Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 4472: Yan sister domineering

Chapter 4472: Yan sister domineering

"Hong Zhan, you are deceiving too much!"

The quasi-eternal realm powerhouse who was lying on the ground pressed by the big hand, roared in anger.

"If you want to say this shameless, it's because you are good at multiple martial arts, and you can't beat the other two." Hong Zhan sneered with disdain.


"As a powerhouse of the Quasi-Eternal Realm, isn't it embarrassing?"

The other powerhouses in the Supreme Hall came forward one after another.

Hong Zhan didn't continue to do it either, but took back the big hand that was protruding out.

Afterwards, Hong Zhan handed Luo Xiu a look, which meant that he could go to the fight with confidence, and his senior brother would personally sit here for you.

Luo Xiu was also very moved.

After all, in this world of monks respected by the strong.

If there is no strong person behind him to support asylum, it will be difficult for him to flex his muscles in places like the Supreme Hall.

Just like just now.

The quasi-eternal realm of multiple martial arts wanted to find an excuse to act on him.

at the same time.

The result of this battle also made everyone look at Luo Xiu in surprise.

Because at the beginning.

No one thought that this guy could beat Guan Hong.

Luo Xiu didn't care about the eyes of others. After he got off the battlefield, he walked to Hong Zhan's side.

"Big brother, thank you very much."

"Since you called me, big brother, why are you polite with me?" Hong Zhan smiled slightly, "You can also be considered as fighting against the core genius specially cultivated in Multi-Martial Arts, how do you feel?"

For Luo Xiu, Guan Hong can be defeated.

Hong Zhan was also quite surprised. He always felt that this little junior was very powerful, but now it seems that this little junior is even more powerful than he thought.

"Guan Hong is indeed very strong." Luo Xiu said with a smile.

"You probably haven't played your full strength yet?" Hong Zhan blinked.

I thought Luo Xiu would be humble.

In the end, he didn't expect that Luo Xiu nodded naturally, and said, "Almost 50% of his strength was used."

What the hell?

Hong Zhan was dumbfounded.

50% strength?

Junior Brother, are you sure you didn't joking with me?

Guan Hong is already regarded as the top young genius in the multiple martial arts.

You defeated him with about 50% strength.

What is your true strength?

In fact.

That is, in front of the big brother Hong Zhan, Luo Xiu didn't say anything hypocritical.

He said it took 50%.

It's not bragging, it's really only used 50%.

For example, if the power of his physical secret door is fully exploded, he can explode Guanhong within three moves!

Although Hong Zhan knew of Luo Xiu's physical secret door, he had reached the peak of the Supreme Beginning Realm.

What Luo Xiu showed was indeed this level of physical strength.

But the problem is.

What he thinks is the peak of the Taishi realm, the peak of the Taishi realm in the normal category.

Luo Xiu's peak of the Supreme Beginning Realm is much more tyrannical than those who reach the Supreme Primal Realm together with the physical secret gate!

How can this be comparable?

Luo Xiu also knew that his Supreme Beginning Realm peak was a bit against the sky.

Therefore, he also suppressed his own strength and did not fully burst out.

at the same time.

The eyes of other top geniuses looking at Luo Xiu have become completely different.


Although they also regarded Luo Xiu as a potential opponent, they still have confidence in themselves.

But it's different now.

The strength shown by Luo Xiu has already made them feel a sense of crisis!

They didn't have enough confidence, enough certainty that they could defeat Luo Xiu when facing him.

With the end of the second round of competition.

Next is the third round.

Unlike Luo Xiu, he met a top genius like Guan Hong in the second round.

The other top talents did not meet each other and passed the second round smoothly.

This made Hong Zhan's face cold, and he let out a cold snort.


He knows that it must be a man of multi-martial arts doing something in it, otherwise, why is Luo Xiu only unlucky?

This is the temptation carried out on the Multi-Budo.

It was also the beginning of the suppression of Luo Xiu.

After all, this competition was presided over by people from multiple martial arts, and the entire volition and Taoism palace almost became a family statement of multiple martial arts.

Gong Haiyan and other people of Chen Feng's generation were also watching the battle, and their expressions were full of interest.

"This Luo Xiu may also hide his strength."

"He is a guy who is no worse than Chen Feng. If he is the same generation as us, he should become a more interesting opponent."

"It's not necessarily. Practice together. It's not a long time to practice. Maybe this Luo Xiu will succeed in the future and surpass us?" Gong Haiyan said.

"Oh? Sister Yan, your eyes are always very high. You have such a high evaluation of Luo Xiu, so you are so optimistic about him?"

Many people looked at Gong Haiyan strangely.

Gong Haiyan generally rarely appears in front of people, and spends most of his time practicing in retreat, properly cultivating a madman.

But in fact, everyone who knows her knows.

Gong Haiyan is a very proud woman. Many geniuses of the same generation before, she dismissed it and scolded others as trash.

Among the same generation, there are really not many people who can really make Gong Haiyan attractive, and these people have now reached the level of cultivation above the late stage of the endless stage.

To this.

Gong Haiyan just smiled faintly, "It's not enough now. After he has no beginning, you can almost tell it."

"The Unbeginning Realm is not so easy to break through... The Supreme Palace of the God Realm has no kindness towards the primitive martial arts."

"The battle between multiple martial arts and primitive martial arts, the multiple martial arts want to completely suppress the primitive martial arts, unless it is the supremacy of the multi-dimensional martial arts."

Gong Haiyan said lightly, "Otherwise, even if the original martial arts is always weak and on the side of being suppressed, it will exist forever and will not be completely extinct and inherited."

"Don't forget that in the old age, the primitive martial arts had a very powerful existence, and it beat the supremacy by leapfrogging in the air!"

"As for the one in the highest hall of the God Realm, even if he can sweep the same realm now, can he leapfrog and fight in the eternal realm in the future? Can he push the invincible hand in the non-air realm?"

Speaking of which.

Gong Haiyan smiled coldly, "I'm all bragging about that guy's invincibility without beginning, if he comes to our martial arts palace, I would really like to test whether he can really be invincible with the realm!"

"Sister Yan joked. He is still the peak cultivation base of the middle stage of the beginningless realm. When he cultivates to the peak of the beginningless realm, you will be in the eternal realm."

"That said, he won't meet me, he is lucky." Gong Haiyan said lightly.

Even if the peerless wizard in the Supreme Hall of the God Realm was bragged to the sky, Gong Haiyan still had the confidence of being invincible in the same realm.

In the same generation, even Wu Zhankong, who was born in the Wuzu family, was not convinced. A rising star would dare to say that he was invincible in the same realm?

You want to be invincible, have you asked me Gong Haiyan?

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