload his ammunition, and Kidd began preparing to move by loosening his ankles.

“But why am I still without a nickname? I’ve been quite active lately, haven’t I? Yet I’m still just ‘Ha Leeha’?”

“It’s because your character is weak, not the nickname.”

“Hmm, it doesn’t seem like someone nicknamed ‘Sleeping’ should be saying that.”

“That’s why I’m going to change it.”

“Huh? How are you going to change it?”

“Watch and see. Isn’t it true that nicknames aren’t something you give yourself?”

With those words, Kidd stepped forward after watching my movements and started speaking. At the same time, he started eliminating the wood elves one by one by loading his magazine and rushing towards them.

Luger and Leeha, who had practically come out of the chieftain’s residence, did not budge ‘even a single step’ and were effectively intercepting the wood elves’ charge.

Amid the forceful push of the wood elves, halted by the two, the dark elves also quickly retreated to regroup their frontlines.

In the meantime, Kidd plunged in.

“I trust you to come up with it. A nickname that isn’t too different from what I have in mind.”

Luger, who was adjusting the direction of the Cobalt Blue Python, also looked. So did Leeha.

In an instant, Kidd’s body completely disappeared.

The next thing heard was the screams of the wood elves. Kidd’s gunfire couldn’t even be heard.

The wood elves couldn’t understand.

How they were dying.

Why they were dying.

Why there was a hole in the side of the barrier created by the wind elemental ahead of them.

“Silent shooting…”

Leeha swallowed hard.

The Crimson Geckos with suppressors were spitting fire. However, what had changed from before was that even Kidd’s movements had become difficult to track with the naked eye.


“You idiot, it’s not invisibility magic! Stop that and use an attacking skill!”

“I can’t use it if I can’t see! Scatter something with the spirits around us!”

Difficult to track with the eye. Difficult to hear with the ear. By the time they noticed him, something in their body had already twisted.

Kidd had become a ‘Stinger Bee’ that completely shredded the wood elves.

“Move aside! We’ll catch that guy!”

“He’s quite the famous outsider, truly living up to his reputation.”

“Haha! But some things are just not meant to be! Hoo hoo hooo!”

It was then that three other Wood Elves entered Leeha’s sight. Among them, the Wood Elf wielding an enormous axe stood out significantly compared to the other two, exuding a presence that could make one’s heart skip a beat.


“What’s going on?”


Just as the axe was about to strike, Kidd had already returned to Leeha’s side. Despite the bizarre movements, Leeha’s concern grew as he raised Black Bass and aimed at the brutish Wood Elf wielding the axe.



However, the attack was futile. All that remained where the Wood Elf had stood was scattered ice shards resembling his figure.

“Haha! If that had been real, you’d be dead, right?”

“Of course. It’s not like I’d be hit by such a foolish attack. Unless I was caught off guard after being frozen, that is.”

The one who stood in place of the crude axe wielder was a white-haired man in white attire.

Their physique and skin tone were different enough to make it seem like they weren’t the same Wood Elves.

“Let’s not waste time. Leave it to the Dark Elves and focus on catching these three first.”

As they spoke, another unruly-haired Wood Elf emerged from behind them.

Leeha had a premonition and Luger immediately confirmed that his hunch was correct.

“Hehehe, they’ve finally appeared. Ranked 14th, 15th, 17th… I’ll devour all three of them.”

Luger retrieved ammunition from his bag.

‘Are those guys Rankers?’

Leeha turned his head to ask when the appearance of the ammunition caught his eye.

“Huh? What’s that—”


As if he didn’t want Leeha to notice, Luger quickly loaded it.

Luger raised his gun, and the trio of Wood Elf Rankers began to charge towards Leeha’s group. At least in that moment, the Wood Elves seemed to have the upper hand in terms of momentum.

Kidd’s offensive was considerably weakened to prepare against unknown enemies, and Leeha needed to carefully shoot the ammunition against the magic handling the ‘Illusion Skill’ similar to what Ramhwa had used.

“Hahaha, let’s go! Hwiba! If you get caught by the Power of God in my axe, you’re a Ranker, an Outsider, all in one shot!”

However, at the last moment, as soon as the words of the Wood Elf holding the axe were spoken, Leeha and Kidd’s eyes began to light up. [Power of God]. Because they were the kind of people whose eyes would roll back at anything related to Matan’s marksman.

“Power of God-“

“Surely that wouldn’t happen… We can’t lose to Luger!”

“Anyway, you guys better be faster than my bullets!”


Leeha immediately pulled the trigger.

Leeha: Ram Hwayeon, can I ask you for some information about Rankers?

Almost finished with Ezwen’s business and getting ready back in Castle Dale, Ram Hwayeon heard a familiar voice.

Ram Hwayeon: You always ask and yet you act surprised now?

Leeha: Well, still… It’s kind of embarrassing to keep asking like that.

Perhaps due to Leeha’s slightly embarrassed tone, Ram Hwayeon’s lips twitched upwards.

Ram Hwayeon: I see. So? Who is it this time?

Leeha: Oh, 14th, 15th, 17th.

Ram Hwayeon: Scandinavia? You got involved with those people? Must be annoying.

Leeha: S-Scandinavia?! What’s that?

At Leeha’s clueless tone, Ram Hwayeon let out a sigh and shook her head. Setting aside the documents she was organizing for a moment, she leaned her chin on the edge of the desk.

Ram Hwayeon: Surely you’re not asking because you don’t know the Scandinavian Peninsula? Those three are from there, same species, strangely nicknamed due to their different nationalities.

Leeha: Oh. Strong?

Ram Hwayeon: More than strong. Individually, they might just be regular top 10 Rankers. But if the three of them combine their strength, it’s like facing ten thousand, even one or two people would have a hard time dealing with it.

Ram Hwayeon quickly found the files containing information on the three Rankers.

Ram Hwayeon: 14th, ‘Sveor’. A magician from Sweden with many light-related skills. While more utility-oriented than offensive, when combined with the 17th-ranked Ice Mage from Finland, ‘Hwiba,’ things can get really tricky.

Leeha: Making illusions or using binding skills like an aurora?

Ram Hwayeon: Yes, you know it well. It’s quite tricky because he condenses light and uses it like a bomb. If he snatches the light entering one’s eyes, it can even lead to [Abnormal status: Blind].

Since the three of them were mainly active, the file compiled by Jachung also perfectly organized the three’s cooperative skills.

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