Master Of None

Chapter 2178. Undead dangers Grow

Chapter  2178. Undead dangers Grow

"That may not be within my authority." While the light devouring dragon wished to assist here, he was unsure if he would be able to call for other devouring frgao9ns. They had been lucky that the dark devouring dragon had responded earlier. "There are risks to calling many of my kind to one place. We bring a greater amount of mana in to ourselves. We can cause chaos without control. There are times that some of us have lost our minds temporarily… or permanently." Walker understood exactly what the light devouring dragon was saying. They relied on the mana around them and used that. It was somewhat similar to the angels. Not in the way that they would be unable to do anything if they did not have mana around them, but in the way that if they gained too much mana, then they would be overwhelmed. For someone to experience too much mana, would mena that they would be pushed well beyond their own comprehension. This would mean that their body could degrade, or that their mind could collapse. The body degrading was often the case, not that it happened in the world often, everyone had natural limiters built in to their instincts to protect themselves. But it was not impossible to go beyond limits in that way. However, when a mind collapsed because someone was using too much mana, then the results would be different. Instincts could be forgotten. Instead, they might act violently because they are in a state of fear or anger. They could give in to repressed emotions and begin sending out manas in chaotic ways. This was the case for some of the weaker monsters with lesser affinities when they gained too much mana. They could not understand the depths that they had made their way in to with that mana. They would often just lose their ability to function until they dissipated all the mana within them, then they would perish or they would stand still until they did. But in cases of intelligent beings doing this… they often caused problems. Again though, this was not something common or even rare in the world. To have this happen to someone was something that might happen once every three or four generations. For the elemental planes though, this was a daily risk. The manas within the elemental planes were denser. They had higher purities as well. This meant that those who were training always had to keep in mind that if they did not control manas properly, they could be overwhelmed. If one of them touched upon a greater flow of mana than they were used to, then they could end up in a situation where they could not resist the mana flowing through their body. It was a story often found in the younger of each intelligent race within the elemental planes. A warning passed down here and there by any teacher that felt it was possible for someone they taught. Right now, there was the risk of that if there were many devouring dragons within the same space. They could accidentally cause a shift in manas which would bring more and more elemental manas to the same place. Not only would they disrupt the balance that the planes needed but there would be further issues with the devouring dragon trying to maintain their own balance. They could end up doing more damage than good. That was all besides the fact that they wouldn't be fighting the released undead from the undead elemental plane. "It doesn't seem like you can. That's fine. I Will see what I can do. I might be able to sue some for the purifying flames that I used before. Maybe we can send them inside and let them slowly break down the undead." Walker felt this was a long shot. The undead elemental plane might repair the undead there naturally. Or it would allow them to somehow grow enough to resist such attacks. 'Rolling thorn skeleton

This skeleton has developed vicious bone spikes all over its body. It also had gained a gutter understanding of how its body connects. Due to this, it can roll itself in to a ball and speed forward to slam in to things. This causes it to be bathed in blood often bringing it the name, blooming thorn skeleton…'

There were already multiple of these rolling thorn skeletons that had changed as they were exposed to the undead elemental plane. They were changing still and Gil was waiting for the chance to send arrows inside. But the barrier sealing them would only let a living being inside, not an arrow. The manas would clash. 'Life swallowing monstrosity

This is an undead that has been meticulously sewn together using various skeletons, ancient monsters, and even unknown materials by the one that created it. As such, some of the growth it is going through has radically changed it from what it once was. It continuously grows new skeletal arms along its body which attempt to drag more food, living beings, int o its stomach to continue to grow itself. It has a spatial affinity which allows it to store bones, flesh, and other materials it uses to build its body. It has lost the ability to store autonomous undead due to its mutations. It will use the many rib bones that it is made up of to stab in to prey or anything that moves. This makes it very dangerous besides its large size. However, its large body makes it slower, but also very defensive. It has a greater affinity for darkness as well, this makes it naturally radiate a decaying aura surrounding it, weakening anything that does not have a resistance or similar affinity for dark mana…'

There was a lot more about the undead that the immortal king had once ridden as his transportation and the holder of his undead. It lost a lot of its previous form as the biomes curved in strange ways. But the space affinity it had proved to Walker why it had been so useful. It was somewhat shocking that it had been some experiment that the immortal king meticulously added pieces to so that he could see what happened to it. Especially since he had used materials that he didn't even know details about. Just that they might be useful to what he had been making.

Right this second though, this thing was stabbing out at the nearby undead and pulling them in to it before they broke apart and were added to its mass. Not because it sensed life from them, but simply because they moved and it could. The long skeletal hands that reached out from the dark space within its massive maw were deformed. Some of the bones even twisted around themselves, nothing normal at all. 'Ancient skeleton puppet Nôv(el)B\\jnn

This is a skeleton used as a scouting body. It is somewhat made to be more resistant to natural elemental manas. It is also able to send its senses to the one controlling it. However, without a master, it will revert to its basic instincts to explore and attack anything with life mana within. The danger of this, is that it still retains some of the tendons making it not a true skeleton and somewhat similar to a zombie. Those tendons act as attaching strings which are incredibly hard to break without completely destroying the skeleton itself. Without destroying the mana flow within the body, which is also inducible difficult, it can reassemble its body easily. Unless its bones are shattered, this will continue to happen. It is able to use its break away skill to fall to pieces and displace a great deal of physical and magical damage. Making it an ideal scout….'

Now Walker was wondering what else might be deeper than what he could see here. The idea of just leaving this undead plane alone felt better and better by the second. He couldn't do that though., instead, he began bringing fire and light mana toward him. Midnight sensed this immediately. She had trained with Walker to use light and dark dragon breaths. This was a core memory for her since it was one of the first times that they worked together to make her dragon breaths better. So, when she felt how Walker is pulling the light and fire manas together in to his body, she knew what he was planning to do. "I should be able to assist with this as well." Su also caught on to what Walker and Midnight were doing. All three of them focusing on this together would allow for them to handle the living seal along with sending in a decent amount of damage. Su knew she would harm herself slightly, but Remey was right there with a healing potion for her throat after she released her own attack. 

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