Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 333 - Charms

Yue Yue didn't look as surprised as Grandfather Xiang expected. She looked rather calm and somehow, he could also tell that she had expected this result.

'It seems my sister finally got tired of pretending.'

Grandfather Xiang shook his head, "The one to ask for the divorce is Kuijun."

Yue Yue's eyes widened a little. Now, she was a little taken aback. She didn't think it was possible for Zhai Kuijun to ask for a divorce from Yue Lan. He loved that woman so much. He loved her so much that he couldn't even see anything else except for her back then. How come he was the one asking to break this relationship now?

Grandfather Xiang took a moment to contemplate before he patted her head and said, "You should prepare yourself."

'For what?'

"Your nephew, Yanjun isn't gonna stay silent now that he has recognized you."

Yue Yue could also tell that. She had seen a million questions surging in his eyes but he just didn't dare to question. Perhaps he was afraid of hurting her feelings.

'I know him. He won't tell anyone that he met me. He might have grown up but I still believe in him.'

Grandfather Xiang smiled gently at her, "You're right. He won't tell anyone that he met you. But he would definitely try to know why it took him so long to meet you. And some secrets, you can't protect for life."

Yue Yue pursed her lips when she heard that.

"He is eventually gonna ask you questions so you should be prepared. What answer you want to give him is definitely up to you."

Yue Yue suddenly thought of what he said earlier and questioned, 'Uncle, you and my dad...?'

"There isn't really an animosity between us," stated Grandfather Xiang. "But we don't get along either. After all, since ancient times, the paths of an official and a soldier is different. They work for the same goal but they can never get along. That's just how it works. Soldiers are hard-headed and straightforward. Politicians like to dream a lot and are too deep-minded."

Yue Yue didn't expect to hear this answer from him. She had always admired her father in her life. But since she met Grandfather Xiang, she had come to respect him as well. She knew her father and Xiang Tianyu had completely opposite personalities. Her father was mature, calm, and a bit stubborn when it came to his principles.

Xiang Tianyu had a heroic aura. The might of a soldier could be felt from him even when he sat in a wheelchair.

Looking at it this way, it was not difficult for her to figure out why these two men weren't on friendly terms.


As Hyson had announced, he really went to the doctor's appointment on his own. Learning that he was recovering well, he rolled his eyes inwardly. He wanted the people around him to hear this since no one actually believed when he said that he was recovering well.

Were his words that untrustworthy now?

"As a precaution, avoid heavy exercise," instructed the doctor seriously. "And continue with a healthy diet. I can see you're being well fed these days."

Hyson almost blushed at those words. But he couldn't deny it either. His cheeks were getting a healthy glow and soon he was gonna get fat.

Hyson put on his face mask and a cap before he left the doctor's office. The first thing he did after leaving the doctor's office was to call Raelle.

"Ellie," he called out.

"Yes," answered Raelle patiently.

"Ellie!" he called again.

"Yes," she answered once again.

"Ellie!" he ended up being as annoying as ever and called her name once again.

And Raelle being Raelle, she ended up with the same reply, "Yes."

No matter how many times he'd call her name, her answer would still be the same. She'd patiently wait for him to continue instead of taking the initiative to ask why he was doing this so unnecessary thing.

"My dear best friend, aren't you annoyed?" he inquired.

"Of what?"

"Of a friend like me?"

"Even if I am, it's hard for me to say it."

Hyson nodded in understanding, "That's true." He sighed out, "Do you know why I called you?"

"Because you having nothing better to do right now," she replied matter-of-factly.

Hyson almost stumbled when he heard those words. "Why are you always so spot on?"

"It's because I'm familiar with your behavior pattern," responded Raelle. "The way you started the call made it obvious that you're bored. And since you're bored, your mind can't be at peace if you left me in peace."

Hyson laughed out because her explanation was again spot on. If he had nothing better to do, how can he allow her to be in peace? That's not how friendship works! If he is bored, he has to bore her as well!

"I just came out of the doctor's office," informed Hyson. "And it takes about 10 minutes to leave the hospital. Those ten minutes are so boring. How can I not take advantage of those 10 minutes to annoy you?"

"And that is so like you," she said.

"What are you doing?" asked Hyson.

"I'm getting ready to go out on lunch with my husband," said Raelle.

"Oh, you're going on a date?"

"If that's what it's called."

Hyson shook his head helplessly at her but she obviously couldn't see it. "Well, have fun your date then. If you spent another day inside your room, I'll fly over there to give you a good beating!"

"You don't have to find excuses to fly over here," stated Raelle.

Hyson chuckled, "Who said I'm finding excuses? I can definitely fly over there if I want to but I don't want to be a lightbulb between you husband and wife. After all, I'll be the kind of lightbulb that shines brightly. You both will get blinded by my presence."

"Lightbulb?" questioned Raelle. "When did you become a lightbulb? Did you start working on electricity now?"

Hyson rolled his eyes at her words, "Ellie, lightbulb means the third wheel! I don't want to play the role of the third wheel between you two."

"Oh..." she said in understanding.

"Click some photos for me," said Hyson. "Don't just show off the food made by your husband."

Hyson seemed to be gnashing his teeth when he said that. He was so annoyed when she sent her those two photos. Raelle had no social media and neither did she have any friends circle. So she could only show off in front of Hyson. He didn't get jealous but he was certainly amused by this act of Raelle.

She actually took the trouble to take photos of the meals prepared by Shui Xian and even shared those photos with him.

"My husband can cook, why can't I show off?" asked Raelle.

"Ellie, that's not how things work," he said.

"Do I look like I care about how things work?" she retorted.

"My mistake," he said helplessly. "Anyway, as I said, please click some photos. I am really curious to know if Meiji is as beautiful as people say it is."

"You don't trust people?"

"No, I only trust you." He stepped out of the hospital gate and recalled something, "By the way, what's up with Cloe?"


"You didn't see her status?" asked Hyson and facepalmed himself. "Right, you don't pay attention to these things. Well, let me tell you something. She posted a picture of a pile of clothes thrown on her bed and under it was written, 'So confused!' I couldn't understand what she is up to."

"She is going on a blind date," was Raelle's response.

Hyson had a moment of enlightenment, "No wonder she destroyed her whole wardrobe! She can't find the right outfit. What a pity!" He laughed to himself. "I should call her to encourage her."

"Yes, you should," suggested Raelle. "She is nervous for some reason. Having your encouragement will help since she had become your die-hard fan now."

"I can't blame her for being my fan. It shows her exceptional taste," said Hyson narcissistically. "After all, even I'm charmed by my own charms. How can she resist it?"

"I am not charmed though," reminded Raelle.

"You have bad taste, it's not really your fault," he said as if comforting her.

"Are you done?" Raelle asked.

Hyson opened his mouth to say something but stopped when his gaze fell on someone. He narrowed his eyes and focused on that familiar face pushing a wheelchair around the hospital garden taking a walk. Since Hyson had paid so much attention to that person in the last week, he couldn't be mistaken about it at all.

But he was surprised to see this person here as well. Why was he here? And who was in the wheelchair?

"What's wrong?" asked Raelle when she didn't hear anything from him for a long while.

"I seem to...." Hyson didn't continue when he saw the face of the person in that wheelchair.

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