Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Prea winked and flashed a smile at Leeha, but Leeha remained stoic.

“Ah, I didn’t receive the power of the Demon King’s Fragment. So, Igor, Faust, Chiyou, etc., please don’t treat me like them,” she said.

“But you’re on their team,” he replied.

“Ugh, that’s… do you think that way over there too?”

Prea asked, looking puzzled.

“Do you think that way over there? Wait a minute. Over there?”


“Just a moment, just a moment, just a moment.”

Leeha pondered on Prea’s state.

What exactly was this woman’s position?

‘Well, I could confirm with Drake.’

Wasn’t Elaim also furious with Bluebeard? Yet, a water spirit user joined the Demon King’s Army? It didn’t make sense. Even if the water spirit itself broke the contract and came out, it would be a significant event.

“Oh, that thing… The terror spirit?”

he asked.


“That… something horrible happened.”

Prea approached Leeha, swallowing nervously. Looking at her face that feared even mentioning the Uncanny, Leeha once again felt the effect of the Terror Spirit.

One couldn’t know what she saw through the Uncanny. Still, Uncanny created a state that could instill fear and confusion in Prea, comparable to forever, which could create immense terror and chaos.

“Just the thought of it makes me nauseous. Yet, she still tries to unveil the true identity of the Terror Spirit. I have to acknowledge that she’s as greedy about spirits as ever,” he thought.

If it were an ordinary user, they wouldn’t even want to imagine it. Isn’t that the difference between a ranker and regular users?

“Rare spirits in the mental realm are well known to Prea like Blaugrunn. Maybe she won’t miss this opportunity. It’s really persistent. No, what kind of mind is this? A sudden thought occurred to me.”

“Is this, the terror spirit much, much more precious than the dark spirits?”

In an instant, Leeha’s pupils dilated. Himself possessing the terror spirit. The route to clear the quest with the dark spirits. The power to sway the contract status with both spirits. And Prea’s position.

“Um, Prea.”


“We’re going to enter the Dark Forest from now on.”

“Yes! Um, are we going to meet the shades there? Will you sign a contract with them if we go?”

“Don’t talk nonsense and laugh like that. I still can’t determine if you’re a part of the Demon King’s Army or not.”

At Leeha’s words, Prea immediately put on a gloomy expression. Her actions, revealing all her inner thoughts outwardly, were actually making Leeha’s thoughts more complicated.

Is this woman clever or foolish?

Is this sincere or acting?

And from now on, Leeha was going to find out.

“But there’s not absolutely no way. If I clear the quest and speak well, I might be able to lift the contract prohibition condition. I have to discuss that first.”

“Really? For real? Really?”

“Yes. The possibility is more than 80%. It’s not asking for impossible conditions, and it won’t be a loss for the shades either.”

“Okay! Okay! What do I need to do for you to lift the seal on the contract with the dark spirits?”

Prea approached Leeha, clasping her hands tightly.

Leeha looked around.

“[Mana Clairvoyance]”


There was no special reaction around them.

“Blaugrunn, do you sense anyone hiding nearby?”

“No, there’s no one.”

Blaugrunn answered as if he was already prepared.

Leeha slowly approached Prea and then leaned towards her ear.”

Stay with Chiyou… and send me information.”


As Prea hesitantly opened her mouth, Leeha looked up from her ears and met her gaze.

“Yes, information. Everything about the Demon King’s Army and Chiyou. How big Yamato is and how many soldiers belong to it. Where is Bluebeard, where he will go next. What Chiyou is most concerned about at the moment. Where Sasuke, who acts as her arms and legs, is going and what information he is collecting.”

Chiyou strengthened her voice while looking into those white eyes without black pupils.

“If what you say is true and you are not part of the Demon King’s Army… there will be no harm in doing this, right? In fact, it might even benefit us! Glory to the Wood Elves!”

Then he changed the atmosphere with a light smile. Even as Leeha raised both arms with exaggerated movements, Prea’s expression remained unchanged.

She just stared blankly, still not understanding the meaning. However, Leeha did not provide any further explanation.

“Is it a performance? Is it real? Take off the mask. Depending on the result, you might… just have to discard it.”

No longer receiving information about the current situation between the New Continent and the Demon King’s Army, everything was related to their first intelligence warfare for Leeha.

※ ※ ※

“Sir Lark. His Majesty is summoning you.”

“Whew… Understood. I will report immediately.”

Nodding his head, Lark stood up from his seat. The headquarters of the Royal Guard, located slightly away from the royal palace of Minis, was filled with tension.

“Captain, are you really going to move?”

“I have promises to keep. Besides, there seems to be a convenient opportunity, so I should make a deal.”

“It might not end well if you poke around there. You know how stubborn the Commander’s…”

“Hah, all I have to worry about is stepping down from the position of Commander of the Royal Guard in the New Continent. I won’t be kicked out, will I? By the way, when was the approval for the request? It’s about time. Sigh, only Holy Knight benefits from my hard work.”

As Pung hesitated to continue speaking with an anxious face, Lark put on an exaggerated smile.

As the Commander of the Royal Guard in the New Continent and the Deputy Commander in the old continent, now that they were back at the headquarters, they were just ordinary knights.

Without any rank or position, they were just ordinary knights belonging to the Virtue Knights Order, with no special power.

“That’s what I’m saying. Why bother making a fuss about it! There’s nothing to gain from it!”



“Just trust and follow me.”

Lark said as he left the headquarters. Even though he was showing his back without looking back at Pung, just seeing his back made Pung’s heart race.

“Damn it, why do I have to suffer being dragged around by that guy. Are we supposed to assume Romero will win and plan the budget!? And that too, on a larger scale than the previous dispatch, based on historical standards of expedition size!”

“Alright! Give me a break! Haha.”

Lark laughed while listening to Pung’s complaints. Entering the royal palace and approaching the king was an extremely solemn affair.

Since the appearance of Kaztor, the security system of the Minis capital had been further strengthened, to the point where even knights from the capital defense corps were strictly prohibited from personally approaching the king to ensure his safety.

“Is Kaztor really that remarkable of a dark elf? Or was his appearance just that impactful? It’s a bit disappointing. If only I had been in Ezwen at that time.”

Would he have been able to handle it if it were him? Lark briefly entertained the thought of bravado, but soon shook his head.

“Then again, Leeha was there, right? But they still missed him, which is quite… No. Wait, what was it again? I have my [Sword].”

Even with a support, Leeha couldn’t kill him. Reflecting on this fact, Lark hastily shifted his thoughts once more. It was as if he unconsciously admitted to himself that he was weaker than Leeha.

Finally, as Lark stood in front of the king’s recognition room, a guard’s spear struck the floor heavily. After the palace alert was issued, the door opened automatically.

The interior was similar to Fibiel, but the seating arrangement differed in height. Everything in Minis operated according to the logic of power.

The powerful held high positions, while the weak occupied lower ones; that was the natural order here. The king sat at the highest level, with his court officials arranged in a descending order of heights, observing Lark entering.

Of course, not a single one of them cast a reverent gaze at him. Power for them was the authority derived from politics and wealth, so in this moment, Lark’s position was insignificant.

After all, he was just a simple knight belonging to the capital defense corps.

“Servant Lark.”

“I pay my respects to the king, Your Highness.”

His bow was so succinct that it was hard to find any trace of formality. As the unnervingly brief greeting in front of the king concluded, the person to the king’s right spoke up. This individual held the next highest position after the king.

“I heard about the appeal to appoint Romero as the future pope.”

“Yes, Minister Klaus.”

Lark gazed directly at him. Klaus’s brow twitched.

“What are you saying! Aren’t you a member of the Virtue Knights, tasked with defending the Minis capital and prioritizing the protection of His Majesty and the citizens? Yet you propose electing Romero? What is the meaning behind this? Why risk our forces when we can simply weaken Fibiel?”

“I am aware, which is why I requested this special ‘appeal’ session to explain in person, Minister Nicholas.”

“Preposterous! How dare a mere commoner request an audience with the king, violating the palace’s protocol! What audacity! Allowing such an audience in the first place-“

“Do you mean to suggest my wrong in permitting it, Nicholas?”

The king spoke up. Lark had to bow his head as well. The weight of the words coming from one who held the unquestionable right of absolute speech was solemn.

“Is there even… a possibility of that, Your Highness. I only wish to speak about the palace’s protocol and order-“

“The Chief Justice, who ranks above you, does not speak about the law and order. Act as befits a Minister.”

“I will heed your words, Your Majesty.”

To the right of the king, the highest-ranking dignitary.

To the left of the king, the Chief Justice on the second-highest tier.

Below them, the Finance Minister.

The simultaneous summons of these three individuals indicated a meeting of utmost importance, unless it was not a high-level conference.

Standing opposite the Finance Minister, who knew this better than anyone, was Phebe, who stood at the height between the Chief Justice and the Finance Minister.

“Don’t be so adamant. If Lark’s frank advice is from sincerity, and if Minister Ewin, who has experienced life in the New Continent more than anyone in Minis, will he not act in the best interests of our country?”

“Are you trying to defend family, Ewin!”

“Nicholas. This place is not for personal disputes.”

“Oh, uh… Excuse me, General Ewin!”

After the Kaztor incident, General Ewin, the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Minis forces, also known as the “Fox of the Prairie,” was observing Lark with gentle eyes.

Lark and Ewin were not strictly ‘family,’ with Lark being a knight and Ewin a military officer. However, at least Lark could see that they shared ‘similar thoughts.’

‘Even in this place, there was an ally after all. But is it really the only ally? The only one who grasps the importance of Romero’s election.’

Lark composed himself. The final decision lay with the king. But before taking down the king, they had to outmaneuver the three dignitaries.

‘Legally, economically in terms of future revenue and expenses, and decisively in terms of the situation between the Old Continent and the New Continent, we must outweigh these three.’

Any Minis player knew this fact well. It was impossible.

These three individuals were at the pinnacle in various fields, essentially the ‘endgame bosses’ for players who wished to engage in administrative, commercial, and crafting aspects like Ramwol Rulers.

Facing such formidable players in each field, leading Minis through challenging quests and navigating the intricacies of the palace was akin to steering a three-horse carriage to any Minis player seeking advanced gameplay outside combat professions.

Even with such opponents ahead, Lark stood undaunted, meticulously presenting his story while calming his breath.

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