Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 189 - Okay!

Since the time Shui Xian learned about Raelle's siblings' professions, he had been in deep thought. It was in human nature to be curious. He was also itching to know more for some reason.

He had jokingly said to her, "It seems your siblings are working hard to protect the country."

And she had replied him with, "We are also working hard for the country. Just because our battlefields are different doesn't mean we aren't fighting. They are trying to protect the country, we're working for its economy. How is it different?"

Shui Xian had nothing to say. He already knew that his wife took pride in her work. Or at least he'd define it as pride. But he also knew that she respected her ancestors a lot. And that is why army officers were actually not so displeasing to her eyes.

It was also this fact that she had interacted with Zhai Yanjun normally even though he had offended her.

However, no matter how curious he was, Shui Xian knew how to be patient. Since he managed to get answers from her, he'd get into further details at a later time. For now, it was better to take everything one step at a time.

Today happened to be the day, he was invited to the Shires Business Association.

Shires Business Association members were all part of the elite businessmen in the city or even in the country. Every few months the association would invite them all to gather to discuss the newly opened government projects or share resources. It was a prestigious association. At every meeting, they'd announce a few government projects or the change in the policies and new market trends.

All in all, it was a resourceful place that could open the door of plenty of opportunities for people once that person was invited to be part of this association. With Master Xian's prestige, he had to be here. There was no doubt about that from the beginning.

Shui Xian had to greet several businessmen and their deputies before taking his seat at the conference table. He had only brought Ma Jin with him who had to sit in the seats in the back where other secretaries were waiting for their bosses.

Since everyone hasn't gathered yet, Shui Xian pulled out his phone. He had nothing on his mind but when he noticed what he was up to, he had already opened the chat screen that contained the record of his chat with his wife. Well, more like his one-sided chat since the other party didn't like to reply through texts.

Reading his one-sided chat history that felt like he was talking to himself, his lips curved up in an imperceptible smile.


"Chief, there is a new energy project that's gonna be announced today," informed Cloe as she tried to keep up with Raelle's long and steady strides. They weren't that different in height but yet somehow, Raelle was always walking ahead of her, and while she always had to almost run to catch up. She couldn't even understand this mythical phenomenon. "I've been keeping an eye on this project for a couple of months now. I think we should try our best to make sure this project is ours."

"Best of luck!" was Raelle blank response which clearly indicated that she had thrown the ball in Cloe's court.

Whether they get the project or not was up to Cloe. She had nothing to do with it since she wasn't keen on this project anyway. She already had something else in her mind, and that project had nothing to with this meeting today. If it wasn't because Cloe insisted to her to make some connections, she would definitely have not bothered to come here.

Although her business had a stronghold in G Country, they were still relatively new in the H country. There had been a couple of companies under Xiang Conglomerate's banner that had been running in this country for years but that had nothing to do with Raelle since that was started by her grandfather. Even now, the management of those companies was in his hands. Although he didn't look over it himself, he had capable men to take up this job.

When Raelle entered the conference room, there fell a strange silence. Every person's gaze was on this unfamiliar face. And those who had some idea in their minds didn't dare to walk up to her to greet her. Raelle didn't mind their lack of enthusiasm at seeing her.

She calmly went ahead to look for her seat and only when she sat down at the chair which had a name board of 'President Raelle' did people snapped out of it.

There wasn't a single person in this room who hadn't heard about Raelle Xiang. If you're a businessman, you have to know Raelle Xiang. But it didn't necessarily mean that you'd get the chance to meet her or even catch a glimpse of her. After all, she was said to be an extremely private person. One couldn't possibly find a single photo of her on the internet, all you'd find would be her achievements that might make one go blind.

She was the youngest in this room of veteran players and yet, she was known to be the most ruthless one. And currently, her position might be higher than 90% of the people in this conference room. The ones who could actually stand side by side with her authority were two people. One was Master Xian who was busy smiling at his phone screen and the other was currently out of the country.

Raelle had just taken her seat when her eyes fell on the person sitting directly opposite her. And she paused. Although she knew her husband's position in the business world, it still didn't cross her mind that she'd be able to cross paths with him at this meeting.

What do people call it?

Ah! Surprise?

Or was it fate?

Raelle couldn't tell the answer but she did want to know what was making her husband smile so foolishly? Others might have not noticed but she had come to understand every single thing about her husband's expressions. It was hard to see but she could still make out the shadow of the smile that had been hanging on his lips.

Suddenly, her phone 'dinged.' Raelle looked at it, she had received a message from her husband that read, 'I was going through our chat history and suddenly started missing you.'

Raelle lifted her eyes to look up and found him typing something again and soon her phone 'dinged' yet again.

'Have you noticed though? I'm the only fool who texts you even when you don't reply!'


'Reading chat history I felt like I was talking to myself. At least, send me an okay to reassure me sometimes that I'm not talking to myself.'

Raelle thought about it before typing, 'Okay.'

And then she noticed when Shui Xian received that message from her, he sat straight up and stared at his phone for a full minute before rubbing his eyes in disbelief and staring at it again. When he made sure that he indeed received a text from his wife, he felt like he could do somersault right here! But he held himself back. He even had to hold back the urge to laugh out loud.

But he really was feeling lost. It was the first time his wife actually texted him! How could he be not excited? It might not be a big deal to others but it was to him. The person in question was Raelle Xiang!

She never even typed a reply for her best friend Hyson!

And yet, today, she actually typed a message for him. It was only an 'okay' but it was enough to make him feel like he won a jackpot. He didn't even know where to put his hands now. That's how lost he was feeling.

Unbeknownst to him, Raelle had been watching every single change in him intently. She had learned to read her husband and it wasn't difficult to tell that he was happy to receive that message. In fact, he looked so happy in her eyes that Raelle almost mentally reprimanded herself for waiting so long to send him a text. Wasn't it just typing a couple of words? How troublesome could it get?

Didn't she write emails on a laptop all the time? Texting wasn't that different.

She noted down in her mind that she had to send more texts to her husband. If her small act could bring him happiness then why not? It wasn't harmful to either of them anyway.


'Wifey, did your phone get stolen?'

Raelle didn't know why his brain thought of such a scenario. Was it that difficult to believe that she was the one texting?

She typed, 'Look up. You'll know the answer.'

Shui Xian frowned slightly when he read that message and on instinct looked up. And then, he couldn't move his eyes away.

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