Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 381 - The Third Time

Raelle shifted in her seat to face Shui Xian. Last night, she couldn't see what expression he had when she told him what he wanted to know. Did he also pity him for having such parents who didn't deserve it?

In fact, Raelle didn't know whether Xiang Hulin and Song Xin'ai were really good parents or bad. Because she definitely didn't know them to become the judge of that. However, she was certain that what her grandmother had said was right. Those two didn't deserve to be her parents.

"I just realized today that the company you opened on your own is actually named after your grandmother's name," stated Shui Xian. "Wanda Enterprises."

"You're right," agreed Raelle. "As I believe this life was given to me at the cost of my grandmother's life, I want people to remember her."

"She must be really proud of you," remarked Shui Xian sadly.

"That's something you and I can't possibly ever know," was what Raelle said. She took his hand into hers as she looked right into his eyes. "Do you want me to continue from where we left off last night?"

Shui Xian nodded his head, "Yes."

"Are you sure?" she asked again.

"I'm sure," he answered.

Raelle nodded her head and started, "It happened a week before my ninth birthday. When I was younger, I was once told by someone that I'm abnormally intelligent. Since I have always been a believer in facts that can be proven through science. My personal interest was also in science. Take chemistry, for instance. I entered a competition the international chemistry olympiad. It wasn't my first time but it definitely became my last."


Raelle enjoyed joining such competitions since only through these competitions did she realize she wasn't that different from people. There were other people like her with a high IQ. Not everyone could fit in the definition of 'normal.' At least, she didn't.

She had started entering different competitions since she was only six. Whether it was maths, physics, or chemistry. All attracted her because she loved to play with numbers and complex formulas.

That year she joined the chemistry olympiad and easily qualified for the internationals. But the competition was hosted by another country. Since her last kidnapping, both her grandfather and Mu Chenyan had been tightly guarding her. She had even gotten her own bodyguards. One could say she was protected well. However, when something is bound to happen, it just does happen.

The competition was hosted by Country H for the first time that year. And that had to be Raelle's first experience of coming to this country as well.

No one knows what went wrong but she was kidnapped from the competition venue where her bodyguards couldn't follow her.

It was only when she woke up after hours that she realized she had been kidnapped once again. At this point, even Raelle questioned her existence. How could the same person get into these kidnappings again and again? Did it even make any sense?

But in her case, it actually made sense.

This time she was targeted because of her title of being a child prodigy. Who knew there was an organization that targeted people like her? They kidnapped genius kids and taught them to become robots who only listened to their commands. Their purpose was definitely not money. They just wanted to use those kids to fulfill their psychopathic dreams.

When Raelle woke up, she first observed her surrounding. She was thrown into a corner. Her hands were tied behind her back with a rope. And when she tried to free her hands, the rope sharply bit her skin. Even at that age, she had no concept of pain. So, it didn't bother her at all that the rope was biting down her skin.

She stayed in that corner for hours trying to observe her surroundings. There was a lot of information that she gathered from just watching. She also learned that currently, they were just staying at a temporary lab in the most deserted area near the Kia District. Those people were planning on waiting for another day before moving from here.

Raelle had never been a fussy child. So, even in that kind of situation, she was very calm. She was so calm that it could unnerve someone. However, those kidnappers didn't notice that. They thought she was just a meek child. And they certainly liked kids who didn't cry and scream. But they didn't know what calculations were going on in Raelle's mind.

She knew if she waited, Yanyan would come to save her. However, that also meant that she'd have to stay here longer and that would also cause more worry for both her Opa and Yanyan.

After she was done with her calculations, she kicked the glass of water on an open wire to cause a short circuit. Her original purpose was to distract the people around her to take further action but who knew that a little bit of water actually ended up causing a fire.

The building was old, obviously, the wiring was also quite old. It was no surprise that she found an open wire which had been chewed on by the rats before. And it was also no surprise that this short circuit ended up burning the whole place up.

When the fire broke out, it was chaos. Someone was trying to stop the fire. Some people collected important things to run and she was left alone. Since her feet weren't tied, she stood up and found her way out. While running out, she picked up the glass shard.

After escaping from the fire, she saw how deserted this area was. There wasn't a single person in sight. But she wasn't in clear yet, she didn't dwell over it hid in bushes at the side of the road. She knew someone would notice her absence soon.

Using that glass shard, she tried to cut the ropes binding her hands. The glass shard was too sharp as he continued to cut her small hands as well.. By the time, she freed her hands, her hands were dripping blood that fell on her pure white frock.

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