Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 4418: Ancestor exit

Chapter 4418: Ancestor exit

The figure walked in the air.

Luo Xiu had indifferent killing intent in his eyes, and the power of the ban lasted for a short period of time, so he wanted to make a quick fight and not give these people a chance to escape.

These three guys guarded the outside of the Qianqing formation and wanted to escape when they saw him coming out. They were obviously enemies, kind of malicious.

"Mysterious Demon!"

Venerable Black Lord roared, and dark magic lights surging out of his body, gradually turned into a huge humanoid shadow.

Holding the blood-stained halberd in the hands of this demon shadow, it hit Luo Xiu with a single blow.

"go to hell!"

Venerable Black Lords eyes were mad, the profound magic art was already his biggest trump card, and his face was extremely pale at this moment, because to use this secret art, he needed to sacrifice his own origin.

This kind of damage to the origin is an irreversible damage, which means that no matter how difficult it is to improve his future spiritual path, the cost can be described as great.

However, no matter how great the price is, it is better than being beheaded here.

On the other side, the Tianjue Female Venerable did not have any chances, because looking at Luo Xiu's shots, the Black Lord Venerable could not deal with it even if he tried desperately.


Sure enough, as she thought.

Accompanied by a roar.

The blood-stained halberd held by the humanoid demon shattered, and Luo Xiu's figure slammed into the air again.

"This is impossible!"

Venerable Black Lord is desperate. He exhausted all the cards he used to show his roots, and didn't even a single hair hurt this guy?

"Life and death reversed!"

Luo Xiu raised his hand to volley and slapped a palm, and a huge palm appeared horizontally. In the palm of the palm, the wheel of life and death emerged, and the fluctuations that flowed out of the highest road of life and death enveloped the black lord.


Venerable Black Lord suddenly screamed because he felt the vitality in his body transformed into death.

Just a moment.

Half of his body has been eroded by death.


The death air exploded, and only half of the body of the Black Lord remained, and it was still corroded by the death air.

At this moment.

The Venerable Black Lord did not dare to hesitate, and directly abandoned the remaining half of his body, and the soul of the soul escaped from the remains.


The big hands turned out to cover the sky and the sun.

With the fall of this big hand, the soul source of Venerable Black Lord was photographed and annihilated, and died here.

Luo Xiu slowly retracted the palm of the outstretched palm, looking indifferently at the last Tianjue female.

When Luo Xiu's gaze swept over.

A great horror was set off in the heart of Tianjue female respect.

A divine sword appeared in his hand, but he did not dare to shoot.

"Will Tianjun spare my life? I am willing to become Tianjun's slave." Under internal struggle, Tianjue female respect could only endure the shame and said such words.

"Taiyuan Realm, I haven't paid attention to it yet."

Luo Xiu's answer was indifferent.

He simply refused, even if a monk in the Taiyuan realm was willing to be a slave, he did not agree.


Punched in the air.

This punch condenses the supreme chaos and supreme power.

"Do not!"

Tian Jue Female Sovereign yelled, but no matter how she begged for mercy, or desperately used various secret techniques to resist, everything was like a mirror.

next moment.

Tianjue Female Zun was directly blasted with a punch, the bones disappeared, and the soul disappeared.

Such as the banned time and space will be restored as usual.

Jing Tianzun's heart is even more in awe.

Although he is also a monk in the Taiyuan realm, he can feel that the Taiyuan realm is like an ant in front of Tianjun!

"Let's go."

Luo Xiu carried his hands on his back, and a flying boat appeared under his feet. Standing in front of the flying boat, it turned into a bright streamer and shuttled between the sky and the earth.

It didn't take long.

Luo Xiu knew that there was a cultivator of the Taiyuan Realm in Fallen Moon City, but he had arranged a lot of formations around the courtyard of the Fallen Moon City. With those formations blocking it, it could still block a lot of the Taiyuan Realm. of.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also knew that the Taiyuan realm in the deserted land one by one came out of the seclusion.

In another place.

There is somewhere deep in the secret realm of the Xuan clan.

An ancient portal opened, and the space of the entire secret realm was filled with powerful Taoism, evolving infinite and mysterious visions.


"It's the ancestor who is leaving the customs!"

The older monks of the Xuan clan were inexplicably excited.

Many young monks are also very excited and full of expectations.

these years.

The name of Zhenwu Tianjun resounded through the wasteland.

Despite being a loser in the ancient times, the Yuxuan clan almost became one of the Holy Land-level forces on the side of the Fallen God City after all.

The defeat that year almost destroyed the confidence of the Xuan family, and countless monks were killed.

After a long period of time, dormant and precipitation in the deserted land.

The goal of the Youxuan clan has always been the nine sacred lands on the side of the Fallen God City from beginning to end, and the sect families in the deserted land have never been taken to heart.

However recently.

The Youxuan clan planned to come back, but suffered repeated setbacks.

In particular, the death of the Book Sword Immortal caused the Youxuan clan to lose a strong man in the Taiyuan realm. After all, it is too difficult to cultivate a Taiyuan realm with the resources of today's deserted land.

With the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years in the Chaos Era, many monks in the Taiyuan realm appeared one after another, and there were only dozens of them when they were full. Compared with the vastness and vastness of the deserted land, these numbers are not worth mentioning.

This day.

A beam of light rose into the sky from the depths of the mysterious realm of the Xuan clan.

In the bright beam.

A figure rose slowly, the whole body was divinely radiant, and his face was blurred, and the vast and unpredictable rhythm of the road was agitated, which made people want to kneel down and worship.

After a while.

Shenguang gradually restrained.

It seemed that all the essence of the endless road was absorbed by the figure.

The image of the figure was also clearly presented to the eyes of many Youxuan clan.

This is a teenager.

Wearing brocade clothes, white body, full of vitality, with his hands on his back, there seems to be disillusionment in his eyes, and the road evolves.

The old boy?

He felt that way at this moment.

The image is a teenager, and the vitality is extremely strong.

But those eyes have gone through the relentless years of changes, ignoring everything in the world.


It is the ancestor of the Xuan clan.

The age after the catastrophe of the profound dimension is broken, and the ancient existence of the world is alive!

There are at least hundreds of chaotic epochs since that era.

In that era, countless strong men died in battle, and he was still very weak at that time.

Nowadays, the time has passed and the vicissitudes of life have changed.

He became the ancestor of the Youxuan clan, the one who lived the longest.

All the tribesmen bowed down.

One by one they shouted at the ancestor, very excited.

Because they knew that since the ancestors had left the barrier, the Xuan clan was bound to rise, even if it was still unable to compete with the nine holy lands of the Fallen God City. But in a deserted land, absolutely invincible!

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