Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 196

A blue dagger waved beneath Barsabe's palm..

It is a weapon made with magical power. She pulled Beric toward me and brought her dagger down on his armor with all her might..



It was exactly where the collarbone was. It was a powerful and unnecessary attack that would have killed an ordinary person instantly..

However, Barsabe's magic sword hit the armor and was destroyed like sand. The fading rays of light were so surprising that Barsabe lowered himself without realizing it..

“…what are those.”

The blow only left scratches. An armor that can withstand attacks from magic swordsmen. Is it made of magic stones? Now that I think about it, I think I saw it somewhere.?

“Hyman, oh, you bastards to kill. It really hurts, really..”

Beric chuckled a little and rubbed his side, as if he was having trouble breathing. Barsabe frowned at his muttering..

okay. It is an armor with a similar design to the guards that guard a bank. But why are they doing this? It also threatens Beric, to be exact.?

“Molar, where did you come from??”

“I've been following you since you left the castle gate..”

“It looks like you have a taste for following someone. low quality.”


Who is this idiot calling low quality now? Barsabe gritted his teeth and grabbed Beric by the collar. The armor group confronting them has long since passed out..

“Crazy guy, I don't know about other people, but I can't hear that from you. I saved something from exploding, and then...?”

“aha. Thank you for that. But you have a record. Last time, Ian and I were following him and his molar came out.?”

“shut up! I was waiting at Jayrot's order. But I guess I followed you because you were the one who came out.!”

When the castle gate opened in the middle, Jayrot entered the palace and gave instructions to some of his subordinates. Just in case, wait outside to maintain security and assess the situation, and if contact is lost, make a plan to regroup..

“why and how did you come out?”

“Ian is running errands.”

“Everyone is safe?”

“Your friends? Well? Maybe so? Ah, Liama, we belong to the same organization, right? The woman is dead. I know they killed him..”

When Beric nodded, Barsabe blinked as if he had heard wrong..

What is this guy saying now? Liama ​​passed away? Liama, one of the three generals? To those armors?

“Those bastards in the imperial palace are making a mess of it. Ian is pissed about fixing that, really. Tsk!”

The clues were fragmentary but clear. Beric grabbed his black sword and rushed forward again, striking away the flying fist. Barsabe was just staring at his back blankly..

‘Liama ​​suffered..’




As a flash of coolness appeared, Barsabe quickly grabbed Beric by the scruff of his neck. Beric, whose central axis had collapsed, was zigzagging and shaking his legs like he was drunk..

“What?! don't disturb!”

“You idiot, I heard that Liama ​​was harmed? Even if we attack at the same time, we will never win.”

The title of three generals was not given for nothing. It was an honor bestowed only on the strongest knights who supported and guarded the emperor, who was called the dignity of the world..

If one of them, Liama, is defeated, there is no chance for the two of them to win..

“Can't you win? Who decides that??”

“There is nothing to decide. It's already decided.”

“You're good at talking about missing molars..”


“i won!”

“Because I'm going to die?!”

“If you can't protect Vivianna, Ian will scold you.!”

Crack, crackle! Kwaang!


In Beric's mind, there seemed to be no superiority or inferiority between strength and weakness. Just win, kill, defeat. He rushed at me with his eyes flashing as if that was the whole world..

Beric took advantage of the attacks pouring in at once and infiltrated them..

“You're as tall as me!”

Suddenly, Barsabe gritted his teeth and jumped in together. Then he barely managed to block the fist aimed at the back of Beric's neck..


“i won!”

“Oh really!”

“Fuck, all I know is winning!”

Kwaaaaang! bang!


The moment Beric flew into the air and struck the opponent's helmet, the black sword glowed purple and caused a huge impact..

The windows of nearby buildings were broken sequentially, and the floors were cracked. The person who was hit squarely stumbled and barely managed to straighten up..



I had incontinence in my helmet. The armored warrior met Beric's sparkling eyes through the gap..

Are those human eyes??

The burning red color contained the prominence as it was..

“It's true that there's a human inside. he.”

“This is crazy…….”

“I changed my mind. Only one fan.”

Quang! bang!

What a joke!

Every time it touched the ground and flew in, three or four attacks rained down. Beric laughed out loud and aimed at just one point. A place where you can check your opponent through cracks.

“If I kill this thing, I'll be stronger than Liama, right? yes?”

“Even crazy dogs don't behave like this..”



Another person grabbed Beric by the head and threw him against the wall. Beric flew a dozen meters and landed on his wall, then realized that his neck was not moving..

“ah. iced coffee. C, rummage, ah oh.”

“There is a lot of commotion. Let’s get this sorted out quickly before the security comes..”

“I don't think he'll come. It's been a while since I've seen the guards since the palace was closed..”

Crack. Far away.

Beric bobbed his head to see if the bone was broken into pieces. Fortunately, it moves little by little..

When he finally managed to shake off the spinning sensation in front of his eyes. Bar Sabe aimed her sword, blocking the gap between her Beric and the armor..


“Does your owner know??”

“Get out of the way. I can't help it if I want to die first.”

“My owner doesn't know I'm doing this. In that case, I think the same goes for your master..”

Those approaching Barsave's Ilgal stopped..

Her mind was complicated now. Thoughts and judgments were made simultaneously, and they were spit out without any filtering. Since every minute was urgent, this was natural. I just hope it fits in some way..

“I don't know what you want to say.”

Since the imperial palace was closed, they probably did not receive orders directly from Hyman either. He just knows his master's plan and came out here to stop anyone going against it..

“Beric, tell me now! Whose orders did you come here??”

“I'm Ian?”

Suddenly, I wonder why I’m asking that. Beric stood up, shaking off the dust, and soon realized that Barsabe, who was behind him, was sending a hand signal..

right? left?

one? fist? earth?


“We are carrying out duties under the orders of Minister of Magic Ian Hiello. If you continue to interfere, I will report this to the imperial palace and raise the issue officially with your master..”

“…Dead people don't talk.”

“But I'm alive. Did you know that the Ministry of Magic gives you a silkworm potion during investigations? No matter how much he didn't know about it, it would be difficult for your master to avoid responsibility. Ah, that was rude. Should I have called you ‘Duke Hyman’??”


Barsabe deliberately dispersed his magic power to block their view..

It was a very brief moment. A human figure blurring between beams of light. It is clear that there is only one Barsabe, but the shadows of the two people split to the left and right and disappeared..

“Chase! It is clear that they are going to the imperial palace..”

“I thought he might be a magic swordsman, so I did some trick..”

“Two on the right, two on the left! catch and kill.”

“Catch it before it comes in contact with the outside world.”

“One person clears the way!”

Of the five pieces of armor, four split to the left and right and chased after Barsabe. is stuck in a corner and Barsabe runs through a spider web-like alley, so it is natural that there will be a lot of chase teams..


thud! thud!

Beric, looking at the disappearing armor, smiled as if he understood now..

‘right, left, one, fist, ground.’

They will split into left and right groups to lure you in, so take charge of one person and fight. Or it falls apart.

“Ahaha! crazy. Those molars, even the front teeth are going to fall out..”

“A person who will die soon laughs?”

“Of course it's funny, you idiot. Now he is in charge of four people and I am in charge of one person. Ah, stupid. Who gets it? haha.”


Beric spit out blood-filled spit and tightened his grip on the black sword. When I smiled, my teeth were clearly visible. Everything is soaked in blood and turns red..

The other person swallowed his saliva and clenched his fists..

The spirit of a madman that can be felt through armor. I know I have a power advantage, but the energy of my opponent is so hot that it doesn't feel real..

“Go Ian! whole pig-”

“Shut up!”

“He said he would buy it for me! I did it!!”

Quaaaang! bang!

The roar of a crash.

Vivianna held the dagger tightly in both fists and dropped her shoulders. Inside the building, I could only hear sounds, but I couldn't see anything..

Clap, clap, whirring.

widely! Crack! Jiik!

While the printing press was running, employees were constantly tapping on the typewriter. The idea is to print the same sentence over and over again. To create even more extras.

Quang! Powwow!

Clap, clap! Crackling!

“Argh! XGermination!”

“Turn over the paper and turn it over!”

“We're out of ink! Get it from the warehouse inside.!”

“Search! Search! Wow!”

“Take pictures by hand while copying! continue!”

The constant, monotonous noise coming from the office and the violent, intermittent roar coming from outside created a harmonious disharmony. Vivianna continued to pray to God..

How long has it been like that?.

someone grabbed her shoulder.



Everyone had flushed faces. He is full of excitement and tension, and is even sweating. The employee shouted, pointing to the clock. It's almost five o'clock now.

“It is done. Let's go now!”

“Oh, please! I'll help you!”

“If you go out the back door, there is our cart. Load the extra paper there and go out onto the main road! Let’s spray as close as possible to the imperial palace.!”

“let's go! Lock the door here and get out! Dangerous!”

“Uh huh, let's hurry!”

There were ten boxes of paper printed in one hour. Vivianna rolled up her sleeves and carried them into her carriage, soon taking a seat next to her coachman's seat..

“Those who can't ride the carriage, get out of the way first! At five o'clock, the imperial palace gates open! See you again when it's safe.!”

“Please, please.”

“yes. please.”

Although they didn't talk for long, they wished each other good-bye with their eyes. Minnie and one of her employees sat in the back of the wagon, clutching the bundles of boxes tightly..



“This is it!”

The horse, which had been anxious due to the commotion, decided that this was the time and ran vigorously..

Vivianna, who soon returned to the building, looked towards the entrance and covered her mouth in horror. Isn't Beric, soaked in blood and tattered, holding the entrance frame with both hands and bending it?.


“Ah, Mr.…….”



I tried to follow the carriage because I felt like I was missing a piece of armor, but I soon got stuck. It was Beric's fault for rolling his body around and holding him tight..

“…where are you going.”

“Get out of the way!”

“…Yeah, don't stop there.”


Vivianna turned her head back and looked at Beric. Everything except his pupils was red, so his face was unrecognizable. She bit her lip and screamed.

“I'll be back soon!”

“Ian, bring me.”

“Stay alive! stay alive!”

The carriage exited the alley in a familiar manner and ran along the main street..

Over the past three days, very few people have taken to the streets. When Minnie saw a person from far away, she cried and threw papers..

“Extra! It's outside the scope.!”

“Extra! Mariv and Gale clashed in the imperial palace.!”

“The Ministry of Magic intervened and resolved the matter.!”

“Extra! outside!”


Small pieces of paper fluttered where the carriage passed. People on the side of the road picked it up one by one and read it, and then looked towards the imperial palace..

“It's outside the scope. I finally hear something!”

“Please give me some too!”

“Marib and Gail?”

“Your Majesty? Oh my, this is crazy! What on earth are the princes doing??”

“Extra! outside!”

Damn-! Deng!

The sound of a bell heard far away.

It was the sound of five o'clock.

Vivianna grabbed her flying hair and threw it away..

“Extra! The palace gates will open soon.!”

Deeng! Deng!

At the same time, the tightly locked gate slowly opened. The crowd waiting in front moved forward little by little..



A sharp wind passes quickly through the gap. Without a single error, it headed towards the carriage Vivianna was riding in..

“The Ministry of Magic is repairing the imperial palace.!”

“uh? Uh oh?”

The man holding the reins of the carriage stumbled to a halt as the cold energy approached him..

It was the wind.

A very sharp and huge wind that could cut you..


Dig, dig! flutter!


The wind pierced the carriage..

The papers that had been piled up soared into the air, and soon spread in all directions with the air currents..

Like the pollen shown at the Ministry of Magic ahead of the New Year's party, extravagance covered all of Bariel..

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