Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Chapter 0194: All-Out Assault (1/5)

Chapter 0194: All-Out Assault (1/5)

Farm Earth, With Laura and Felicia.

“Should we go?” Alex said and Laura nodded.

She saw Alex forming the portal to their previous location and took a breath before turning around, “I’ll see you later, Felicia,” Laura said, “I had a blast hanging out with you.”

“It was a pleasure,” Felicia smiled and waved at Laura.

Alex commented from Laura’s side, “I know what kind of blast you both had…” His suggestive tone made Laura jab his waist.

“Don’t be rude,” She chided and waved back at Felicia.

“Am I lying?” Alex asked, “Over the last week, you and Felicia bonded together so well…”

“Let’s go,” Laura blushed and grabbed Alex’s arm before pulling him toward the portal that led to Hydra Earth. The necessary time had already passed and the Underground should have recovered from the fallout of Xavier’s death and collected themselves back up.

Felicia continued looking at the portal as she saw Alex and Laura disappear through it before the portal itself also disappeared. Moments later, she felt Alex’s familiar arms wrapping around her abdomen, “What are you thinking about?” He asked while trailing his hands along her body.

“My next heist target…” Felicia answered, leaning backward into Alex as her head rested on his shoulder.

Alex gave her breast a slightly painful squeeze making Felicia whimper weakly, “And the truth?” He asked while massaging her breast gently.

Felicia blushed at being caught and honestly answered, “I was thinking about your other girls…” She said, “I think it would be fun to meet them too…”

“Oh?” Alex raised a brow, “Were you looking forward to eating Laura out?” Alex asked, “Did I steal your thunder when I pulled you away from her and forced you to watch as I railed her so hard that her eyes rolled back?”

Felicia blushed again, “That looked so painful,” She said, “I don’t think I could ever take that kind of hardcore fucking.”

Her words served sufficiently to change the topic as Alex answered, “It’s all about training, Fel,” Alex continued caressing her body and brought one of his hands to her crotch, gently massaging her lips over her tight-fitting latex suit, “I merely need to spend some time training you to be like that with me. Everyone has that potential for a hardcore fucking.”

His words made Felicia shiver and she said, “I-I think I’m happier being your pet cat, sir,” She coughed before smiling, “I get pampered so much and you shower me with attention…”

Alex grabbed her waist and turned her around before putting her on his shoulder, “Then let’s pamper you a little extra today,” He said as Felicia squealed and grabbed him as best as she could from her position.

Just as Laura appeared in the bunker where the Underground was situated, she heard loud banging sounds followed by screams which were then followed by repulsors powering up. She looked around and saw that multiple people had been startled by her presence. Multiple Iron Man suits pointed their repulsors at her as the other people in the room got ready to fight her.

“Stoppp!” Wolverine quickly intervened and screamed loud enough for Laura to flinch. She turned to him and felt an extremely authoritative aura being emitted from the man as he looked at her. Adorned in a black and yellow combat suit with his claws drawn, he seemed ready for the fight of his life.

“Give me one reason for that, Logan.” Iron Man didn’t back down and his chest blaster also powered up. The other suits all had very unique designs, one of them was familiar to Laura, having seen it when Alex was showing her the events that had transpired here, it belonged to Ironheart. The third suit, Alex introduced to Laura as Rescue.

“She can help,” Logan said with a deep voice, “Right, Laura?” He asked, “You’re also against Hydra and their forces, right?”

“Of course,” Laura smiled innocently. That was when Alex’s maw overlapped over her face and she extended her two claws from both her hands, giving them a menacing look, “Then again, I don’t mind sending you to meet that bastard who tried to read my mind.” Her voice sounded positively demonic through the filter of Alex’s maw.

“We don’t need help like yours.” Laura turned to the voice and saw a familiar face. It was Cyclops looking at her with a hateful expression that was somewhat hidden due to the visor on his face. She then saw some of the X-men standing beside him like Storm, Nightcrawler, and three others whom she couldn’t recognize.

“Whatcha’ gonna do?” Laura taunted him, turning her maw to the side, “You don’t seem to have the kind of manpower necessary to keep me busy while fighting Hydra, do you?”

“Let’s talk calmly, Ms. Laura,” Another voice spoke and Laura turned to see Reed Richards. He had a substantial yet well-kept beard along with streaks of white hair along his temple. “Since we have a shared enemy, I don’t see any problem in us cooperating.”

“Mister Fantastic,” Laura identified the man, “I have to ask, how is a narcissist such as yourself in the same group as this other narcissist?”

A stifled laugh sounded out and Laura saw a blonde woman at Reed’s side along with The Thing. “She’s got you there,” Susan Storm said to Reed with amusement evident in her tone.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Reed answered before glancing at Tony, “We all have to compromise for the same of our ideals.”

“How noble…” Laura mock clapped her hands.

“Is no one going to address how she murdered the Professor in cold blood?” Cyclops burst out, almost opening his visor right there, “You all are acting as if just because she showed at an opportune time, she had the right to kill an Omega-level mutant. Not to mention the strongest pillar of the X-Men.” Cyclops directed a particularly disgusted look at Wolverine in the midst of his words. Laura was sure that Wolverine had had some very bad history with the X-Men that caused him to split away from them.

“Calm down,” It was Storm who grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from going too far, “The current situation doesn’t allow us to go through this conflict.” Cyclops roughly shook Storm’s hand off and looked at Laura menacingly. Or at least as menacing as he could make it seem. In front of Laura’s Apex maw, there was little that could induce a feeling of menace.

Looking around, Laura noticed quite a few faces, some familiar and some unfamiliar. She saw the two different Spider-Men that Alex showed her during the original Laura’s experience recap. She had fought both Spider-Man 2099 and Silk.

“I remember fighting you,” Silk said with a mellow tone when Laura’s gaze passed her, binging that gaze back to herself, “You were very different from how you seem right now.”

Laura narrowed her eyes, “I don’t sense you being apprehensive of me,” She asked, “Why is that? Even these old guys are apprehensive of me, why not you?”

“My Silk-Sense is a very strong kind of sixth-sense,” She said with an almost casual-sounding tone, “Although I sense immense danger from you, none of that is targetting me. This is very different from previously.”

“That’s because I’m not the original Laura—“ Laura was interrupted by another familiar person albeit not directly. Alex’s screening of the original Laura’s experiences had included him.

“You were the one who I felt when I sensed something odd with Laura, weren’t you?” This time, it was Wiccan who interrupted Cyclops’s outburst and interjected himself.

“We are Apex,” Laura growled out, “The original Laura and Ms. Marvel are safe and sound.” Her words seemed to have lifted a massive amount of weight off of his shoulders as he realized that he wasn’t the one responsible for the two women’s deaths. Laura was quick to burst that bubble of his, “But you still did endanger them very badly. If we hadn’t intervened, both of them would be dead, even Laura, the trees were pretty much sucking the vitality out of both of them while you executed your masterplan.” Laura put a mocking emphasis on her last word.

Wiccan’s fists clenched as his eyes glowed with a blue glow, “I’ll apologize to them when I get the chance, and thank you for saving them.” He said, “If you can help us, then I will be extremely grateful.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Laura said. Seeing as more of them wanted to confront her, she interjected, “At this point, you have no choice but to accept my help.” She smiled, displaying the spiky black teeth of her maw, creeping everyone out a little.

”What do you mean—“ Tony was interrupted as a loud bang sounded before the main gate shattered and they were greeted by Captain America wearing a murky green Hydra uniform along with his repainted shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other.

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