Master Of None

Chapter 2230: 2230. Your Future

Chapter 2230: 2230. Your Future

"So, what's the verdict? Will we have more of those things coming through the bridge?" Gil managed to catch Walker as he stepped away from the bridge to the elemental planes. His curiosity wasn't hidden at all since he knew that Walker would tell them what happened.

"Yes and no."

"How is that a good answer?" Remey joined the two as she heard Walker answer Gil's question. She was ready to send Walker a good smack to the head so he could get whatever proper answer out that was stuck there.

"Yes, the race I just met will be coming. No, they will not be monsters that lost their mind. They are a type of demon that lives in the deeper parts of the water elemental plane. The pure ice demons are a race that spends their time trying to get stronger to maintain the balance within the water elemental plane. But they are reclusive."

"So they are basically just monks or mages that meditate?" There was a little disappointment in Remey's tone since she kind of hoped it would be someone she could fight against a little.

"No, they are warriors from what I can see. They spend their time absorbing the water mana and condensing it to make armor and a unique weapon related to their class. That's part of their beliefs and why they sometimes fall in to madness when they do not control their mana. They can become monsters just like anyone else."

Part of Walker understood this would make them dangerous. However, he also understood that this would be a risk for them at all times. If he was accepting of them, he would be bringing yet another risk in to Genesis. However, this might be the perfect place for them.

They had knowledge about the water elemental plane that no one else had. They could share that while being able to absorb water mana within Genesis. While the mana was not as dense as the central water elemental planes, it was perfect to prevent them from losing their minds. Ensuring that they slowly gained better control of the water mana within themselves.

Afterwards, they would be able to venture through the bridge and get abc to the water elemental planes to grow to another level themselves. It was just slowing down the pace of their growth from birth. Perfectly allowing them the proper base to ensure that fewer became impure ice demons.

That fewer would become monsters without minds.

With that though, came the fact that they would have to agree to this. But seeing as Walker had used his race as the reason for them to follow him, he was certain they would. The Origin race were a group of beings known for being a myth in essence. Extremely powerful and rarely intervening unless the balance of the planes were at stake.

So, this meant that the woman Aie he had just met was going to assume he was doing this for the best. To be fair, Walker did have the best in mind. He could see trite through the cold look and icy exterior of the warrior that came to hunt her own family after they became a monster.

The pain and loss should not be allowed. He had witnessed it, and now he would fix it. And with this, he would also gain benefits for Genesis. He would ensure that everyone gained from these interactions. Especially since no one had perished or been brutally injured due to the mistake of the impure ice demon coming here.

"I will have them join us. They can meet demons different to them while also learning from the other water affinity races. They might even become a unique form of defense from any other monsters that come in to the world from the water elemental planes." With Walker's excitement showing slightly, he glanced to the side.

"They will be very busy at first though. Many people will want to know everything about their previous homes." Su's interjection was enough for everyone to realize that she must have finished checking the injured for any additional risks.

"Everything is fine?" Since he had not been there to check on others, Walker had ensured that The put proper focus now.

"Yes, Remey and I brought potions to those that needed them. Healers already arrived to complete the process. A few people are still sleeping, including a few infants. However, they are considered to be in full health, but they are exhausted from the sudden endeavor." Her warm smile at the end proved that there really was nothing to worry about.

"Brother, we should be seeing them soon. Sister said she sensed them coming already." Onyx had wanted at the bridge to the elemental planes with Midnight. He had been wanting to tell Walker when Midnight had sensed the water mana coming again. He also knew that he should remain there to keep Midnight from rushing in to the bridge and exploring again.

"Let's go greet them. The next addition to the Genesis alliance." Walker smirked before stepping in to the air. He was confident that they would be waiting for him by the time he got there.

What he hadn't realized, Was that Midnight wanted to make an impression.

Her full dragon form was standing watching the bridge to the elemental planes as the pure ice demons walked out led by Aie, their strongest warrior. Walker was able to see the shock and fear as they realized they were face to face with a powerful dragon who was looking right at them.

"We have arrived as asked." Aie looked at Midnight understanding that some grains directly served the origin beings. If this was the case, then it make sense that one would be waiting for them. Either to lead them or to guide them.

"Midnight, don't scare them. They are the newest addition to the Genesis alliance and they have a better chance of remaining a race if they come with us. "Welcome to the world, pure ice demon race. While the mana you feel is weaker here, it will increase over the years. The flow just returned after all. But as such, you and your children will have the chance to build better foundations to resist the madness that comes with powerful water affinities."

There was some silence as they looked up at Walker who was stepping through the air and then at the others arriving behind him. They were shocked with the differences they sensed between them and all that they were completely unsure how a group like this could even come


The world would be their home now? It would give them a better chance to remain sane without becoming monsters that needed to be hunted? How was that all possible? Was this the strength of an Origin being?

Nothing made sense to them.

"I see we will have to take this more slowly. Let's focus on this village first. These ruins were remnants of an ancient race that ventured in to the elemental planes. Now it is reclaimed by the Genesis alliance which unites all races. Affinities, appearance, and history do not matter here. You can grow in any way you please. The only rules are acceptance and peace. You'll learn a lot but we also will learn from you. It's better, right?"

His question was directed at Aie who was able to comprehend this better than the other blue skinned pure ice demons waiting behind her. Mostly because she had already somewhat accepted Walker's presence and the mystical idea that they were underneath an Origin being


Walker sent out some mana to showcase his variable strength while also waving at Midnight to take her dragonkin form again. They were all stunned by this but it put them all at ease. Kept them from panicking since to them, this was someone that could change the very

elemental planes.

"Don't be so stressed. I was human in the world before I started my journey and became an origin being. It was tough and definitely not normal. But it brought me to where I stand now. So relax and ask questions. Learn more. Follow your paths to wherever they take you. But let's be clear, it all comes with hard work."

"Just as Walker said, hard work. But before that, come with us and we will help your register. You will also join us in cleaning up the ice from the impure ice demon that broke in to the island. After that, you can come together and tour Genesis. Walker will lead you." Su sneakily put Walker in to the task since he caused this event after the impure ice demon had been

defeated by Aie.

He could only shrug since he had a feeling he would have to do this.




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