Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 4439: The second talent ability

Chapter 4439: The second talent ability

With the secret door of the flesh, you can start practicing from the Primordial Realm.

The method corresponding to the Primordial Beginning Realm is also the first realm along with the secret door of the physical body, known as the eight realms of the physical body.

The eight realms of the physical body correspond to the eight secret doors, each opening one can raise a realm.

After opening the eight secret doors, it was considered the peak of the Supreme Beginning Realm and was ready to step into the cultivation stage of the Supreme Beginning Realm.

But the eight secret gates of the Primordial Beginning Realm are just a foundation.

People with extremely high talents and potentials can build a stronger foundation on this basis.

Such as Chen Feng himself.

He had also practiced Wuxuan Divine Art at the beginning. In the Primordial Beginning Stage, he opened ten secret doors and laid a strong foundation.

However, it came to Luo Xiu's body.

This product is so perverted and enchanting?

Chen Feng was already shocked and speechless.

Because he had clearly sensed that Luo Xiu's operation was still the number one technique of Wuxuan magic.

But he has already opened a dozen secret doors at this stage of the Primordial Beginning Realm!

More than a dozen!

Not ten!

Over time.

Luo Xiu also discovered his own problems.

It stands to reason that he practiced Wuxuan Divine Art's first heavy technique and opened the eight secret doors even if it was over.

But he has already opened the fifteenth secret door, there is no sign of stopping?

How many secret doors does this want him to open in the Primordial Beginning Stage?

Until the twentieth secret door was opened.

Luo Xiu finally felt that he was reaching the limit.

Because as more and more secret doors were opened, he found that his physical body became stronger and stronger, and the sense of limit became clearer and clearer.


Luo Xiu opened twenty-two secret doors of the human body, and then stopped.

This is his limit.

Ordinary concepts, eight secret doors are enough.

And he opened twenty-two secret doors!

Because his original physical body is already extremely powerful.

When there were few secret doors opened at the beginning, he hadn't noticeably felt a strong increase in his physical body.

But now he has opened twenty-two secret doors.

Luo Xiu can clearly feel that his physical body has gone through a special baptism and transformation.

"It's amazing."

Luo Xiu's heart was filled with emotion and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

This is just the stage of the Primordial Realm.

There are stages of Taishi and Taiyuan behind.

If the secret techniques of these two stages are also practiced to Consummation, to what extent will his physical body be increased?

Luo Xiu's eyes flickered.

He couldn't wait to get up and walked towards the second floor of the training tower.

The first layer is the place to assist cultivation to open the secret door of the flesh.

According to Chen Feng, the second level is to assist in the practice of willpower.


Luo Xiu came to the second floor.

A majestic willpower coercion enveloped him, constantly oppressing his soul consciousness and suppressing his willpower.

Practice in this oppressive environment.

Luo Xiu can clearly feel that the willpower is growing very fast, and at the same time there is pure willpower energy that can absorb these energy to enhance his willpower.


The second layer of the training tower can play two roles.

One is to absorb willpower energy to increase willpower.

One is being oppressed by the might of willpower, condensing willpower, and will not cause the foundation of willpower to become unstable.

that's it.

Luo Xiu was quickly immersed in the state of cultivation.

When Luo Xiu came out of the cultivation tower.

Chen Feng has been waiting for him outside.

"You guy is so perverted."

Seeing Luo Xiu's first glance, Chen Feng couldn't help but said, staring straight at him with his glasses.

Luo Xiu also noticed that Chen Feng's eyes were not right, so he asked, "Is there something wrong with my cultivation, brother?"

"something wrong!"

Chen Feng nodded, "The problem with you is big! Others opened eight secret doors in the Primal Beginning Stage, and you guy actually opened 22 doors!"

"Do you know how many Dao I started, brother?"

"There are only ten!"

What happened to Luo Xiu.

It almost made Chen Feng feel suspicious of life.

He can join the line of primitive martial arts, and be respected and cultivated, and when the resources are not as good as others, he can still cultivate to the level of endless realm, and always belong to the top handful of the same generation.

All this shows that Chen Feng is a proper top genius, a genius among geniuses!

The genius among the top geniuses like him is just opening ten secret doors in the Primal Beginning Realm.

This guy turned on 22 channels. Is the gap so big?

Looking at Luo Xiu in front of him.

Chen Feng felt a little dry in his mouth.

This guy is so perverted.

Some abnormal ones are beyond common sense.

If he could cultivate to such a terrifying level in every realm.

How far will this kid grow up?

"As for the 22 secret doors you opened in the Supreme Beginning Realm, don't let anyone know about it for now except me, understand?" Chen Feng said solemnly.

"Well, brother I understand." Luo Xiu nodded.

He is not a character who likes to be pushy, nor will he show off everywhere. In his opinion, that is something that an idiot would do.

Through Chen Feng's reaction, Luo Xiu also understood.

The situation in which he opened 22 secret doors in the Primordial Beginning Realm seemed a bit shocking.

This kind of secret, of course, is that the fewer people know the better.

"This kid's talent is so good, if it is not cultivated, it will be a waste!"

After talking a few words with Luo Xiu.

Chen Feng left.

Luo Xiu's talent evildoer.

Although Chen Feng was surprised and shocked, he was not jealous.

He even thought.

If the primitive martial arts family has the opportunity to go from decline to peak prosperity in the future, perhaps the hope will be in this Luo Xiu's body!

at the same time.

Luo Xiu continued to return to the cultivation tower to continue cultivating. He felt that this place was really great, and if he took a little time to stabilize his realm, he could continue to practice the second stage of the Wuxuan divine art of the Taishi realm stage.

Therefore, Luo Xiu's temporary training focus is on the tempering of willpower.

As for the willpower talent rune, Luo Xiu has not condensed for the time being, and the coercive talent rune will continue to be retained.

With the constant tempering of willpower.

Even if Luo Xiu did not deliberately condense the talent runes, he did not temper the coercive runes.

But he had a faint feeling.

A new natural ability seems to be gradually formed and integrated into that coercive rune.

A feeling of blessing to the soul, emerged in my heart.

Luo Xiu opened his eyes.

"An extra natural ability?"

Luo Xiu was a little surprised.

This new talent ability did not condense into a new talent rune.

But this ability is integrated into the coercive rune.

The rune he had condensed had two abilities at the same time!

The first ability, coercion!

The second ability, manipulation!

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