Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 318 - Insecurity

When Shui Xian came back from work, he was still as excited as ever. Just the thought of seeing his wife was enough to put him in a good mood. Even the people who worked with him today could tell that he was happy. He was so happy that he even didn't nitpick with a lot of things today.

He was still humming a happy tune as he opened the door and shouted, "Wifey, I'm back!"

His upturned lips suddenly went downhill when he saw the desolate room. The room looked as empty and cold as it did the previous days. The one that brought the light into his world and even brightened up this cold room was nowhere to be seen.

"Raelle?" he called out but received no reply.

Had he been dreaming last night that she came to look for him? Was it a game his brain played with him? And Raelle was never here, to begin with? He was just looking for something to keep himself happy?

Shui Xian immediately shook these thoughts out of his mind. If thoughts were a person, he would have slapped them right now. Yes, that's for sure! He'd have given a good beating to those absurd thoughts!

He found Raelle's laptop lying on the table and smiled, "See! She isn't just my dream! She is real!" He even went to check her stuff and even more relaxed, "Exactly! She is as real as gold! How can I mistake that?"

He even began to talk to himself but there was no one around to witness his rare moment of losing his composure. He felt a cold feeling seeping into his heart when he didn't get to see Raelle inside the room. But now, the coldness was dissipating as he relaxed to know that her stuff was here that meant she was also here.

Maybe she just went out to take a look around?

But she said she'd only go out with him.

Shui Xian felt a bit saddened at the thought. He really didn't know what he wanted to do. He was happy that she decided to leave work and go out but he was also unhappy that she didn't wait for him. He couldn't even understand his own mood swings. What the hell was wrong with him?

He felt like he was getting Bipolar disorder. One moment, he was all sunny and the next, the thunder would explode!

He found his phone and gave Raelle a call. He was waiting anxiously for her to pick up the call and when she did, he only asked, "Did you leave?"

Raelle didn't expect this question at all. "No. I'm at the internet cafe. Are you back?"

"Internet cafe," Shui Xian tasted these words in his mouth and calmed down. "I'm back but I didn't see you when I came back so I was a little worried."

"Since you're back, I'll be there," replied Raelle and hung up the phone. She looked at the time and realized that she had spent quite a while in the internet cafe. It was all Hyson's fault who suddenly thought of playing the shooting game.

After she was done dumping the whole responsibility on Hyson, she went out of the internet cafe. Surprisingly, she saw Shui Xian waiting outside. He had his hands on his knees as he was bent over and panting heavily. He definitely ran over here to get her.

"Hubby!" she called him softly.

Shui Xian looked up and seeing her standing before him, he grinned happily. Standing up straight, he hugged her tightly and said, "It's a good thing you're still here."

"Did you really think I'd leave?" asked Raelle as she let herself be hugged by him. Even though the force he used was a bit much, she didn't say anything. "Didn't I tell you I'll wait for you?"

Shui Xian sighed out. He was really an idiot. Just because he didn't see her, his brain started malfunctioning. How could he just assume that she left?

"But I thought you'd wait for me in the room and you'd be the first person I see when I go back from work. I was so looking forward to that," stated Shui Xian not hiding anything from her. "So, when I didn't get to see you, I kinda panicked a little."

"I did say I won't go out without you so I guess it's my fault," said Raelle thoughtfully. She needed to reflect on her behavior.

Seeing her like this, Shui Xian smiled fondly at her and said, "Nothing is really your fault. I'm just an insecure person. It has nothing to do with you." He held her hand as she went back towards the hotel and he told her, "In fact, I'm actually happy that you decided to come out to explore this place."

"I didn't come out to explore," told Raelle sincerely. "I just found an internet cafe to use a computer to play the game with Hyson and Bà."

Shui Xian was surprised when he learned the truth behind this whole situation, "Aiyah! So it was like that? Why is my brain so dumb?"

"I don't think you're dumb," stated Raelle blankly.

Shui Xian smiled at that, "Then you think too highly of me. I'm flattered." He took a pause and inquired, "So, did you have fun playing the games?" He didn't mind her going out to play games online. What mattered was that she didn't stay cooped up in the room to work! Wasn't that something noteworthy?

Why would he pay attention to anything else?

The most important point was that she did something fun and with the people she cared about. He could already tell how happy his Bà would have been because of this gaming session. Just the thought of it put him in a good mood.

And when Raelle gave him the details of how they played and all, he was even more interested. Why the hell did he have to work? He could have joined them as well!

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