Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 409 - Fun

Although Shui Xian had already figured that something was bothering Hyson, he didn't ask Raelle regarding this though. He wasn't a nosy person, to begin with. So, even if he was curious, he could hold back when it was not his right to question.

He knew Hyson would actually tell him if he really asked but he didn't want to force him. But he was still concerned about Hyson.

"Wife," he called out to Raelle when they went back to their bedroom.


"Fai is bothered by something?"

Raelle nodded her head.

"Will he be okay?"

"He'll be fine," answered Raelle. "You don't have to overthink about that. He is stronger than he seems."

"No, I know he is a strong person," said Shui Xian. "It's just that I have never seen him looking so down. He loves to have fun and bring happiness around him. Seeing him a little sad really bothered me."

Raelle turned her eyes to look at Shui Xian and found that he looked genuinely worried about Hyson right now. She didn't know why but this small realization made her feel good. She didn't know how else to describe this feeling in her chest but it definitely felt good.

"He also has his days," said Raelle. "He isn't always happy. He is the person who loves to cry as well. And he isn't even ashamed to cry as a man. If he feels like doing it, he'll cry his heart out." She took a pause and added, "But as I said, he'll be fine. Don't worry about him."

Shui Xian nodded his head, "Let me know if there is something I can do to help."

"What makes you think that it's such a big matter that'd require your assistance?"

Shui Xian shrugged his shoulders, "Earlier Grandma Zhai mentioned how Fai looked weak. I noticed it on our way back and he does look a little weak. When I met him on Monday, he looked absolutely fine to me. I even thought he put on some weight. But now... Just in a few days he dramatically lost weight."

"He loves to do things dramatically," said Raelle.

Shui Xian smiled at her, "I am serious."

"So am I," she replied.

Shui Xian shook his head at her, "Darling, why do I feel like you're avoiding this discussion?"

"I don't avoid things," she told him certainly.

"Ah! How can I forget that?" He looked straight at her face, "You didn't even avoid your brother."

"Was I supposed to?" she asked him. "I didn't do anything wrong to him or anyone. I have no reason to avoid anyone. Even if I do something wrong, I won't avoid it. Opa only taught me how to face things, not how to avoid them."

"He seemed really interested in you," Shui Xian pointed out. "But then again, that's my wife's charm. Everyone is always interested in knowing her."

"Is this your way of bragging about your wife?"

"Can't I?" retorted Shui Xian. "In fact, I believe I can rightfully brag about my wife. And I won't even get tired of doing it either." He smiled at her and added, "But I'm wondering, are you interested in him?"

"No," answered Raelle. "He did say something that made me interested though." Shui Xian frowned as she told him, "He said it was nice to meet me. He also said he had always wanted to meet me. While saying that, I could tell he was telling the truth but I couldn't tell what kind of feelings he had. I couldn't read his expressions. No, it'd be better to say that I could read his expressions but I couldn't understand the feelings behind them.

There was happiness in his eyes. But there was also some apprehension along with relief. He looked like he had a lot to say but he didn't know how to say it at all."

Shui Xian pressed his lips together. He wasn't even surprised now that her thoughts were spot on. She did manage to read Xiang Weimin's expressions but she couldn't resonate with those feelings he was going through. Perhaps, he had really been looking forward to seeing his little sister but Raelle had no such intentions.

In a way, it sounded kind of cruel but he knew that's how his wife was.

And she wasn't cruel. She was just too real.

Shui Xian patted her head lovingly, "You don't have to understand him. It's okay not to. You can take your time to understand it. There is no rush at all."

Raelle leaned into his touch as she reminded him, "We still have to go shopping tomorrow."

Shui Xian chuckled at that, "Where did that come from?"

"I am just giving you a reminder in case you forgot about it," said Raelle.

"But I really don't think I need to buy anything," said Shui Xian.

"Do you want to argue with me?"


"Then it's settled," stated Raelle. "We are going shopping."

Shui Xian suddenly recalled the last time they went shopping together. She looked happy since she was using the card he gave her. It brought a smile to his face but his smile suddenly stiffened as he remembered the time she had him perform a fashion show before her. There was no doubt he'd have to change over a hundred outfits tomorrow. He already felt tired just thinking about it.

He hugged her waist from behind as he questioned, "Baby, did you have fun today?"

"Fun," she replied with that one word.

"That's good," he said. "I also had a lot of fun in a long time."

"How could it be fun for you?" questioned Raelle. "Haven't you been to an amusement park a number of times?"

"So?" he retorted. "It was my first time going with my wife and also with Fai. And I must say, it was the most enjoyable to me."

"You're just saying it."

Shui Xian gasped, "Wifey, you don't believe your Hubby anymore?"

"I believe you," she said and kissed his lips before pushing him away.

Shui Xian fell back on the bed laughing, "I always feel my heart fluttering uncontrollably when you say that you believe me."

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