Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 397 - Treat

"Did you enjoy it?" Shui Xian's question was directed towards Hyson who had just come back and slumped down on the chair.

"It was good," replied Hyson in a rather dull voice.

"That really didn't sound good though," Shui Xian pointed it out. He had to do it since he felt like Hyson's tone made his words sound not that credible.

Hyson looked at Shui Xian saying, "No, it was really good Xian Ge but I got tired standing there."

Shui Xian and even Zhai Yanjun raised their brows at him in surprise. "Haven't you been jumping around since morning? Why didn't I hear you say that you're tired before this?"

"There is a difference in jumping around all over the place and standing at just one place," Raelle decided to chime in to solve this mystery for the two men.

"Bingo!" said Hyson. "As expected! Only my Ellie knows it best." He turned to the two of them as he elaborated, "Standing at one place is way too tiring than running around. I get moldy standing at the same place for more than five minutes."

Both Shui Xian and Zhai Yanjun looked at each other and found saw amusement dancing in the other's eyes. It couldn't be helped though. It was their first time meeting someone like Hyson. He wasn't ashamed to say out loud that he wholeheartedly was a Mama's boy. He wasn't afraid to ruin his idol image by showing how lazy and unkempt he could be. Also, he was always vocal about his feelings. He was tall and handsome. He looked quite manly but he still had this weird ability to act cute whenever he wanted to.

It didn't even look out of place when acted like a cute baby. It was almost like it was natural. He was passionate about what he did. He cared wholeheartedly for people he called family. He was way too loyal. And was very protective of his people.

"By standing there, my battery is drained," Hyson let them know.

"Then what should we do to help you recharge?" questioned Shui Xian with interest.

"Nothing much," replied Hyson shyly.

"All you have to do is give him attention," added Raelle. Hyson pointed at her as if saying listen to her while she went on, "As he says himself, he is like Tinkerbell. All he needs to survive is attention."

Shui Xian and Zhai Yanjun burst out laughing when they heard it.

"I wonder how did someone like you ended up becoming an idol?" asked Zhai Yanjun. "Did you do it for attention?"

"No," answered Hyson. "I did for money."

"Huh?" Zhai Yanjun was surprised to hear that answer.

"I joined this circle not because I was passionate about singing, it was because I wanted to earn money to provide for my mother as soon as possible," Hyson explained himself. "Back then, the only thought on my mind was that I wanted my mum to stop working so hard."

"He is telling you the truth," Raelle added for Hyson when she noticed the way the other two were looking at Hyson. And when their questioning eyes shifted to her, she went on, "Even if he has a rich friend, do you really think he'd ask for help?"

"Who said I won't?" Hyson immediately went against her words. "I want ice cream. Help me buy it. Buy it. Buy it! Buy it already!"

Raelle slapped her credit card on his lips saying, "That's enough."

Hyson grinned at her and got up to get himself an ice cream. But stopped at asked the others, "Does anyone else want to eat ice cream? I know Ellie doesn't want it. What about you two? If you want it, give me the money, I'll get it for you." He smiled at them innocently, "Don't expect I'll buy it from this credit card. Only I can use Ellie's money for ice creams."

"You can just treat them with your own money," said Raelle.

"Oh, yeah!" Hyson knocked on his own head. "I can also do that. Then I'll be right back."

"He is really something else," remarked Zhai Yanjun.

"Is he?" questioned Raelle. "He seems fine to me."

"That's because you're biased," said Zhai Yanjun.

"Am I?"

"Of course," stressed Zhai Yanjun.

Shui Xian stroked Raelle's head saying, "Yanjun is right. You're biased when it comes to Hyson."

"Is it bad?" she asked.

Shui Xian shook his head at her, "Definitely not."

"Saozi, I'm purely curious here," started Zhai Yanjun. "I know you're one of the richest women in the world but do you usually give your credit card to just anyone?"

"No," answered Raelle. "Only Hyson uses my credit card to buy ice cream always."

"In the end, what he buys is ice cream?"

"Ice cream is his go-to snack," said Raelle. "Whether he is tired, sad, happy, serious or whatever, he just needs ice cream. But since Yue Yue doesn't let him eat much, he uses me to get his way."

"He has really kept the kid inside of him alive," said Zhai Yanjun.

Hyson brought the ice creams and sat down to enjoy. He passed her credit card back to her saying, "I only bought mine with this." He pointed at the other two ice creams with his spoon, "Those two are my treat."

"You paid for our two but couldn't pay for one of yours?" questioned Shui Xian.

"Oh, paying for yours means I'm treating you," said Hyson. "But if I pay for mine it means I'm treating myself. And who does that? Only lonely people treat themselves. But I still have someone who is willing to treat me with her money. So, why should I pay?"

"When my wife said you love to talk nonsense, I was highly suspicious but now, I see what she meant." Shui Xian shook his head and ate the ice cream that was Hyson's treat.

"You're just jealous that Ellie didn't pay for yours," Hyson shot back at him like a kid.

Shui Xian chuckled at him, "Okay, I am jealous. Alright?"

Hyson shrugged proudly, "Well, it can't be helped then."

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