Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

The people who were lying down slowly raised their heads at the sudden silence. It was because the magic that had been constantly exploding with shouts had abruptly stopped. Thinking it might be over, they looked around, but everything was still the same.

Wh-why are you all doing that?

Ians magic just stopped Wesleigh.

Whats that? Thats great! Ian! Use your strength!

P-Please stop the witch! Please!

What are you all doing? What are you standing there looking at?

Jaylut! Ministry of Magic!

Protect His Highness Gale behind Ian!

The outsiders who didnt know what was wrong started shouting. But despite that, the magicians and security guards were frozen like stones and couldnt move easily.

Did Ians magic just work?

He made a strong impression at the New Years party, but to that extent?

No, the opponent right now is Minister Wesleigh.

Could this also be Minister Wesleighs illusion magic?

A newcomer magician who hadnt been in the department for long surpassing the Magic Minister who had risen to the position of the youngest court sorceress! This couldnt be. It was as absurd as a newborn knocking down a seasoned warrior crawling and flying in the training grounds.

Ian, it worked well! Oh my, well done!

Uh, sir Romandro.

Huh? What, what?

It would be better for you to step away from me.

Romandro happily shook Ians arm and then hesitated. He was scared to death, but he was told to step away? Ian silently pointed his chin at Wesleigh. Her gaze had completely shifted from Gale to Ian.

Eek! Oh my, heavens! Ian, be careful, be careful!

Romandro, who had been at a loss, fell backward and ran away as if crawling. A security guard supported him, and Ian carefully surveyed his surroundings. Everyone was still staring at him as if their souls had left their bodies.

Its clear that forbidden magic worked. Its too early to judge the strength of the mana.

He had been contemplating whether to help Gale or not, but now there was no choice. If he was the only one who could do it, he had no choice but to do it. Nothing would be as foolish as showing a passive attitude here. It would be good to take this as a stepping stone and firmly imprint his presence.

Ian! Get a grip.

The first to approach Ian was Nakina. She embraced Ians shoulders and slightly bent her body. She aligned her gaze with Ians and glared at Wesleigh together.

It seems youre the only one who can land an effective hit here. The department heads will be here soon, so until then, prioritize the safety of His Highness Gale. Have you tried using attack magic? Or defensive magic?

I havent, but Ill manage.

Great answer. What techniques do you know?

I dont know that either, but Ill manage if you help me.

Even your posture is perfect. Okay.

Countless magic techniques passed through his mind, but Ian lightly shook his head and said he didnt know.


It was Wesleighs call. She was smiling brightly as if surprised. The blood vessels had risen on her snow-white skin, making it hard to tell she was smiling.

Oh my, I see. So thats how it was.

Everyone held their breath in tension at the sight of the woman muttering as if she had lost her mind. But Ian could grasp her intention. With the attack of the mana sphere just now, she had realized that Ian was a product of forbidden magic.

That he was someone who didnt exist in this world, and thus had been constantly bothering her.

Wesleigh. Your every word and step are creating sins.

It was you in Karenna too, wasnt it?

The flow of mana was getting more and more intense. The womans disheveled hair slowly unraveled, and soon flames erupted from her fingertips. Everyone held their breath, feeling like their throat and lungs would burn if they inhaled the heat.

So Gale found out. Ah. Now I somewhat understand what happened. Ian. You were the problem all along.

As Wesleighs momentum became unusual, Nakina released her mana. It was to show the technique with light.

Zzing! Zing!

Magic was like a kind of study, so until one became proficient, there was no choice but to go through the activation process one by one. If it was mastered and imprinted in the mind, it would be possible without any hassle.

However, even so, the results varied greatly depending on how vividly one visualized the image, so it wasnt difficult to rank the talent of magicians.

Nakina, no explosions!

Nakina nodded at Tomis shout. This was the lobby of the grand conference hall. If they couldnt lure the target outside, a strong impact could backfire. So, they had to use magic that restrained the opponent by binding them.


It was considered one of the basic field-applicable magic, but a complex shape appeared in front of Nakinas body. The magic circle emitted light in concentric circles, and dozens of activation formulas spun around frantically following it.

Ian! Read it properly! Then it becomes like this!

A geometric figure emerged from the floor Nakina was stepping on. If lightning had shattered into pieces, it would surely look like that.

The magic quickly climbed up the walls and spread to the ceiling. And soon, it found the targets location and mercilessly fell around it.

Kwajik! Kwaaang!

Pillars of light plunged down in front of, behind, and on both sides of Wesleigh. As a result, her hair fluttered again. No fear was felt on her fully visible face. She had already put her life on the line and summoned forbidden magic.

Ian, can you see? Can you do it?

It was a very short moment. It took only a few seconds for Nakina to release her mana and activate the magic. The other magicians who heard it beside her booed and shouted.

Nakina, are you kidding? How can he do it after seeing it once!

Thats right, its difficult for us too! Having strong mana and applying it are a bit different. Probably.

Instead of that, tell him to keep shooting mana!

Until the department heads come out, at least hold her attention!

She doesnt even consider the situation when talking nonsense.

Come to your senses! Dont do useless things!

You bastards, all of you shut your mouths! Youre out of your minds! Ill split your heads open!

When Nakina couldnt take it anymore and shouted, the magicians bit their lips like mutes who had eaten honey. Even combining their strength wasnt enough at this moment, so she didnt know why they were acting like that. Nakina calmly looked at Wesleigh walking through the pillars of light.

As expected, its not working.

Originally, the function of the binding magic was to limit the opponents radius with the mana flowing between the pillars. But Wesleigh was approaching this way without any restrictions. Nakina anxiously turned to Ian.

I watched carefully, senior Nakina.


Ian was smiling. More than any other words, his single smile was saying everything. That he was confident, that he could read all the techniques she had just shown. Before Nakina could say anything, Ian activated the magic.

Zzing. Zing.


Golden eyes like a lion. As his pupils expanded, the mana in his entire body exploded. Ian directly transferred the technique Nakina had shown into his mind and activated it without any process. Light began to leak through the cracks of the marble floor he was standing on.

Th-this is

Dodge! Everyone dodge!

C-Crazy. Hes crazy.

The force of mana pressing down on Ian like gravity. As cracks formed in the marble, the light intensified. Soon, everything in all directions centering around him, the walls and ceiling that were in contact, were engulfed in light.

Kwaaang! Boom!

Dozens and hundreds of light streaks falling from the ceiling. All things big and small enveloped Wesleigh without error. The black smoke she was emitting disappeared helplessly whenever Ians magic struck.

As the gaps were gradually filled, Wesleigh screamed, trying to break the magic with force.

Ian, are you going to interfere until the end! Youre also a forbidden-


It would be better for you to shut up, Wesleigh. Ill say it again, your every word is piling up as sin. Wouldnt it be better for your well-being to remain silent?

As she tried to shout the forbidden secret, Ian dropped light on her head without hesitation. Although Wesleigh lightly blocked it with her hand.

Nakina looked at the scene and pondered for a moment which part she should be surprised by.

How many streaks of light are falling? And hes utilizing the binding magic as an attack magic. This is

Is it possible? Even though magic is a transcendental realm, there should be a line of common sense within it, right? Not only Nakina but the other magicians also lost their minds and watched the streaks of light pouring towards Wesleigh.

Kwaang! Boom!

Its like a shooting star

Ian didnt know who muttered that. But those around them felt it was a quite good analogy. In broad daylight, in a half-open lobby, it felt like watching a catastrophic meteor shower.

B-But I say.

Romandro was also flat on the ground, watching it. He tugged at the security guards collar and whispered.

Why is Wesleigh just staying still?

From the moment she appeared until now, although she had threatened, she hadnt really counterattacked. She had only tried to go inside, more precisely, to meet Gale. Didnt she just ignore it when the magicians united and attacked?

Theres no counterattack.

Ian felt the same. Unlike the magic of others that was neutralized, Ians was showing an effect on Wesleigh. The proof was that she kept blocking the light with her hands.

Hey, about Minister Wesleigh. Doesnt something feel strange?

Thats right. And the heat is getting hotter and hotter. I dont know if this expression is correct, but

It feels like the body is burning.

Yeah. Yeah, thats right. It feels like that.

The skin was peeling off due to the burning heat. To the point where it felt like she was burning her own life to move.

She gasped for breath and then looked at Gale. The mans eyes were filled with disgust, but a smile rose on the womans face.


Zzing! Zing!

Boom! Bang!

At that moment, Wesleigh called Gales name and released her mana to the maximum. Ians binding magic light streaks crumbled helplessly from the tremendous explosive power. She instantly pounced on Gale and embraced his neck with both arms.

Your Highness Gale!

Attack! Hurry!

Get her off! Get that witch off!

Everyones shock was momentary, and soon they reached a state of horror. Wesleigh had grabbed the back of the stunned Gales head and kissed him.

Gale. Do you think I would kill you?


You wont know my pain through death.

Ian finally realized. Wesleigh wasnt trying to break through the Imperial Palaces power with forbidden magic to see Gales blood, but to cast an eternal curse on him. Perhaps the reason she came here was to directly let him know about it.

Gale, you will and , forever .

Black smoke rose around Wesleigh. As his head became dizzy, her curse was heard intermittently. But Gale seemed to have heard it clearly, and his eyes widened as he spewed out curses that didnt fit his dignity.

You crazy bitch!

And he tried to pierce her neck with his sword at once. But Wesleighs form had already turned into smoke and disappeared, leaving only hot ashes swirling around.

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