Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 233 - Little To No Effect

After he got over the cuteness of the fluffy birds, Hyson looked at Raelle and asked, "So, how long can I keep them for?"

"She gave the birds as a gift. Of course, she won't take them back," said Shui Xian as he came to stand behind Raelle.

Hyson gave him a look, "Think again, Xian Ge. My best friend would never gift me a bird to keep as a pet for life. That's not possible."

"Why not?" questioned Shui Xian curiously.

"Because birds are meant to fly in the sky, she'd never want to restrict their movements. She'd never take their freedom from them."

Shui Xian looked at the side of Raelle's face who blinked and answered Hyson's earlier question, "You can keep them for two weeks. After that, they'd be sent back to the island we brought them from."

Hyson chuckled, "Got it!" He gave Shui Xian a look that said, 'See? I told you so!' Then he proceeded to put his finger inside the cage to touch the bird's head. "Ellie, you really find trouble yourself even when you find everything troublesome."

"What do you mean?"

Hyson didn't even lift his head as he continued to tell her, "I said, let's go on a trip. We could have easily seen these birds if you had agreed to the trip. But no, you had to do things in a troublesome manner by going as far as bringing these birds to me. Seriously, how is your brain exactly wired?" He shook his head as he went on, "On the Island apart from Shima-Enaga, there are so many interesting and unique animals that I wanted to see. Are you gonna bring all of them here?"

"Did you do research?" asked Raelle.

"Yup!" answered Hyson. "There is Ezo Momonga- the super cute flying squirrel. The Hokkaido Red Squirrel is also unique to that island. Then there is Ezo Nagi Usagi- the crying rabbit. Also, the red fox is also adorable there."

"It seems you have gotten quite interested in the Animal Planet lately," remarked Raelle. She really didn't expect him to have such a thorough understanding of all the species or sub-species available on that particular island in Country J.

"Not really. I just found these animals interesting because they were too cute."

"No wonder, you spent time researching," said Raelle. After all, how else would Hyson be interested in reading some informational stuff? It had to be because he found something cute and wanted to learn that he found time to do thorough research on the topic.

And yes, the research was done to convince Raelle to join him on that trip.

"Maybe I should look for the doctor, it seems your anesthesia still hasn't worn off and that's why you're talking nonsense with me."

Hyson gave her a cheeky smile, "But I've always only talked nonsense with you."

"Oh, so you do know that you only talk nonsense with me?"

"I do," answered Hyson as he nodded his head.

"Then why do you do it?" questioned Raelle.

"Isn't it obvious?" retorted Hyson. "It's because I want to keep reminding you that a sensible person like you ended up befriending a nonsensible one like me. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment."

Shui Xian chuckled at Hyson's words while Raelle just looked at him with her expressionless face.

"Now that I'm looking at a bird, I suddenly recall something," added Hyson.

"Now what?"

"Do you know which bird has the worst manners?"

"I refuse to play a part in this joke," was Raelle's answer.

Hyson tsked at her, "Aiyah! You're so not fun." Then he looked at Shui Xian, "Xian Ge, do you know the answer?"

Shui Xian chose to shake his head, "No, but you must know."

"Of course, I do," said Hyson proudly. "It's the mockingbird! HaHaHaHa!"

Shui Xian didn't know whether it was a riddle or a joke, and he also didn't care whether this joke was funny or not since he ended up smiling just because of Hyson's infectious laughter. The most startling thing he found about Hyson was the fact that he always laughed from his heart. His laughter had always been so loud and bright that it could make anyone want to laugh along with him.

Shui Xian had already realized that Hyson wasn't a funny person. If anything, the things he said when he was under the influence of anesthesia confirmed a lot of things for Shui Xian. But no matter what Hyson's essence was, one thing was the truth; he had the brightest heart and the most beautiful laugh.

There was a knock at the door and Cloe's head popped inside as she looked at Raelle, "Chief!"

Raelle turned her head to look at her, "I didn't call you to work on Sunday."

Cloe smiled at her, "I know. It's just that someone wanted to meet you."

While Raelle was thinking, Hyson shooed her away, "Just go already. You're not even gonna laugh with me. And I am not in the mood to see your straight face. Just go away!"

Raelle didn't reply to him and neither did she mind his words. She chose to follow Cloe but not before telling Shui Xian, "I'll be right back."

Shui Xian nodded his head and watched her leave. Then he pulled a chair to sit beside Hyson and said, "Okay, Xiao Fai. I'll keep you company but first of all, tell me how you're doing?"

Hyson shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "I might not be doing well mentally but physically?" He took a dramatic pause to add, "I'm doing even worse."

"Is it hurting that much?" asked Shui Xian in worry.

"Oh, it's not the pain. It's because I can't eat my favorite things. My whole system works with food. How am I supposed to be fine mentally or physically when I can't even eat what I want?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you're dramatic?" questioned Shui Xian.

"I've been told," answered Hyson. "But it has little to no effect on me."

Shui Xian shook his head, "Yeah, I thought so."

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