Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 399 - Flattered

"Where is Jun?" asked Zhai Kuijun as he glanced at his parents who sat down at the dining table, ready for dinner.

"Ah-Yan called to say he won't be having dinner at home," answered Grandmother Zhai to her son. Then she glanced over at Xiang Weimin who just came home today, "Weimin, I especially had this nourishing soup prepared for you. It's good for your health. You must be tired of eating the hospital food already."

Xiang Weimin smiled politely at her, "Thank you, Grandma Zhai."

"You also eat whatever you like Xiao Wai," added Grandfather Zhai to Xiang Wai. "Don't be shy here."

"I wasn't shy, to begin with," responded Xiang Wai in her typical way.

It was this attitude of hers that got on Grandmother Zhai's nerves. In fact, it was right to say that from a young age, Xiang Wai had never been the elders' favorite. She was just not the kind of person elders like. She wasn't obedient, she wasn't that polite either, she was reckless in life, she liked everything that screamed danger, she was too casual in life and she'd never respect you just because you're an elder.

If you said something that doesn't sit well with her, she'd end up pointing it out even if you're an elder.

And it was because of these elders of Zhai Yanjun that she never allowed their relationship to go public. She believed Zhai Yanjun's family situation was complicated and tricky. She was not interested in dealing with anyone. This was the reason why Grandfather Zhai ended up setting a blind date of Zhai Yanjun with Raelle.

Actually, both these grandparents somehow knew that their grandson was dating someone. But during the time they set the blind date, it was clear to anyone that he had a breakup. However, if they knew that he actually dated Raelle's elder sister, they would have never set that blind date for him. In this way, it was a blessing that Zhai Yanjun never even went to the blind date.

Xiang Wai had just come to the Zhai family house with Xiang Weimin as she was accompanying him on his ride from the hospital. She wanted to leave after settling Xiang Weimin up but Zhai Kuijun asked her to stay for dinner since she was already here now.

Since Zhai Kuijun and Xiang Hulin had been friends for years now, Xiang Wai was quite familiar with him. And that's why she decided to just stay even if it was to save face for her own father.

Even though she could see that Zhai Yanjun's grandparents weren't that fond of her, it never bothered her. It didn't bother even now as she ate as she wanted to do so. Why would she ruin her own appetite to accommodate someone's mood? For people like them, it was already a luxury to have such warm meals. If she spent it looking at who liked her and who didn't, she might just die from hunger.

"Enjoying yourself?" questioned Xiang Weimin in a low voice to his sister who sat beside him.

"Shhh..." Xiang Wai clearly showed her attitude by asking him to stay quiet. "I'm eating."

Xiang Weimin shook his head at her. She really couldn't see anything before the food. He was feeling second-hand embarrassment because of the way she ate. No, she wasn't a sloppy eater. But she ate very diligently and with much enthusiasm. No one else ate as much at the table as she alone did.

Zhai Kuijun wasn't surprised but his parents were. They never really had a meal with her, so it was their first time seeing her eating. It was quite a sight. In fact, it seemed like anyone would start feeling hungry just watching her. That's how much she seemed to be enjoying her food.

After dinner, Xiang Wai was in a hurry to leave. Xiang Weimin used his crutches to walk her out. Even if she said it wasn't needed, he insisted and followed her out.

"Ge, there is no need to tire yourself," said Xiang Wai even when they stepped out of the house.

"Didn't I repeatedly tell you to mind your table manners when others are around?"

Xiang Wai looked at her brother in discontent, "Don't all army people have bigger appetites? What's wrong with that? We just need more stamina so we eat bigger portions."

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Xiang Weimin said in worry.

"You don't have to do anything," she answered. "I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. You don't have to think about what to do with me."

As she played with her car key, Xiang Weimin continued to stare at the side of her face intently. "How come you have so much time on your hand these days?"

She lost her grip on her car key and it fell down. Trying to act casual about it, she responded, "What do you mean?"

"You have come to see me twice in the same week," he pointed out. "I'm almost flattered."

"Isn't it just coming to see my own brother?"

"Oh, is it?" he spoke in a strange sarcastic tone. "Let's not forget that since the time you and I joined the military academy, we met each other once in the whole month. And when you joined Special Forces, I didn't even hear back from your side for months much less seeing you in person. But now after almost a decade, you're coming to see me twice in the same week. Do you think I won't find it odd?"

Even Xiang Wai had no idea what to say to that. It was indeed true that they rarely met each other. Because of the nature of their jobs, they both hardly even had time to call each other. And if they talked over the phone more than once in a week even that'd be considered rare for them.. No wonder he felt something was up now that she had time to come to see him, all of a sudden.

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