Master Of None

Chapter 2208: 2208. Boiling Emotion

Chapter 2208: 2208. Boiling Emotion

Walker carefully placed Erica down. A barrier of wind mana shielded her, but she could still feel it. Deep rooted fear. A predator greater than any dragon had just been aroused from slumber. Had just been taunted by something well below its strength.

The suffocating pressure that came from all the mana within the massive square, no, the entire cathedral city had pressed every single person to their knees. Children and parents alike. All those that had been jeering and murmuring about the heretics.

Even the strongest of the guards here were unable to lift their feet to take a step. Some of the strongest priests attempted to stand tall while using skills to boost themselves or others around them. All of them found that they could not call on a single bit of mana. It was as if mana itself had forsaken them.

"I believed that it was just a difference in values. A city full of people who did not understand other races. Who might not have traveled the world as much. Those who had their own cultures just as the demi-human tribes that refused to create a solid village because they believed they could travel while living on the land as their ancestors did."

Walker's words resonated through the entire city. The icy cold tone bringing terror to every single capable person. His words were not carried through the air as speaking normally would. They were carried by the mana itself to them. There was no possible way for them to misunderstand or not hear him.

"I believed that if we learned something about your culture. Learned how to trade and share ideals that we may find another ally. That Genesis might blossom as yet another city full of unique minds joined hands with us."

"I would have never expected that I would be so wrong. That all my hopes and desires for humanity would be betrayed like this. By false ideals that shackle an entire people. That allow them to slave away in worship rather than move freely."

"Terror governed by scriptures."

"Control exerted at the fear that a family wouldn't even be allowed proper food. That's if you can even get it since trades are disallowed with any other kingdom."

The disgust in his voice was greater than what he had ever shown. Not just because he knew that these people had so many choices to be better, but because they were even doing these things to their neighbors and family. The evidence was still there.

Marks on the stone where people had tried to free themselves from the stockades. Red marks which could have been what was left by rotten foods thrown, but Walker knew better. And the scent of death in the square.

It moved around, an essence of death where life and brightness should be. The mana was right there for Walker to sense. Nothing hid it. "No matter how much white paint you cover our city in. no matter how much gold you decorate with. Now matter how much you pray..."

"You have done wrong on to your very own and now dare harm the first saintess to appear within the known world."

Another wave of stronger mana radiated from Walker and he walked over the crowd through the air and softly stepped in front of Alice who had a single tear running down her cheek. The small chains broke away in to dust as he took her in his arms.

She looked at him with a single expression. One that he understood too well. One that told him not to hurt a single person here. One that told him that she didn't wish to see them harmed. One that said no matter how he felt seeing her hurt and spoken of as evil, that he should not act on his emotions right now.

"I could erase your entire city. I could forsake my hero title right now and cast aside the human that I once was to fully embrace my race as an origin being. But that would only taint the love I have for the light in my arms."

The other healers, nuns, and young priests that had traveled with Alice found themselves freed and floating up with delicate wind mana holding them. Any scapes, bruises, or injuries at all were healed with just a slight glance from Walker. Their worry a clear expression to Walker as he wrestled with his own emotions.

The grand priest speaking before could barely keep himself taking breaths when Walker glared at him. The intense fear making the man wonder if he could ever walk away from this. "No one from this city will ever find solace within Genesis. None will ever be welcome. We will not assist you. We will not save you. We will not protect you. Only those that forsake citizenship, residence, and everything else that comes with being part of this... disgrace, will have a chance."

"The world was not returned to its proper flow for cruelty and evil to breed. It was done so for a brighter future." his words echoed as the pressure of mana was suddenly gone and so was the one that caused it.

Gasps of those able to take proper breaths were heard through the square while the guards capable shouted to lock down the city. Some people seeing a chance grabbed what they could and rushed for the gates to leave. This chance being the only one they thought they might have.

Not everyone loved living here. Loved living under control of others.

Without any intention, Walker had used a large amount of spatial mana to teleport him, Alice and her entourage, and Erica a great distance away in to the wilderness. Walker just held Alice's face after setting her down and looked carefully at her. Almost afraid that he might

have hurt her.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't say that. I should be sorry. I shouldn't have let you go alone. It's nothing you did wrong. We didn't know what they were like. We didn't know why they were so different. I'm sorry I almost lost it."

Never had Walker realized just how much he cared.

He had seen how Alma and Gil had gone well in to more than what it meant to be together. They had pledged themselves to one another entirely. But Walker hadn't actually realized what that meant to him and how he would feel if someone he cared for was in a danger that threatened their life.

He had been with the party. They fought and nearly died. They had tense moments. Life threatening events. But they had come together and stood up. He had been there to help and to stand tall enough to protect them.

He was almost not here to protect Alice. He was almost at a loss for what could have been the sole person he cared for the most. He could have lost the last piece of him that allow him to stay connected to the human aspect of who he was. He had met her when he was just starting out in the adventuring life. She had risen well above any limits put on her to keep up with


Now, he had potentially lost it.

"No. You came. You always come." Alice's mind and heart knew that Walker would be there. She knew it. Whether it was fate or more, he had appeared right when she was about to feel


"If they didn't ask me to come and get you I might not have." He was just glad that those three had gotten worried enough to ask Walker to get Alice.

That was when he realized why he had been asked. "It's nothing worrying, but a few of your friends worry that your father is feeling unwell and wanted you to come home. So I came. He's fine now though. Just more tired than usual they said."

A little understanding flickered through Alice's eyes before more tears began to flow. "I might not have seen him again. I might not have seen you again." Her words began to become garbled as the light reacted and became falling rain made of light.

"You will see everyone again. You won't have to worry about anything like that." Walker brought a little mana around them. A warm calming light which tamed the light mana reacting chaotically with Alice's uncontrolled words. It took a few moments, but eventually, everything calmed enough for them to sit and realize that the others had set up a little camp.

Also they realize that Erica had made herself a few good friends who were showing off some small light related skills that she found interesting. Small growls and roars in reply that they couldn't understand at all.

"You have another dragon?" Walker could only laugh a little before he started to set up a tent. He had a lot to think over about himself and his own heart. Right now though, he could focus

on the little things.



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