Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 98

A dark, like countless clouds shrouded her.

It's breathless, it's almost suffocating, it's close to death.

However, the night Mo Shen today but easily to her this symptom to resolve.

"Well, I'm sorry..." Shen Qiao can only apologize in a low voice, "it seems that I will give you trouble if it goes on like this, or..."

"What? You want to back out when you're here? Now it's just a woman's partner. In the future, there will be more performances as a night wife than in this grand occasion. Do you want to withdraw from the court? "

What? Shen Qiao was shocked a little by the following sentence, but he couldn't return to God for a long time.

What does it mean to appear as a night lady in the future? They Isn't it going to be a divorce in the future?

Shen Qiao stupefied moment, night Mo Shen also realized what he said, he slightly frowned, side eyes with the corner of his eyes to see her one eye.

Sure enough, the woman was in a daze again.

Thinking about what he just said?

Inexplicable, night Mo deep heart some uncomfortable: "tell you, do you hear?"

Listen to words, Shen Qiao this just returned to God, stupidly nodded: "know."

The expression on her face is rather dull and cute, and her eyes are confused, but it is in line with her gray blue skirt. She pushes yemoshen behind her, and the soft aura of her body merges into the strong and indifferent atmosphere of Yemo Shen.

It's not that no one wants to be close to Mo Shen at night, but it's not easy to climb at night.

It was not until the end that Mr. Zhou, the host of the banquet, came out to greet him with a toast.

"It's my honor that ye Shao is willing to come."

Night Mo Shen on each other's eyes, the voice is flat: "the last time the office talked about cooperation, I temporarily had something to do with Mr. Zhou. Today I'm going to make amends."

Make amends? Does the night two young of Tang Tang Yeshi group make amends to others?

No one believed it, but ye Moshen said it beautifully, which was enough for Mr. Zhou's face.

Mr. Zhou was calm and self-sustaining, and raised his glass to the night: "thank you very much."

After that, his eyes fell on Shen Qiao behind the night.

In the face of Mr. Zhou's gaze, Shen Qiao suddenly became nervous.

Mr. Zhou's eyes fell on her face and soon left. Then he looked at the night Mo Shen: "little night?"

Night Mo deep understand, let Shen Qiao lean over to admonish.

"I'm going upstairs to talk to Mr. Zhou."

Hearing this, Shen Qiao breathed: "talk about things? Shall I go with you? "

"You stay here."

Shen Qiao's face slightly white a few minutes: "I, I stay here?"

"Give me fifteen minutes."

"All right, all right." She had no resistance and could only nod.

Soon Xiao Su and night Mo Shen disappeared. The night before leaving, Mo Shen told her not to run around, so she would stay in place and wait for him to come back.

Looking at the night Mo Shen's figure disappeared in front of his eyes, Shen Qiao's heart some not taste.

At the last party, she was accompanied by his assistant. At the party, he left her alone.

This time she entered as his female companion and was still left behind.

As soon as ye Moshen left with Mr. Zhou, only Shen Qiao was left at the scene. She stood alone. Some people had been curious about her identity, but because of yemoshen's presence, no one dared to ask questions. Now yemoshen left.

Finally, someone couldn't help asking.

"I don't bring a girl with me when I attend. Why did I suddenly change my taste today?"

"I heard that yeshao had just got married a while ago. Is this..."

"No!" A Qingling female voice interrupted the other party's question. Shen Qiao's hand tightened unconsciously and pretended to look at each other calmly. "Hello, everyone. I'm the new assistant of yeshao. My name is Shen."

"Shen? It's said that Shen Yue is the object of the big marriage of yeshao... "

Shen Qiao's face turned pale: "really? It seems that I am lucky to have the same surname as Yeer's grandmother. "

She did not forget what ye Moshen said to her.

Don't let outsiders know that she is Yemo Shen's wife, because he thinks that he will only lose his face.

"Really? The new wife's surname is Shen, and the assistant's surname is Shen. Are you really not the same person? "

Shen Qiao tried to maintain the smile on her face, "thank you for your kindness, but we are really not the same person."

"Oh, that's really an assistant."

"It's the first time to see a female assistant in the night. Ah, it's not his new wife."

Shen Qiao began to be nervous again. She bit her lower lip and slowly turned away from his sight. She hid herself in the corner.

After Shen Qiao found a quiet place to sit down, the eyes that focused on her gradually dissipated. Shen Qiao sat for a long time, her mood gradually calmed down, and her eyes gradually became clear.When she saw a glass of red wine on the table, she picked it up and wanted to drink it. But when she thought of her pregnancy last time, she put it down again.

As soon as the glass was put down, a man's voice sounded above his head.

"Assistant Shen, may I have a dance with you?"

Shen Qiao was frightened by the sudden appearance of the male voice. She raised her eyes in astonishment and looked at the usual people. Is a suit, clean looking man, is looking at her with a tiny smile.

Shen Qiao quickly shook his head: "thank you, but I can't dance."

"Never mind. I can teach you."

Shen Qiao lowered her eyes: "sorry, I really can't

The man seemed a little disappointed, but he still laughed: "that's OK. It's ok if you don't dance. Can I have a drink with assistant Shen?"

Have a drink? Shen Qiao looked up at him again, and saw that his smile was clean and there was no malice. However, his intention to himself was very obvious. Shen Qiao thought about it and quickly refused him.

"I can't drink."

Man: "man In that case, I won't be forced. "

"Tut Tut, a little assistant is so arrogant. Zhang Yufan, are you so withdrawn?"

When the man is about to leave, a familiar man's voice suddenly rings, with a tone of coldness and sarcasm.

Hearing the sound, Shen Qiao unconsciously widened his eyes and looked toward the source of the sound.

Long time no see Lu ordinary appears in front of Shen Qiao. He is followed by two or three big men. It seems that they are his subordinates. His walking posture is somewhat unnatural. Compared with him, who was full of energy and slept all kinds of celebrities at the first meeting, Lu ordinary looks like a kind of bereaved dog.

Seeing him, Shen Qiao suddenly stood up.

"What? Is it frightening to see me? " Lu ordinary looked at Shen Qiao with a sinister smile, but he said to Zhang Yufan: "I said Zhang Yufan, as a man, you are too counselled? Even a little assistant dares to give you a big young master to shake his face. Such a shameless woman should never let her go. "

Zhang Yufan is a scholar. He frowns at his rude words.

"Mr. Lu, what you said Some of them have gone too far. I, Zhang Yufan, have never forced others into difficulties. Even if I am an assistant, I respect each other. "

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