Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Unable to wait any longer, Beric entered despite being told to stand guard outside. He still seemed intent on following orders, dragging the unconscious boss by the ankle.

He blinked at the sight of Hashas mangled corpse.

What happened here?

For future considerations, Hasha wanted the body disposed of.

Really? The guy had more guts than I thought.


Beric carelessly tossed the bandits body aside and approached Hasha. The sorrow in a dogs eyessuch a complex emotion that no one could truly understand. Beric snorted, wiping away the dripping blood.

Look on the bright side. A few more times like this and youll live a long life.

If you call that consolation

Hashas annoyed expression was evident, but it seemed to provide some solace from his grief. He regained his composure, pawing at his eyes and snout.

You didnt kill the leader, did you?

Master ordered to keep him alive, so I just crippled him to prevent escape. But this place is bigger than I thought?

Beric opened doors, looking around. Ian did the same, not just to check the stolen goods, but also to see if there were any kidnapped victims.


Look at this!

Seems like a storage for their loot.

Wow, these guys were loaded!

Indeed. They were more skilled than I thought.

Gold coins, various jewels, and treasures piled up, evidencing their crimes. Ian clicked his tongue lightly and entered. It seemed there was more gold scattered around than expected, given that the surrounding areas were all small towns.

While rummaging through, Beric called Ian over, holding something peculiar.

Ian, I found a strange sword.

The blade was pitch black, almost as if it had been scorched by fire, devoid of any sheen. It seemed like ash could flake off it. Beric ran his fingers along the edge of the blade, surprised, and muttered,

Its not just something on it.

This is an unusual sword.

Ian, you dont know what this is either?

How would I know everything? It might be a unique mark of the craftsman, or perhaps its purely decorative. Not all swords are made solely for cutting. Oh, and sometimes swords mixed with magic stones can also have a color.

Ian had never closely examined a swordsmans sword. During his audience with the Emperor, for dignity and safety reasons, everyone had to lay down their swords. He had only ever witnessed the power of magic swordsmen from afar in the training grounds during sparring sessions.

You know quite a bit after all.

Beric chuckled and carelessly swung the sword. It was a habitual motion, but the sword felt surprisingly light and agile, fitting perfectly to the length of his arm, which was astonishingly comfortable.


Whats wrong?


He liked the black trail the sword left behind with each swing, like an afterimage. The blade was on the duller side, but that was something a blacksmith could easily sharpen.

Ian! I want to keep this!

This sword?

Yeah, yeah. Is that okay?

He was jabbing and swinging it around, causing a commotion. Ian paused to consider, looking at the sword Beric was holding. It was in a rough state, with the blades edge completely worn down. The leather handle, patched with cloth, was a mess with someones blood.

As a guard, you should have a sword you like. Well settle the price when we get back to the village.

Yess! How much?

I dont know. Itll come out of your meal expenses, so just be aware of that.

Wait! Youre taking it out of my meals?

The items plundered by the bandits, including this sword, were to be returned to Karenna and other small towns to find their original owners or be allocated to the citys budget. Beric, shocked by the notion of having his meals reduced, kept glancing between Ian and the sword.

Oh no

But he couldnt bring himself to give up the sword, indicating how much he liked it.

How easily his thoughts were revealed. Ian smiled wryly and moved to inspect the rest of the loot, with Beric, unusually serious, following close behind, sighing deeply.

Weapon wielders occasionally feel a fate-like connection at first meeting. By his reaction, it seems hes quite taken with it.

Do you like it that much?

I like that it wont show bloodstains.

To obtain what you desire, a price must be paid. Think of it as training for now.

Ian didnt actually plan to restrict his meals, but Beric seemed to need various tensions to regulate his behavior.

After thoroughly checking the interior and finding no captives, Ian concluded their search.

Were done here. Beric, go and call sir Romandro and the villagers. Tell them we found the carriage too.

As they stepped outside, Hasha was seen growling against the wall. The boss, who had awakened, was attempting to crawl away using his arms since both Achilles tendons were properly cut, rendering his legs powerless.

Woke up early, didnt you?


As Beric strode over, the bandit leader paled and sucked in a breath. He had been the leader of a rough bunch, but had never met someone as overwhelmingly strong as Beric. 

And it wasnt just strength, was it?

Piss off! You lunatic, go away!

The bandit, clearly out of his mind, was left with a deep trauma. He waved his hands and yelled at Beric, but Beric paid no mind and grabbed the bandit leader by the hair.


There there. No need to panic, lets just have a nice chat.  

That, thats my sword

Beric pressed the newly found black sword against the mans neck. A faint cut appeared, soon beading with drops of blood. Despite its dulled edge, the blade was lethally sharp. It must be a sword of renown.

You bastard, answer the questions I ask you now without a single lie. Otherwise your head will roll into the afterlife and your men wont even recognize you.  

Ian stood in front, looking down at the bandit with calm indifference. The unusual tone made the bandit attempt to lift his head, but Beric pinned it down with his foot, thwarting any movement.

How did you use necromancy with the necromancers corpse?

What? I dont understand what youre

Thinking of playing dumb, are you?


At Ians words, Beric held the blade right up against his throat. Startled by the increasing pain of it slowly digging in, the bandit screamed.  

Gyaaah! F*ck, spare me, spare me!

Theres no second chance. Ill ask again. How did you perform necromancy with the necromancers corpse?

The bandit squeezed his eyes shut, then stammered out an answer.

I didnt steal it, it followed me! 

So why?

That, thats

The bandit leader frowned at Berics black sword. It seemed to be a tricky matter to explain, so he casually feigned ignorance and moved past it.  

I dont really know. At first, it wouldnt die no matter what, so I thought it was valuable. I took the corpse to a slave trader, intending to sell it

Slave trader. The word made Ian frown, sensing a clue to the unfolding events. It made sense for these plunderers and kidnappers to have a slave trader backing them.

Could those guys have helped?

Yes! The slave trader said that if I used the brats corpse well, I could make a bunch more of those things. But he needed a lot of corpses, and killing people is, uh, our job, so  

So, you struck a deal. The slave trading syndicate taught you the spell, and in return, youd create and sell the undead. 

I dont know what they did with the bodies, I swear! We just thought to sell one, but they promised gold every time we returned to Karenna if we brought more, so why refuse?

Slave traders didnt only operate in Bariel. Due to the nature of their business, they needed to procure goods encompassing various races and tribes. Also, unlike Bariel where slave markets werent a constant occurrence, the underground economies of neighboring countries were highly active.  

Whats the name of the merchant group?

The Fakens Slave.  

Fakens. The name was familiar even to Ian, who lived a century later, indicating the syndicates significant scale and reputation.

Suddenly, Beric struck the bandit leaders face multiple times with the flat of the blade.

Boom! Bam!

Are you short on words?

Ugh! Its the Fakens Slave Syndicate!

Good, good. 

Beric seemed to consider this as part of earning his keep, proudly showing off the sword to Ian. Ian, with a slight smile, continued his interrogation.

So, some of the gold was received from the syndicate?

Yes, thats right! Exactly!

And how did you utilize the spell?

Youd need about ten intact bodies to get one in decent shape. And, we couldnt use bald ones because the spell required hair.

Hasha, who was listening, twitched his ears.

That matches the method I use for my spells. Each necromancer has a unique style, and mine requires hair.

The bandits eyes bulged in disbelief. A talking dog? And judging by the voice, it seemed like the soul of a child was inside.

Bald ones are lucky, then? Theyre immune to your spell.

Ignoring Berics nonsense, Ian glanced at Hasha just in case.

Do you want to continue listening?

Of course. I am the rightful owner of this body.

Fine. Tell us how the necromancy was conducted.

The bandit bit his lower lip as if going mad. The evil deeds hed usually commit without a second thought now felt unforgivable as he confessed them out loud.

We just delivered the bodies, and they took care of the rest. But theyre uncontrollable normally, so we had to tie them up when not in use.

Hasha listened intently to the bandits words. As the testimony lengthened, Ian signaled Beric with a glance to hurry back to the village.

After cleaning the bodies, wed pick flowers to mask the smell

Clip-clop, clip-clop!

As Beric headed to the village, the bandits account continued. Hasha soon realized that the spell used on the bodies matched his own perfectly.


Sir Roman~dro!

Oh! Its Beric! Beric! What about Ian?

Arent you gonna ask if I flipped my stomach inside out?

Oh my! Would that even be strange for you? So what about Ian?

Hes with us. We found the carriage. And bring the guards too. We need to clean up this mess.

At Berics words, Romandro and his partys expressions lit up. They immediately called the garrison captain to request support, and followed Beric as he led the horses. The moon had nearly set and the dawn sky was turning purple.

Clip-clop, clip-clop!

Numerous horses galloped towards the bandits den, and soon, the devastated state of the village came into full view.


Youve arrived?

Ian welcomed Romandro with Hasha at his side. He immediately ran to the carriage, confirmed the documents and mana stones were safe, and knelt down.  

Phew Thank you. OLord.

No, sir Romandro. Shouldnt you be thanking me?

Yes, yes. Beric, come here, atta boy!

Uwagghh! Gross!

Beric recoiled in horror as Romandro attempted to express his gratitude personally. The captain of the guard who arrived shortly was shocked and quickly issued orders to his men.

My goodness, all this

Theyre all dead. Just bodies.

Ah, theres one alive. The leader.

First, collect the bodies! Check for anyone hiding inside! Take down every tent!

Yes, understood.

As the moon set, so did the fate of the bandits. Ian, holding Hasha, watched as the guards organized the scene.

But why did the bandit leader seem to know so much about the spell, yet claimed ignorance about why the undead initially followed them?

It didnt add up. Ian, arms crossed, locked eyes with the shivering bandit leader being escorted away and gave him a reassuring smile, implying they would meet again in the village.

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