Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Why is it so chaotic outside?

Ill go check.

If its a disturbance, let me know which department is leading it.

Yes, yes. Understood. Mr. Paal.

Marivs assistant urged the attendant. It was an important meeting, yet noise was coming through the cracks of the door. Noticing Marivs gaze from the high podium, he bowed his head. With the Ministry of Magics fall expected at the meeting, there absolutely couldnt be any problems.

Quiet down. We will now begin the personnel conference of the 1,101st year of the Imperial calendar. Everyone, stand up and make an oath of loyalty to His Majesty.


At the prime ministers direction, all those seated stood up and placed their hands on their chests. Mariv and Gale, who were seated closest to the Emperor, did the same. The Emperor, seated at the highest position, only looked down at them with dignity.

I swear by my faith that the purpose of the personnel meeting is to contribute to the proper development of the Great Empire Bariel by appointing the right talents.

I swear.

I swear.

It wasnt even funny. They sought upright individuals only in words, but werent their hearts filled with their own self-interests? Those with voting rights led the pledge first, followed by those with only the right to propose below them.

Then lets begin. First is the Legislative Department. Kartesro, the current minister of the Legislative Department, please come forward.

The current minister needed to actively assert what he had done and what achievements he had made for Bariel over the past year. It could be for reappointment, but it was also a matter of honor as an official.

Next, I will call the five candidates for the position of Legislative Minister. They are listed in Barielian alphabetical order. Stand up in order and introduce yourselves.

The presumptive appointee had already laid the groundwork through behind-the-scenes work before the meeting. The other candidates were a kind of extras, and it was almost like building their careers for the future. Mariv was watching the proceedings with a solemn expression.

Your Highness.

Just then, assistant Paal, who had returned behind the podium, called for him. Mariv tilted his head to the side while keeping his gaze fixed.

The magicians outside are setting up a magical defense barrier.

Defense barrier? Arent all the department heads in the meeting?

A mysterious smoke that started from the north is approaching this way. Outside, those trying to suspend the meeting and those trying to continue it are clashing.

Mariv frowned. He had no idea how things were unfolding. In the meantime, the prime minister announced that it was the Ministry of Magics turn.

Next is the Ministry of Magic. Minister Wesleigh is absent, but since there are no registered candidates for the next term, reappointment is

I object.

It was Gale who cut off the prime ministers words. He raised his hand and stood up from his seat as if he had been waiting for this moment. Instantly, murmurs swiftly swept through the conference room.

No way, it cant be?

Is the rumors true? Gale and Minister Wesleigh?

Shh, be quiet.

The moment of confirming with their own eyes what they had only heard in rumors. Everyone in the room focused on Gale. The Emperor was no exception.

Your Highness. If by chance the minister falls and an opportunity comes to me.

Mariv recalled what Ian had said in the middle of the night. Honestly, he had been skeptical and thought there must be a clear hidden motive. But was there any better news for Mariv than Wesleigh truly falling from grace?

I oppose the reappointment of Minister Wesleigh.

Oh my! Heavens!

Your Highness Gale, what do you mean by that?

Your Highness! Its Minister Wesleigh of the Ministry of Magic! That Wesleigh!

Excuse me, lets suspend the meeting for a moment.

We cant do that. Theres nothing problematic about the statement.

Everyone, quiet down!


As the prime minister struck the gavel, the commotion abruptly stopped. Because if they were to be expelled in this situation, there would be no greater disgrace. Gale slowly looked at his elder brother Mariv.

This is what you wanted, Mariv?

Doesnt it seem like hes saying that? Mariv let out a quiet exclamation with a flushed expression. Just as Ian said, it was clear that something had happened between the two. Cutting it off before it became a bigger poison was the only explanation for Gales attitude.

Your Highness Gale, please continue your statement.

It has been quite a while since Minister Wesleigh was appointed to the Ministry of Magic. The minister is competent, but she doesnt take the continuously raised issues seriously and shows no willingness to make progress.

Excessive budget allocation. Opaque work processes. Personal personnel management. Extensive abuse of authority, and so on. As Gale pointed out each one, peoples expressions turned to shock. As if they had no idea why Gale was doing this.

Wasnt he the beneficiary of all those corruptions?

Therefore, I believe it would be beneficial for the Ministry of Magic to oppose Minister Wesleighs reappointment and appoint a new minister. What do those with voting rights think?

At Gales question, the commotion rose again with murmurs.

If Wesleigh falls, what about the backlash? Will the witch stay still?

Yeah, judging from what we didnt know, it seems Wesleigh doesnt know either.

Hey, dont you have eyes to see? Dont you know what it means that Minister Wesleigh didnt come to the meeting?

Has His Highness Gale already made a move?

Heavens, what on earth is happening

He must have someone in mind for the next Minister of Magic.

It seems His Highness Gale wants to directly control the Ministry of Magic. Oh my, seriously.

There was turmoil among Gales forces, precisely those relying on the Ministry of Magic. Although they served Gale, their clear link to him was undoubtedly Wesleigh.

Brother. Please say something.

Gale smiled and spoke to Mariv. Because nearly half of the people here were the First Princes forces. It was an attitude of lighting the fuse and letting them handle the rest.


Your Highness Mariv, please speak.

As Mariv raised his hand with a peculiar expression, the entire room fell silent again. He looked at Gale, not the audience, and emphasized.

I also agree with Wesleighs demotion.

At the same time, shouts of approval erupted instantly. Those following Mariv had heard the First Princes intention and lent their strength.

I agree! I also agree!

Thats right. The Ministry of Magic should also gradually seek change.

I agree! Absolutely agree!

No objections!

Since the minister is absent, theres no need to hear any counter-arguments! Lets move on! We can receive candidates for the next minister again!

Only the pro-Wesleigh forces, including the Ministry of Magic, closed their mouths in the storm of the conference room. Not only did they have no right to speak, but if the situation flowed this way, it was wise to let go of the Wesleigh lifeline immediately. If only she had been present, she might have come up with a countermeasure

Oh my, this is

What, what are you saying now? Minister Wesleigh has fallen?

This cant be happening!

Be quiet! The heads of the Ministry of Magics subsidiaries have no right to speak!

Absurd! No! Something is wrong here!

When the head of the Magic Support Department, in particular, shouted in a fit, the security escort took him away. The conference room turned into a mess in an instant. The prime minister repeatedly struck the gavel to restore order, but those who were already excited refused to lower their voices.

Hale was also just stroking his beard in shock.


Just then.

A tremendous roar and tremor were felt from outside. The security guards moved swiftly, and the prime minister struck the gavel again, ordering silence.

Your Highness Gale.

Gale noticed his assistants voice trembling. His frown was momentary. He soon bit his lip hard and glared at the assistant with a murderous gaze.

How exactly did you handle the situation?

I, I apologize. Im certain I disposed of Wesleighs assistant, but as soon as we sent the corpse out of the palace, it turned into a wooden doll.

So what about Wesleigh?

It seems she broke free from the shackles with the help of her assistant.

Youd better be prepared once this is over.

Yes, Your Highness.

This is why magicians! Gale clicked his tongue and stood up from his seat, and the prime minister gave him a puzzled look.

Continue the meeting. My brother will cover for my lacking presence. Brother, Ill go and handle the situation outside.

Anyway, the biggest agenda had come up at this meeting. If the disturbance outside was Wesleighs doing, he had to go out and execute her himself. Before any unnecessary words came out of her pierced mouth. Gale made a preemptive move so Mariv couldnt leave his seat and turned his back.

Your Highness Mariv, what should we do?

The prime minister asked Marivs intention in a creeping voice. Even with the Emperor standing firmly behind, the fact that he was asking Mariv, not the Emperor, was proof of who held the real power in the palace. Mariv looked at Gales empty seat and nodded.


Yes. Your Highness.

Anyway, even if he didnt go out, he had many eyes and ears. It would come up in a report later. Right now, finishing the matter of Wesleighs fall was the priority.

This is almost the first time Gale and I have been of the same mind.

Although they were hiding different intentions, Mariv believed that this would ultimately be Gales misstep. He had lost an important force in Wesleigh, and as a result, Mariv had discovered a critical weakness in him.

Quiet! We will continue the meeting!

Bang bang bang!

Even if heaven and earth were to be overturned, even if the building were to collapse, the meeting would continue. The determination of those on the verge of grasping power heated up the surroundings.


Another roar was heard, but this time no one paid attention. They were just desperately ignoring it. What they had to focus on was inside the conference room.


Clop clop!

Gale ran out to the lobby, escorted by his assistant and security guards. He unconsciously felt his waist, but it was empty. The assistant, noticing his touch, hurriedly instructed the attendant.

Bring His Highnesss sword that was left when entering the meeting!

Yes, understood.

Bring the bow too. And the arrows with mana sealing stones embedded.

As Gale added, the attendant turned around and ran out of breath. By the time they reached the end of the corridor, they could clearly see the full view of the lobby

Zzing! Zing!

Damn it! The magic circle! Were running out of strength!

Aaaahh! Im at my limit!

Get a hold of yourself! Minister Wesleigh! Please stop!

Someone give me some mana!

Minister Wesleigh! You cant come in like that!

The wall of opaque golden light where the magic circle was drawn. It was a defensive barrier created by the magicians. They all had their palms pressed against the wall, squeezing out every ounce of strength.

Dozens of magicians against just one person.

Please! What have you done?!

Wesleigh. It was her.

Her body was burning. As if flames were raging inside. The hot energy emanating from her skin along with black smoke could be felt all the way here.

What are you all doing?

Ah, Your Highness Gale.

Your Highness Gale!

Everyones faces lit up and turned around at Gales appearance. Not knowing the situation of her demotion inside, they didnt know what to do with Wesleigh. But Ian could grasp the situation just from the fact that Gale had left his seat.

Your Highness, Minister Wesleighs condition is

This is the grand conference hall. Inside are His Majesty and all the high-ranking officials of Bariel. Yet trying to enter with such behavior. This threatens safety and, furthermore, is a grave crime.

Your Highness?

Is this really Gale, Wesleighs lover, speaking? Everyone looked at him in confusion, but Gale ordered without a hint of faltering.

Kill her.

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