Master Of None

Chapter 2202: 2202. Midnight's Instincts

Chapter 2202: 2202. Midnight's Instincts

"Sister, are you sure you wish to do this?" Onyx was still looking carefully at Midnight who had brought him out fairly far in to the wilderness from where they should have started

within genesis.

It had been a normal day and Onyx had planned to roam the city a little. Espeore what might be new while meeting some of the young serpents that had found unique jobs to help the city grow. It was a place of pride for him to move around and find those doing their jobs. He wanted them all to know that he was proud of their progress. To encourage them further.

It was an important way for him to stand as the one who helped raise them beyond what they would have been if left as eggs. Only hatching if they were lucky enough to get the light elemental mana needed. Only if they were lucky enough to survive after hatching entirely alone.

So many what ifs could have led to the end of the species as a whole. But Onyx had been part of it all. Walker and the others had allowed him to take hold of his own dreams and pursue them. They had helped him do so to levels above what others may have done.

Regardless, Onyx found Midnight waiting for him instead of being off doing her own thing. From what Onyx had gathered, Midnight wanted to test her strength properly. Not just to test her strength, but to test out a new skill that she had managed to awaken due to the consistent dense and pure mana from the elemental planes.

While she had not grasped what the skill was while they had been within the elemental planes, she understood somewhat now. That was why she had not been around as much. She had also been eating a lot more. But no one had noticed her lack of growth.

When Onyx had been pulled with her, she had somewhat explained things in her own way. Using his thoughts and mental communication, Onyx always felt that he learned a lot more from Midnight than when she spoke out loud. Even using the dragon language that she naturally knew because of her bloodline, Midnight hated speaking out loud. It was just how she was.

As she explained a little, Onyx understood that a lot of what midnight had felt was her instincts telling her that she had more potential. She was incredibly unique after all.

As she had grown, she had done things and grown at a rate well above what any little dragon would have grown and done. Therefore, she had been able to go through the system and gain an awakening of sorts that allowed her to purify her own blood.

While she had maintained the strength of her bloodline and affinities, she had gained the new ones to become a true dragon champion. Capable of using every single elemental mana just the same as Walker who was a jack of all trades. It was partially due to her bond with him that this happened.

But even more so, as she had grown, she exhibited stronger traits that many of the dragons did not have. She also showed that she had an intelligence that grew. Especially an intelligence related to battle. Her attacks were clear and powerful. No hesitation. She also defended those she cared for with extremely close care.

As such, when Midnight had started to have a new feeling, she chased it. Onyx listened to how she told him that she could feel her scales itch. How she also had much greater hunger than what she had before. More similar to how she had felt when she first ever shed her scales.

But that was when she was younger. She was not as developed. She knew that she would grow more though. That she would eventually reach a size the same, if not larger than the royal dragons. Especially with her bonds. She had gained a lot from Walker even if he didn't realize just how much.

The various manas that had come through their bins had allowed her the methods to balance her body better than any other dragon. She wanted to be a true nature dragon champion because that would make her a symbol of the world. Make her someone that was just as important as Walker and Fleur to the world. Allow her to be one of the key factors in uniting all the races of the world since she was part of the world.

That grand dream really fit her. Onyx found that it embodied what she had seen and how he felt about her. He felt that midnight was the younger sibling to the entire party that was also one of the guardians of the party. Whether it be emotionally or physically.

She could stand beside Remey and fight with her. She could protect Onyx as he learned to fight. She could watch Gil's back when he focused on targets. She could unleash vicious dragon breaths as Su acted as her guardian, preventing large groups of enemies from touching Su. and she could easily be the perfect tag team to Walker when it came to magical and physical fighting.

All of that made Midnight incredibly unique, but she still felt too little as she learned to bring the manas and the affinities within her together. Yet, as that happened, she felt that she needed space to unleash it all. To be able to properly do it. She also felt she wanted to surprise everyone. The same way she had when she learned to take a dragonkin form.

"Sister, if you do this, I will be the only one protecting you. So focus on it all and forget about everything else." Onyx showed his full size, now easily being able to wrap around Midnight's current size several times over. He knew well though, that she could beat him in a battle. That's if they ever fought, that would be unlikely as she was his older sister.

While Onyx watched, he was suddenly amazed.

He did not have dragon blood, but through his connection to Walker, he could vaguely sense that there was a resonance within Midnight. Almost like there had been part of her too weak and too trapped to break out. But it finally had the strength.

That's how Midnight felt too. As if she had finally gotten what her body needed more than anything to break free of the limits she had in her current state. Even without the many years normally needed for dragons to grow, Midnight had done so much and grown so fast.

Different foods, herbs, and even manas had been given to her along with battle experience. Now she had the time to use it all. Every bit of nutrients that her body had stored was being consumed. Every bit of condensed mana was consumed. All of it being guided by her dragon heart. The golden mana and flames that reached out form it proving over and over her true dragon champion nature.

Her instincts guiding her along with her grand desires, Midnight felt that the manas she had stored away were mixing the very same way that she had felt it from Walker when he made natural mana from the surroundings. When he used it to buff him.

She also felt the small flame of gold within her heart bursting. Bursting with more than just natural mana, it was life mana. But balanced life mana. Her being trapped once by the immortal king using an item with death mana within which caused her and Walker to fight to free her mind had also given her something.

While it had been the skeletal armor skill, it had also been an insight on death mana as well. Both her own life and her death mana melded together enough to cause growth in every affinity she possessed. Not entirely intentional when it came to life and death, but even the tiniest growth was something.

All the while, Onyx watched as his sister shed scales. As her claws became denser and gave off a terrifying sharpness. When her heat beat, it made more dragon aura radiate around her. Small flames, shadows, winds, and even a slight tremble of earth resonated with her. But more so, small plants where she lay grew faster before dying. Proof she had managed to touch upon natural mana along with a little more.

"I really hope that sister gets a skill that allows her to control her size. If she stays in her new form..." Onyx's mind raced a little as he wondered what everyone would think of when it came to how she moved. Midnight had a habit of sticking to her dragon form and running about in excitement. A little more dangerous now.


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