Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

In Marivs office, the assistant who had been called back at dawn hurriedly entered. His hair was still disheveled from being pressed.

Knock knock.

Your Highness, its Paal.

Come in.

Unlike usual, Mariv was sitting by the window. His gaze was fixed outside, as if he were trying to find a path in the darkness.

Ian Hielo just came by.

Ah, yes.

He said that Gale would remove Wesleigh soon.


Did he mishear something? Paal hurriedly rubbed his face as if trying to wake up. Gale removing Wesleigh? Wasnt that like cutting off his own wings?

Thats absurd. Did this Ian say that?

He said we would know after the personnel meeting next week. Its hard to believe, but if he says so, there must be something to it.

The assistant understood why Mariv had urgently called for him. He was to find out what situation would force Gale to remove Wesleigh. What Gale had to protect even at the cost of abandoning Wesleigh could become his Achilles heel.

And is there any way to obtain the truth serum?

Its possible, but it will take time. Otherwise, for the truth serum, we could ask Ian

The first and last time Mariv had seen the truth serum was at a report meeting to discuss commercialization. Although some were still under research, the Ministry of Magic had been reluctant to show it. The assistant trailed off and let out a small exclamation.

Youre thinking of using it on Ian.

No matter how I think about it, something doesnt sit right with me.

How should I put it? Even though he bowed his head, it felt like he was looking at me as an equal. For example, not a single thing Mariv had instructed Ian to do had been properly handled. Like supporting the Mana Stone Management Department or not supplying Luron stones.

His logic and reasoning made sense, so I let it slide, but it strangely bothers me.

A piece on a chessboard. Of course, it shouldnt have a will or self, but every move felt like receiving unsolicited advice. If this continued, he would lose his own center and judgment.

Pay special attention to the movements of Gale and Wesleigh. With the personnel meeting coming up next week, if they make a move, it will be quick. Also, find out who in the Ministry of Magic contacts Gale the most after Wesleigh.

That person would be Gales choice for the next minister and his second set of wings. The assistant bowed his head deeply at Marivs order, acknowledging it.

Ah, and Your Highness, there was a message from the Rutherford Company. They said they would enter Bariel again through Hawan within this year. They seemed to expect sometime between summer and fall.

Rutherford? Has that much time passed already?

Mariv removed his glasses and lightly rubbed the bridge of his nose. They were a company he unofficially sponsored, old acquaintances, and alchemists.

There was nothing else in the letter. There was no accompanying mana stone, so a reply would be difficult.


The assistant handed Mariv a small letter and added. It was so shabby that it was hard to believe it was a report to the prince.

Do you think theyve found it?

It seems so. If they hadnt obtained it, they would have mentioned it in the letter. Its done. Anyway, this is something to worry about in the second half of the year.

The basic job of a company was to buy, sell, and transport requested items. The fact that they were coming to central Bariel through Hawan like before was proof that they had carried out Marivs request.

Theyll pass through Mereloff via Hawan like last time.

Time had indeed passed. The owner of Mereloff had died, and the neighboring Bratz had become Hielo territory. Mariv chuckled and put the letter in a drawer.


It was around dawn when Ian and Romandro arrived at the mansion. After changing clothes, Ian decided to return to the Ministry of Magic, while Romandro would go back to the administration to monitor the situation. As soon as Ian got out of the carriage, Beric, who had been waiting, roughly opened the door.


You idiot, youll wake up the whole neighborhood!

Romandro covered his mouth with his finger, but it was no use for Beric. He abruptly stopped running and looked Ian up and down. It was due to the stained blood.

Wh-what, whats wrong with you, Ian?!

Enough. No need to make a fuss.

This isnt your blood, right? Its the other persons, right?

Its mine.

Sheesh, why did you get hit outside? Which bastard!

The lanterns on the second floor of the mansion also lit up. The commotion must have woken up Minnie and Viviana. Romandro frowned at Beric as if scolding him and hurried inside. Ian did the same. Beric spun around, trying to find Ians wounds.

Which empty-headed bastard did this to you? Huh? Hey, dont you need to see a doctor?

Oh my, lord Ian! Good heavens!

Minnie, sorry for waking you up. I have to go out right away, so could you prepare some clothes for me?

Minnie, in her sleepwear, also froze in shock. But she quickly came to her senses and went upstairs to prepare for Ians outing. Ian kept pushing away Beric, who was constantly shouting beside him.

To our Ian Hielo, the Viscount! Huh? A Viscount! And a magician! The most precious person in the world! Should I kill that bastard? Or huh? Break all his bones!?

Come on, I wont scold you for failing your guard duty, so stop it. My head hurts.

Oh, yeah. Hehe.

Beric scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. While he was passed out drunk, his master had come home covered in blood, so it was a ploy to get angry before being scolded. But apart from that, he was genuinely surprised and worried.

But how did this really happen? Doesnt it hurt?

Its a side effect of a magic potion. There was no pain, so its not a problem. By the way, wheres Hasha?

He wasnt around during the day, and there was no sign of him at dawn either. Beric rubbed his ears and shrugged. Having just woken up at the sound of the carriage, there was no way he would know Hashas whereabouts.

I dont know.


Ian paused while unbuttoning his shirt. He had heard that Hasha went out often these days, but he hadnt heard about him being this late. Above all, Hasha was a smart kid. It meant he knew well that he had to hide and avoid Wesleighs forces now that he was in the central.

Sir Romandro! Minnie!

Huh? Yeah.

Romandro, who was exchanging greetings with Viviana, hurried downstairs. Minnie did the same. Ian took the new clothes and asked.

Minnie, do you know where Hasha might go?

Hasha, um, he kept going in and out of the neighborhood.

Hes never been this late before, right?

Yes. But I thought he had come back while I was asleep, so I assumed the same today. Hasnt Hasha come back yet?

It would be troublesome if something happened to Hasha in the current situation. The child was the only surviving witness who could testify about the forbidden necromancy. Having met Gale and Mariv and lit the fuse, a summons would soon come down to Hasha.

The problem was that the timing couldnt be confirmed.

Hasha disappeared?

He didnt disappear, but it seems theres a problem.

Oh no, this is crazy, crazy!

Fortunately, we secured his testimony with the brooch, but it would be difficult for it to be accepted as objective evidence. For now, it would be best to send out people as quickly as possible.

Minnie, who had been listening quietly, covered her mouth in shock. The mention of the brooch reminded her of something.

Why are you doing that?


Minnie, we dont have much time.

Its about the brooch. Hasha has it. To be exact, its hanging on his necklace.

It was to record fragments of the past that suddenly came to mind even when staying still. As if painting over and over the testimony. Romandro frowned as if troubled, but on the contrary, Ians expression brightened.

Hasha went out wearing that?

Yes, probably. And here, in this upscale residential area where officials live, stray dogs without owners are caught. To wander around, you need a mark like that.

Oh, could he have gone far beyond the neighborhood? That would make him an easier target.

If a dog had a shiny necklace around its neck, there was a possibility it had been threatened by vagrants or ruffians. As Romandro clutched his cheeks and screamed, Ian waved his hand.

Go and bring the leather bag.

The leather bag? Oh, wait a moment!

The brooch Dergha had attached to Ians chest. It allowed recording and location tracking at the same time. A compass made of the same mana stone as the brooch, not a needle, would roughly indicate Hashas location.


H-how do you read this?

Its a low-grade mana stone, so I dont know the details either. We can only estimate based on the direction and brightness.

The compasss mana needle was pointing north. The brightness was faint but not out yet. It meant he was quite far away.




Ian tossed the compass to Beric, and he reflexively caught it. But then he threw it on the sofa as if he had touched something he shouldnt have. He understood Ians order.

You want me to go?

Then should I go?

The distance isnt shown. How far do you expect me to go?

It should be within the central anyway. If you end up going beyond the central, send word to the mansion and continue tracking.

Its normal for kids to be late sometimes when theyre out playing!

Youre the youngest one here.

Thats ridiculous! Youre the youngest, arent you?

Oh. Is that so?

Thats right. Ian forgot he was living his second life. When Ians words didnt continue after a brief answer, Beric lay sprawled on the sofa and whined.

Go find Hasha, and if there are people who threatened Hasha, do as you please, Beric.

As Ian muttered while tidying his changed clothes, Berics ears perked up.

Whether you kill them, spare them, slash them, or stab them, do as you wish.

Can I release mana?

Of course not. It wont be at that level.

Since Hasha had gone out and not returned before receiving Karennas letter, it probably wasnt Wesleighs doing. And above all, if it were her doing, Ian would have received a response long ago. It was more likely that he had unfortunately gotten involved in some trouble.

Dont say otherwise later.

Do it sensibly, using something called thinking.

Of course! Im so smart!

As Beric grinned, Romandro held his forehead. That kid had no self-awareness at all. Ian hurried to get ready for work, watching the dawn break.

Now, Beric. Bring Hasha back safely. Then Ill give you a reward.

What kind?

Have you ever eaten a whole pig?

Thump thump! Kwang!

As soon as Ian finished speaking, Beric dashed outside. He ran straight to the right, then realized it wasnt the right direction and turned left.

Can we really trust him?

Arent dogs originally the best at finding people?

Ian nodded, watching the morning sun rise. Just as many things had happened to him during the night, perhaps many things had happened to Hasha as well.

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