Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 201 - Someone Will Come

Although it was true that this remote village had a cafe-like establishment that provided internet services, it was also true that Hyson was given the wrong directions for it.

But oblivious to this fact, Hyson was happily moving along the trail with his hand stretched out, looking for a network. It took him a while to realize that he had gone deeper into the mountain forest. As his eyes wandered around, all he could see was a dense forest covered in snow.

He tightly held his jacket and cursed his luck.

"It looks like a winter fairytale," he said out loud. When he felt like his voice just echoed in this place where there was no one else in sight, he shuddered. "And it's a perfect place for horror movies!" He pushed his phone back into his pocket and placed his hand on the side of the tree saying, "I'm the biggest idiot in the world. No wonder characters like me become the first ones to be killed in horror movies. How could I just get lost here? Am I still bad with directions?"

While he was cursing his bad sense of direction, he didn't for once doubt that perhaps someone led him in this wrong direction. His heart was more inclined to believe that he made a mistake. After all, it was a proven fact that he could lose his sense of direction once he gets excited. It didn't just happen once or twice anyway.

"I should look for my way back," he muttered when he noticed that the gloomy sky was turning gloomier. It certainly was going to snow again, and if he stayed out here, he'd die from cold. Or perhaps, he'll be buried deep in the snow forever.

Hyson shook his head to get these thoughts out of his head. He willed himself to find his way back home. Just thinking about the grief his mother would have to face because of him was enough to make his heart wrench in pain.

For the next hour, he seemed to be turning in circles with no sight of the way out of here. He thought it couldn't get any worse when he saw the soon it was going to be nightfall. But certainly, life proved him wrong.

While he was looking for a way out, his foot got stuck somewhere and before he knew it, he was rolling down the mountain. He let out a scream as his body was rolling down like a sack of potatoes. Just as his head about to hit a tree, something cushioned his body and stopped him from falling to his death.

For a long minute, Hyson's brain was still dizzy from that fall. He was staring blankly in space as he tried to gather his spirit and looked around. He dusted off the snow from his body and groaned in pain. From rolling down on the snow, his body seemed to have been crushed. He was aching all over.

But now that he sat on something soft, he was tried to figure out where he was.

"Wait! What's underneath me?" he questioned himself before he moved the layer of snow a little and... "AHHHH!!!!"

He jumped up and moved farther away while screaming. Bloody hell! He knew snow was a perfect place to bury a secret or a dead body but he didn't expect to run into a real dead body! He looked heavenwards as he complained inwardly, 'Why is my luck so bad today? I should have read my horoscope before leaving the house.'

After taking a deep breath, he moved towards the 'dead body' that cushioned his fall and saved his life. He wasn't scared of the dead body as much as he made it seem like. The earlier scream was out of sudden shock. He moved all the snow away from the 'dead body' and turned the body around.

Right before his eyes laid a man clad in a soldier's uniform. It was obvious that he was a part of the army but what was he doing here? Hyson looked towards the trees around them and found a parachute stuck in the tall trees.

He put his finger underneath his nose and then checked his heartbeat. His brows jumped up when he realized that the man was still alive. His body's temperature was dropping because of the snow but he was certainly breathing for now.

Hyson hurriedly took off his own jacket and wrapped it around the man before he rubbed his hands with his own trying to transfer some heat.

At this moment, Hyson was even more worried than when he realized that he had lost his way. After all, now there was life was at stake here. He didn't know what to do to help. He couldn't even call anyone for help here.

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

*Cough! Cough! Cough!*

Hyson turned his head towards the man who had been unconscious when he heard a weak coughing sound. When he saw his eyes opening slightly, Hyson was really excited.

"Hey! Soldier, are you awake? How are we feeling? Can you hold on for a while?"

The man tried to sit up and Hyson helped him lean against the street trunk. Then his eyes looked at Hyson vigilantly but seeing the concern in his eyes, he relaxed a little. Instead of answering Hyson, the man seemed to be observing their surroundings right now.

"Yes, you are right," Hyson seemed to be telling him but seemed more like talking to himself. "We are stuck here. You fell straight from the sky, I rolled down here. Well, whatever the means got us here, we did end up here together. So, nice to meet you, comrade, I'm Yue Fai. It's a pleasure to meet you here."

The man looked at Hyson's smile and found it puzzling. He could tell that Hyson was civilian but why did he appear to be a lot calmer than normal people. As if he wasn't scared of dying here.

He opened his mouth and licked his dry and bluish lips before saying in a hoarse voice, "I'm Weimin. Xiang Weimin."

"Weimin..." repeated Hyson softly and then looked at his uniform before nodding. "The name is certainly befitting of you. Weimin, the people's hero."

"My communication device is broken," said Xiang Weimin. "I'm not sure if my team will be able to find us here."

Hyson nodded his head in understanding, "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. Even if it means, I'll have to give everyone a scare."


Hyson didn't explain anything to him, just offered him a smile before he took off his watch and opened the back of it before pressing a small button inside. Then he added, "The help will be here in thirty minutes." The reason why Hyson hadn't been scared was still the same. Raelle would find him anywhere. As long as he had this watch, he had nothing to fear.

He was scared then he was about to fall to his death because then he wouldn't even be able to press that button to call for help.

"By the way, do you think there are any animals in this forest?"

Xiang Weimin looked at Hyson in amusement and nodded, "There are snow wolves here."

Hyson laughed that felt more like crying, "I don't wanna die from being torn apart. That would be the worst way to die."

"You don't look as scared of death as you are trying to make it seem," commented Xiang Weimin.

"Are you scared, comrade?" Hyson retorted.

Xiang Weimin gave him a look, "I'm a soldier. We wear our life on our sleeves. Even if I die here, I won't have any regrets."

"I have respect for soldiers like you," said Hyson. "Most of that respect and admiration has to do with my best friend's family but still. I do really respect soldiers." Hyson took a pause and asked, "You should talk less to conserve your energy. I wouldn't have taken that risk of asking for help from my best friend if I wasn't worried about your life."

"You wouldn't call for help for yourself?"

"I don't know," replied Hyson. He really didn't know whether he would have taken the step to ask for help from Raelle if he was alone in this situation. Well, at least, he wouldn't have done it until he was desperate.

"How did you end up here though?"

Hyson pointed in a direction, "I lost my way on the mountain trail and then my foot slipped. Finally, I rolled down here and thanks to you, I didn't fall to my death. Since you saved my life, I'll return the favor."

Hyson saw his shuddering body and frowned, "Should I try to gather some wood for the fire?"

"You won't find any dry wood," said Xiang Weimin.

Hyson hummed in reply, "Then I hope you hold on a little longer. The help will be here soon."

"You're very certain that someone will come."

Hyson smiled at him, "I have faith in my Elle."

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