Master Of None

Chapter 2186: Greater Pressure

Chapter 2186: Greater Pressure

Javelins of flame rained down from the sky trying to arm walkers. But every single one was met by Walker's superior ability to wield elemental manas naturally. He had studied them and had many enlightenment events. Now, he could even take control of another's magic. It was an astounding sight to see if anyone could witness it.

Within this City of Eon, Walker and the immortal king battled. The vague feeling of mana shifting were clearer than day as another spear of ice sprouted from a nearby shop. Every single piece of this city was the immortal king's skill. It was a part of him.

This made it clear that Walker was somewhat trapped within the immortal king's soul. He had used his own core as the very catalyst to use this skill which surpassed that of a mastery skill. Astounding to say the least. Risky to say plainly.

Because if this skill had failed, the immortal king's soul would have collapsed. He would have failed to even think one last thought before the body he resided in collapsed. The next attack was a combination of fire, wind, and water manas. It formed a vicious arc of lighting that struck out at Walker. He felt the sizzling of different anas clashing, the mana from that he had conjured became damaged for the first time.

While Walker did not feel pain, he was assaulted by a feeling of severe weakness., he had felt the attack and realized that the arc of lightning had been enough to cut in to his control. Enough that the immortal king was able to create three more arcs of lighting right away.

That was until Walker steeled himself even more to force control over the three arcs of lightning.

The sudden change in mana caused a few of the buildings within the skill Eon to crumble. A result of the immortal king losing control of his own mana and being damaged as Walker forced the lightning arcs back from where they came.

"I will bring death to you! Then I will sue your body to bring everything back! The immortal race will rise!"

A potent feeling of danger fell over the entire area. Walker saw several buildings begin to shift as dark black spears took form. They Were made of dark mana but that had only been used to carry the death mana which the immortal king controlled.

Since Walker had the chance, he used the natural mana to connect to even more light mana. He wanted to oppose the dark mana of the spears at the core before he added life mana from his own body.

Gathering the light spears using natural mana was faster. It caused light mana to surge around him at an increased rate which was extremely efficient for the density of Walker's skills. He didn't even need to think hard to imagine their shape.

The time he spent within the forge with the wandering blacksmith hand forged his very own understanding of every weapon. Every blueprint the wandering blacksmith made and showed him was perfectly memorized. Just a blink and the image was there to look at again.

The mental archive skill had a spectacular usage for every day life when it came to Walker's actions. This just proved it beyond a doubt. One of the most valuable skills he had ever learned.

The detailed light spear soon burst with light runes due to how dense the light mana was. The density of magic was always the better focus for a mage. Many would look at Walker's current ability with awestruck amazement. They knew well that when runes formed on a magic spell that it was a show of how powerful that mage was.

The natural mana allowed for natural light runes to form all over the light spear. It was also why Walker was able to push some of his life mana in to them. Causing vibrant light and slightly greenish runes to overlap one another all over it.

He had focused entirely on making sure that he countered everything about the dark death spears that the immortal king had made. He had sensed the depths of mana sussed and could sense that the immortal king was trying to kill him in this attack without quarter.

It wasn't enough though. The dark death spears and the light life spears collided perfectly. The brutal force that erupted out, broke more of the city of eon skill down. Walker also noticed that a lot of his mana was lost and forcefully dissipated. The immortal king had to be the same since there was no immediate attack back.

Instead, Walker realized that he could now sense the manas moving through the immortal king's skill much more clearly. So much so that when he reached out, he directly broke down the majority of small buildings. It was a complete attack on the skill itself since Walker knew that it would damage the immortal king for forcefully ending the skill attached to his soul. "You dare!"

"I do dare! I will end this here and now! I am tired of your evil! You were meant to rest with your people. Not cause worse and worse evils for everyone and everything!"

"You don't even comprehend the levels of which I strive. You are too smal-"

The broken words of the immortal king only came as he noticed his skill breaking down. He felt the loss of control and had to silence his rage. His angry words were just destabilizing his skill more since every word bled out mana in this form.

The tower which shined in the middle of eon, was the very same tower that had been built by the immortal king. However, this was his perfect vision given form in mana through his skill. A way for him to show off what it was truly supposed to be. A way to show off what it would become if he was successful in changing the current state of his entire race.

When it glowed with mana, death mana specifically gathered around it, turning it an odd gray and black color. Slight flecks of gold burst out showing that the immortal king was directly using this aspect of the Eon skill to ensure that more force was behind this one attack.

He is losing control over his mana and this form. He was taking damage at the deepest level of what he was. Now was not the time to be waiting to see if he could wear Walker down. Now was the time to give it everything he had.

At least that was the plan.

Walker also sensed all of this. He was about to begin channeling manas to oppose this. But one thing was clear, Walker was not yet at a level where he could surpass a mastery skill. He was still learning more and more about the manas that came together to make all things. He might have taken on the origin race as his own, but he was still extremely young in comparison to what they really were. However, he still manipulated mana. Still affected the elemental plans as one would. Had still been seen by multiple races through the elemental planes. Met a sage and an elemental king. Even some of the unique forms of dragons that lived within the elemental planes.

While not the point of it all, he was making waves that he did not realize traveled further than just where he had moved through. The immortal king had done the very same. Both of them had made their presence known to more than just those they came in to contact with.

When Walker began to condense even more mana, he found himself chained. His entire mana form was covered from head to toe in chains of different manas. Fused together completely stopping any form of movement or mana manipulation.

Matching this, the immortal king also found himself in the exact situation. Every single tiny bit of mana was lost to his control. Instead, he could only watch as the City of Eon skill began to fade and mana rushed back to where it should be.

An immense pressure enforced itself down causing both Walker and the immortal king to the ground. A ground where the death elemental mana was showing clear signs of being repaired. Returning to the form it had been frozen in as the death elemental plane should be.

However, when the pair tried to attempt to sense or look at anything, they found nothing but more pressure invading their senses.

Neither could speak, regardless of the immortal king's rage, he felt that he had finally found a being that could do what he wished. In that instance, he forced himself to look up. The cracking skeleton showing signs of ancient battle scars. Of an ancient experiment that had made it better. But also, of the swirling mass in the center of his chest which was the core where his soul resided.




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