Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

I wonder if its because youre sincere or because youre too young and reckless.

A peculiar smile lingered on Gales lips. Did he think he would be fed something in his own mouth under the name of the Truth Serum? Aside from the ability to make one tell the truth, it was one of the reasons high-ranking officials were extremely anxious. They didnt know what the Ministry of Magic might do to their bodies.

I am sincere, and it is the truth.

Well, lets hear it. Those who swear usually have something they want.

It meant to try to persuade him. Ian placed his hand on the lid of the box and carefully chose his words. From now on, he had to speak without a single margin of error, exactly as he had molded in his mind. The likelihood of Gale using the Truth Serum had increased, so it was best to put up a protective shield with nuances that were different from a and different from b as much as possible.

I became a lord with the help of His Highness Mariv, but I am not His Highness Marivs person. Of course, there are things I was instructed to do in return. Your Highness would probably guess that as well.

Not only I, but the clerks in the Ministry of Magic would also know that.

His Highness Mariv wanted me to go to the Magic Stone Management Department.

Magic Stone Management Department? Gales brows furrowed slightly. It was a small clue, but it was enough to grasp Marivs intentions.

He was trying to find out about the Truth Serum.

I know its a topic that has risen to the forefront in the palace currently.

But you didnt go to the Magic Stone Management Department. Why? Did you judge that it was easy to approach to that extent?

Thats exactly right, as you said.

Ian nodded in agreement and slowly held out the box. Gales gaze was filled with doubt but genuine curiosity. He nodded his head as if giving permission, and Ian opened the lid.


I believe you will know what it is right away.


Most of what Gale had seen so far was in powder form. At most, he had seen pieces the size of a fingernail, but this was the first time seeing it in such a lump. Just how many kilograms was that?

According to the data, the Ministry of Magic currently has about 10 kilograms of Luron stones stored. Since roughly 10 grams of Luron is used in one dose of the Truth Serum, it may seem like a very ample amount on the surface.

But the problem was that the research was still in progress. About 5 kilograms had been used up in the research so far, and it was expected that about 1 kilogram more would be used to improve the completion.

Moreover, Luron is a mana stone with a high rarity. It would be useful not only for the Truth Serum but also in other areas, so if they conduct research a few times, it will definitely run out.

It meant that even if 10 kilograms remained, it was by no means abundant. That was why they had been so persistently eyeing the Brats frontier, which was presumed to be a deposit.

Gale picked up the lump of Luron and muttered while transmitting the light from the ceiling lamp.

As expected, it was in Bratz.

Gales blue eyes flickered. The faint possibility not only showed its face but rolled in on its own feet.

The deposits in the Hielo territory have all been mined and are currently managed by the central government.

Ian deliberately emphasized the name Hielo. As if the owner of the frontier had changed long ago. It also meant to focus on him right in front, not to look elsewhere.

Gale kept fiddling with the Luron stone and smiled. Things seemed to be getting really interesting.

Thats only a very small part.

I admit it. Honestly, Im very surprised.

If Your Highness wishes, I will arrange for the Luron stones to be traded with the Ministry of Magic. Well supply them according to the market price. Then, youll be able to easily dismiss the absurd argument that they oppose it because the mana stones are precious.

It was one of the main arguments of the opposition.

How could they consume precious high-grade mana stones for one-time use? Usually, it was common to use them as an auxiliary tool for magic, so naturally, there was resistance to the usage method of drinking and making them disappear.

Are you trying to pay the tribute as the trade price?

Since coming to the central, there are many places to use it here and there.

When you throw out a hint, you should receive it with a hint. As Ian smiled, Gale fixed his gaze on the Luron stone glowing in a purple hue. It was not only beautiful but truly mysterious.

So, what do you want?

Now, tell me your true intentions, Gale asked lazily, leaning on the back of the sofa.

Please raise me as the next head of the Ministry of Magic.


From one to ten, it was a series of shocks. Now he was curious about what thoughts were going through that small head. Gale slightly opened his mouth, then burst into laughter.

Aha! Ahahaha! Youre crazy!

No matter how much he supplied a large amount of mana stones with high rarity, wasnt the price he wanted too much? The head of the Ministry of Magic, no less! He must have gone completely insane.

Gale didnt hold back his hearty laughter, and Ian patiently waited for his breath to subside.

Its true that securing Luron stones will make things easier, but thats it. It will only block the nonsense about mana stones being precious. Ian, arent you being delusional?

Supplying Luron stones is just a gesture of my goodwill towards Your Highness.

Really? Then what else is there?

Anyone who heard it would think it was a tone used to placate a child. Ian stared at him intently, and soon completely erased the laughter from Gales face.

I will pass the Truth Serum bill.

The jokes are getting too much, and its not funny anymore.

It will be fun when it becomes reality.

By what means? Youre just a lowly noble viscount.

He didnt even have the qualifications or requirements to attend the meeting. But he was so boldly saying he would do it, wasnt that an unprecedented deception?

All the departments except the Ministry of Magic are flipping their eyes and pouncing on this issue, and youll handle that? So you want me to appoint you as the head?

Not to appoint me, but to raise me. Please dismiss Minister Wesleigh at the next high-ranking personnel meeting to be held next week. Then there will be a power struggle within the Ministry of Magic, and I will take care of the rest.

How impudent. But it was an attitude that came from definite confidence.

Gale stared at Ian in silence with his chin resting on his hand. The child met Gales gaze without a hint of fear.

Take care of it yourself?

Is there any other department that operates based on ability as much as the Ministry of Magic?

Gale suddenly recalled Ian at the magic confirmation ceremony. The magical power that had captivated everyone in the noble families and the Imperial family. Wesleighs flustered expression was particularly vivid.

Did you modify the magic circle at the magic confirmation ceremony?

Yes, I did.

How on earth?

Its not something that can be explained in words when it comes to magic. I apologize, Your Highness.

It was an answer telling him not to ask because he wouldnt understand even if he explained it to his ear for a hundred days. Ian just smiled, and Gales mind became a little more complicated.

Perhaps Ians magical power might be even greater than Wesleighs. Then, even if Wesleigh doesnt fall from the position of head of the Ministry of Magic this time, Ian will eventually catch up to Wesleigh someday.

One by one, reasons were emerging for why it didnt have to be Wesleigh. Above all, if Ian was right and the target of the necromancy was Gale himself, it was correct to hurry and deal with it without weighing anything else.


Wesleigh loves me and is loyal to me. What will you be loyal to me for? You should know what it means to sit in the position of the head of the Ministry of Magic.

It meant that he would soon become Gales complete subordinate. He would acknowledge that there was as much potential as Wesleigh, but was he prepared to be loyal to him as much as her?

Your Highness Gale, I

Ian finally brought up those words.

I dont think His Highness Mariv is fit to be the Emperor.


So, feel free to use me.

Ian didnt lie. The next Emperor would be either Arsen or Jin. At the blatant words, Gale flicked his hand, and soon a subordinate hidden in the shadows revealed himself.

Did you call, Your Highness?

Bring the Truth Serum.

I will obey your command.


Even as the subordinate moved, Gale didnt take his eyes off Ian. His momentum was as if he would devour him if he showed even the slightest disturbance.

What if I refuse everything that was said here?

If I may be so bold, I will go see His Highness Mariv as I am. I will report that Minister Wesleigh tried to harm Your Highness with the forbidden necromancy.

Then Mariv would kill Wesleigh right away without weighing anything. For the crime of daring to try to harm the Imperial family. This was like cutting off Gales arms and legs without giving him any countermeasures.


Gale took out a cigarette and drew his sword. Then he slowly brought the blade close to Ians neck.

Ian, this is how you survived in the desert.

You flatter me, Your Highness.

In a case like this? You must have thought about this too, right? Tell me, because right now I cant think of any other way than killing you.

Ian calmly looked down at the blade. The dim lighting of the bedroom faintly shone along the sharp edge.

I havent thought about it. Because I believe Your Highness will make a wise judgment.

You must have honey smeared on your tongue.

Whether Ian died or not, Wesleighs evil deeds would be reported to Mariv in some way. So rather than giving Mariv the sword of execution, it was much better to bring Ian on board.


The tip of the sword slowly climbed up his neck and headed towards Ians mouth. As if to rip his mouth apart. Gale was warning Ian that he could kill him with just a little bit of force.

Your Highness. I have brought the Truth Serum.

At the sound of his subordinates presence behind him, Gale threw the sword to the floor. The transparent liquid contained in a crystal bottle. Gale personally opened the lid and shook it.

If Wesleigh falls, the heads seat will remain vacant and a meeting will be held again. During that time, gathering support within the Ministry of Magic is solely up to you.

I am confident.

The repercussions would be huge. Wasnt she the head of the Ministry of Magic who was said to make even flying birds fall? From the moment her position was removed, all the magicians in the Ministry of Magic would fiercely clash. The department that produced the head would receive the benefits of power, just like the current Magic Support Department. During that chaotic period, Ian, or Ians faction, had to clearly show their presence.

I like your concise answer.


Gale placed the Truth Serum on the table. He even gestured to drink it quickly. His grinning face looked truly dangerous.

Try it. What, do you think its poison?

Thats not it. As I said, I believe that I will be of help to Your Highness.

I havent tried it myself, so Im really curious about the taste. Tell me in detail.

Ian carefully drank the Truth Serum. He felt like his throat was burning and his heart was beating fast, thump thump. The heat rising felt no different from strong alcohol.


Ian slowly opened his mouth in time with Gales words. In an instant, black blood gushed out. There was no pain at all, but the surprise was inevitable.

Dont be surprised. Its normal.

No wonder the other department heads are desperately trying not to drink it.

Haha! Yeah, it doesnt look very good.

Gale approached Ian and asked a question.

Sir Ian, is there any falsehood in what you said to me?

The moment Ian tried to wipe the blood with the back of his hand, he unconsciously blurted out an answer.

I swear, there is not a single falsehood.

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