Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – D-Day

The sun of that fateful day rose.

Ian sat askew on the sofa, looking tired, as he received the attention of servants. They neatly combed his hair, fastened his buttons, and pinned the Ministry of Magic minister’s badge, awarded by the imperial family, to his chest. As a servant presented leather gloves on a golden tray, there was a stir outside.

“Lord Ian. Are you ready?”

It was Viviana. She too was dressed in a more formal gown than usual. Apart from being an important palace event, it was to be someone’s last day.

The other side believed it would be Ian, but Ian’s close associates believed it would be Arsen.

“Viviana. Are you joining us too? I heard you weren’t feeling well.”

“It’s nothing. If I can stand behind you, Lord Ian, I should go. Besides, Sir Romandro seems to be struggling, so I think it would be mentally comforting for him if I’m there.”

They would be on the defensive. The forces supporting Jin were visibly dwindling compared to those supporting Arsen.

So Viviana wanted to fill a spot, even if just one more person. Although she couldn’t enter the inner area due to the danger.

“Are you feeling alright, Lord Ian? It seems the side effects of Captain Akorella’s stamina potion are slowly emerging. You look tired, and they say once you fall asleep, you’ll sleep for days…”

“I can still endure. How is His Highness Jin?”

“He’s finished.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Grip. Ian put on his gloves with force. As he went outside, Jin, Xiaoshi, and Romandro were waiting for him along with the mages. Ian extended his hand to Jin, and the child silently grasped it.

“Did you have a good dream?”

“…Yes. What about you, Lord Ian?”

“I too had a very good dream.”

Last night, Jin had another dream about Arsen while Ian hadn’t slept at all. But the two smiled at each other as if to imply that today’s luck was on their side.


“The magic circle?”

“It’s completed. You just need to give it a final check, Minister. We’ve instructed to notify us when the mana confirmation ceremony attendees enter the main gate, and we’ve requested troop deployment from the Imperial Guard just in case. There’s been no response.”

Unlike Ian’s previous ceremony, this mana confirmation ceremony was to be held in the Ministry of Magic’s conference hall. There were no additional events like the New Year’s gathering, and it was to be conducted entirely under the Ministry of Magic’s supervision.

Moreover, the Ministry of Magic was far more useful than the main palace building for preparing various contingencies.


“A little more to the right, to the right! Good!”

“What should we do with this curtain? Should we close it?”

“Is the wine preparation complete? Make sure there are enough glasses.”

“Lend me a hand. Here, hold this here!”

The light of the oracle, now uncovered, was truly beautiful. Although it took the shape of a harp, the densely embedded jewels under its milky curves made it look like a work of art. It was fitting for the reputation of Carbó, which had shared in the glory of the empire’s founding.

“Lord Ian.”

“Grand High Priest.”

Grand High Priest Lily, who had been weaving through the mages, recognized Ian and approached. As she sighed, her bent back heaved greatly.

“I’ve prepared as you instructed, but honestly, I’m not sure. Whether this is truly the right path.”

“There is no right path. There are only paths each of us must walk. You just need to watch from behind and make your choice, Grand High Priest.”

The Grand High Priest showed an attitude of accepting doubt rather than accepting the claim that Arsen was a demon. She would help with the verification process but decide what to do after seeing the results. Behind her, Abidel and Makael could be seen placing their hands on the light of the oracle and praying.

“Lord Ian. Lady Quintana from the Administration Department has arrived.”

“Five carriages just passed through the main gate. Central nobles Leontis, Fileto, and Delma from the Culture Department.”

Despite the early hour, it was clear the guests were hurrying, as everyone had been waiting for this day.

Ian asked Romandro to greet the guests and climbed onto the platform. Under the light of the oracle, the massive magic circle drawn by the mages was gleaming with light.

“There are no issues, Lord Ian.”

“Good. Well drawn.”

His demeanor was meticulous as he examined each formula with his fingertips. The mages surrounded him, watching intently as if their homework was being checked. As a smile appeared on his lips, the mages too smiled with relief.

“Bring in the orchestra. We shall begin the festival.”


Several hours later.

The hall, filled with rich melodies, was packed with people to the point where there was no room to step. Some without invitations might have mixed in, but the Ministry of Magic didn’t particularly try to stop them. The more people, the merrier the festival, right?

“So this is what the Ministry of Magic looks like. To be honest, it’s my first time here. My goodness. It’s beautiful. Flower petals falling continuously.”

“I hear there’s even a room in the Ministry of Magic where snow and rain fall constantly. It doesn’t seem to be an exaggeration.”

“By the way, Minister Ian is nowhere to be seen.”

“Me? I thought I had misheard. His Highness Arsen being a demon, it’s nonsense, isn’t it? But because it’s such a heavy statement, I can’t help but wonder, just in case.”

“I hear there are differing opinions even within the Ministry of Magic. Minister Ian hasn’t shown any particular stance since the general assembly.”

“He declared that one of the two would die. There will be much to see today.”

The nobles and officials whispered among themselves, covering their mouths as they looked around. Although it was no different from the parties they had enjoyed all their lives, somehow a sharp tension pervaded the air.

Today, now, soon.

The future of Bariel would be determined.

“Lady Dilaina and His Highness Arsen have arrived!”

“Duke Hayman has arrived!”


As the doors slowly opened, the surroundings instantly fell silent. As if time had stopped. If not for the slow music of the orchestra, everyone would have thought so.

Dilaina, Arsen, and Duke Hayman entered the hall together. Behind them were their supporting factions, each taking up a position.

“Oh, welcome, Your Highness Arsen.”

“Lady Dilaina. How have you been?”

Some nobles quickly moved to greet Arsen. They were no different from a swarm of ants that had caught the scent of sugar, causing Romandro, who was guarding the door, to click his tongue and frown.

Whir. Whir.

At that moment, a small resonance arose in everyone’s ears. It was the familiar ringing heard whenever the Ministry of Magic used magical devices to make announcements. The crowd immediately looked up at the platform and could see Ian shining more brightly than usual.

“I am Ian Hielo, Minister of the Ministry of Magic. I extend my gratitude to all who have attended despite your busy schedules. We will now conduct the mana confirmation ceremony, earnestly hoping for the birth of the first royal mage in Bariel’s history.”

Ian smiled, looking straight down at Arsen. It was an ironic smile, as if saying he desperately hoped Arsen would be a mage. As he elegantly gestured towards the stage stairs, Arsen’s head turned involuntarily.

“Your Highness Arsen, today’s protagonist. Please come up.”

“Before that, Lord Ian. Isn’t there something you should address?”

It was a provocation, asking him to repeat what he had said at the general assembly.

“You called me a demon, disgracing His Majesty the Emperor, my father. Not only that, but you’ve also inflicted an indelible disgrace upon my mother. You’ve not just tarnished the honor of the royal family, you’ve shattered it to pieces.”

Insulting the royal family.

“You even said you would kill me.”

Attempting to assassinate a royal.

“Your despicable attitude of using my cursed brother, Jin, as a shield to seize power is excessively vile. If I prove that I possess the qualities of a mage, can you kill yourself?”

The crowd held their breath, looking back and forth between Ian and Arsen.

Sharp gazes without an inch of retreat. Ian was the first to smile.

“…Let everyone hear. I will officially state once again. Arsen is the brother of the last demon that died in Bariel, a devil that will lead the country down the path of decline. He can use the ability of brainwashing and possesses a power similar to mana, making him adept at deceiving humans.”

Gasps erupted from various corners. Having thrown down the gauntlet so blatantly, there was now truly no room for retreat.

“It was he who manipulated His Highness Jin’s oracle, and it was he who stole maternal love from Lady Dilaina.”

“Lord Ian! You’re being disrespectful!”

“If by chance I’m wrong, I will kill myself. But if it’s revealed that Arsen is a demon, I will personally kill him.”

Hayman, Dilaina, and the ministers nodded, exchanging glances. This was what they had hoped for. An opportunity to effortlessly crush the heavyweight Minister of Magic had arrived. And by his own volition at that.

Dilaina gripped Arsen’s shoulder and proposed:

“Very well. I hope you keep that word, staking your honor on it. But before that! I cannot trust the magic circle you’ve created. How can we know what tricks you’ve employed to make Arsen appear as a demon?”

“The magic circle was drawn with the combined efforts of the entire Ministry of Magic.”

“Those who follow you!”

Unease flashed across the faces of mages who didn’t deeply follow Ian. What if Ian fails? Wouldn’t their heads roll too for having followed Ian?

“What do you want?”

“The magic circle is meant to activate the light of the oracle even with minimal mana, correct?”

“That’s right. In general cases.”

“But the one drawn this time must be modified.”

It was information Ian had revealed at the general assembly. That with the help of the high priests, it would show a different reaction if a demonic presence was embedded.

“That’s correct.”

“How can you prove that this modification is purely to detect demons? Let’s remove the magic circle and conduct the ceremony with just the light of the oracle.”

“Without the amplification function, only a very faint light will appear. Is this how you want to mark the beginning of the first royal mage?”

“A faint light? No matter how dim, it’s the first light originating from the royal family. It will be more brilliant than anything else. If you refuse this, I will consider that you’ve placed other devices in the magic circle.”

Dilaina raised her chin. It was an attitude showing she had no intention of backing down. Ian remained silent for a moment, and as he did, the murmuring of the nobles grew louder.

“Why isn’t Lord Ian answering?”

“That’s right. Tsk tsk. This is troubling.”

“Lady Dilaina’s request is reasonable, isn’t it? Well, the Carbó Temple is still trustworthy. The light of the oracle itself should be pure, shouldn’t it?”


Ian snapped his fingers to ask for silence, then once again pointed to the stairs. It was a resolute gesture indicating he would no longer tolerate any refusal.

“…Very well. Have it your way.”

Rustle! Rustle!

The mages and high priests pushed the light of the oracle backwards. When it was about three steps away from the magic circle, Arsen slowly walked through the nobles. The crowd parted, making way for the young prince.

“Make way. This is my stage.”

Arsen whispered to Ian as he placed his hand on the light of the oracle.

There was no unusual reaction despite touching it with bare hands. The nobles exchanged glances, assuming that Arsen indeed was not a demon.

“As you wish.”

With even Ian stepping down, Arsen was alone on the stage. The child confidently raised his fingertips into the air.

And then-

Whir. Whir.

Just as mages typically do, he burst forth with mana, his eyes glowing.

A long, beautiful stream of light.

The orchestra, which had been maintaining silence, also began to play, and streams of light spread in all directions to the intense melody. The crowd gasped in admiration, covering their mouths.

“Didn’t they say there was no amplification device?”

“It’s incredible! Incredible!”

“Wow. It’s amazing. They say this represents the power of mana, right? Isn’t it on par with Lord Ian? This truly is Bariel’s blessing!”

Without the magic circle, it’s as brilliant and beautiful as Ian’s time. With flower petals even scattering from the ceiling, it’s as if heaven itself has been transplanted here.

Arsen looked at Ian, feeling elation. As if to say, look at this, this performance will be the last you hear, not hiding his joy.


“What’s wrong?”

“Look at that.”

“What is it?”

“Isn’t something strange?”

At that moment, someone muttered curiously. It was the moment Ian, watching Arsen from below, smiled.

“…His Highness Arsen has no shadow.”

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